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NAME: Catherine Fabiana Abiero ACTIVITY NO. 2

Provide a comprehensive description of each developmental theory using the matrix provided:

Behaviorist Theory It is a theory of learning based on the idea that all behaviors This theory focused on One of the greatest
of Development are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs observable, measurable strengths of behavioral
Operant through interaction with the environment. There are two behaviors. It is scientific and psychology is the ability to
Conditioning by S.F. types of conditioning: Classical and Operational replicable. It is useful in clearly observe and
Skinner Conditioning. modifying behaviors in the measure behaviors but it
1)Classical Conditioning is a technique frequently used in real-world. It is a useful does not account for
behavioral training in which a neutral stimulus is paired with application in therapy, biological influences. It
a naturally occurring stimulus. education, parenting, and does not consider moods,
2)Operational Conditioning is a method of learning that child care. thoughts, or feelings.
occurs through reinforcements and punishments. Moreover, it does not
explain all learning.
Nativist Theory of The main theorist who suggested this theory is Noam Children rapidly acquire There’s a uniqueness of
Development Chomsky. This theory suggests that children have an innate native speech or language speech countered by
ability to acquire language. Chomsky believed that when the without having an intensive primate researchers. Even
human brain is exposed to speech at birth, it will begin to learning. Universal grammar with genetic priming,
make sense of utterances because programmed to do so. offers a solution to the language, language use still
Noam Chomsky came up with the idea of a language organ, poverty of the stimulus requires significant social
which is known as the Language Acquisition Device (LAD). problem by making certain experiences to be used
restrictions universal effectively.
characteristics of human
languages. Language
Learners are consequently
never tempted to generalize
in illicit fashion.
Interactionalist Interactionalist theory is based on the idea that human Interactionist theory has no The weakness of
Theory beings, as they interact with one another, give meanings to deviant acts, there are only interactionism is that it
themselves, others, and the world around them, and use acts labelled as deviant. They ignores larger social

those meanings as a basis for making decisions and taking focus on social interaction structures, power
action in their everyday lives. and societal reaction as dynamics, and inequalities.
Keynotes of Interactionism: process creating deviance. This theory has no critical
● Micro-emphasizes individuals Another one, it’s not society vision for organizational
● Focus on subjective aspects of social life that causes crime but the structure. Interactionist
● Studies communication between individuals and agent of social control theory does not explain
groups because they label it as such. how meaning, identity, and
● Communicates with symbols which are meaningful Lastly, they differentiate interaction are connected
● Deviance and individual differences are more between primary and with social structures and
tolerated secondary deviance materials conditions in
● For social interactionists, people negotiate their consequently some acts society.
social world by adapting to different situations become more ‘criminal’ than
Literary Theory Literary theory is the body of ideas and methods we use This theory encourages a One concern about this
in the practical reading of literature. By literary theory close and careful reading and theory is that it limits
we refer not to the meaning of a work of literature but subsequent analysis of the personal interpretation.
to the theories that reveal what literature can mean. text. It is also an exciting and However, some personal
interesting theory because it interpretation is needed in
Literary theory is a description of the underlying
can link a text or idea from determining which
principles, one might say the tools, by which we
500 years ago with a text archetypal patterns the
attempt to understand literature. written today. literature reflects. This
theory can also be limiting
because it only analyzes
one aspect of literature.
Erickson’s Erik Erikson (1902–1994) was a stage theorist who took The theory provides a broad, Explanations of the
Psychosocial Freud’s controversial theory of psychosexual integrative framework within mechanisms of crisis
Theory of development and modified it as a psychosocial theory. which to study the lifespan. resolution and process of
Development Erikson emphasized that the ego makes positive The theory provides insight moving from one stage to
into the direction of a the next needs more
contributions to development by mastering attitudes,
healthy life span. The explanation. The idea of a
ideas, and skills at each stage of development. This
concept of psychosocial specific number of stages
mastery helps children grow into successful, crisis, including its positive of life and their link to a
contributing members of society. During each of and negative pole, offers a genetic plan of
Erikson’s eight stages, there is a psychological conflict model for considering the development is disputed.

that must be successfully overcome in order for a child individual differences, within The theory has been
to develop into a healthy, well-adjusted adult.During the framework of normal dominated by a male,
each of Erikson’s eight development stages, two development. Eurocentric perspective
conflicting ideas must be resolved successfully in order that gives too much
emphasis on individuality
for a person to become a confident, contributing
and not enough attention
member of society. Failure to master these tasks leads
to connection and social
to feelings of inadequacy. relatedness. The specific
Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development ways that culture
1. trust vs. mistrust encourages or inhibits
2. autonomy vs. shame/doubt development are not
3. initiative vs. guilt clearly elaborated.
4. industry vs. inferiority
5. identity vs. role confusion
6. intimacy vs. isolation
7. generativity vs. stagnation
8. integrity vs. despair

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