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The possibility sacrificing economic growth in order to promote

environmental protection

Our role is to protect the environment we live in. We are responsible for our
actions and we should be careful not to ruin or destroy it for us to be able to live a
good life.

We should be thinking about promoting environmental protection more than

improving our economic growth because most of our resources come from the
environment. If we don’t take care of our environment, then we would not have
economic growth. For example, we should think about decreasing deforestation and
pollution. Trees are important, they give us oxygen and provide materials for tools,
and pollution has chemical substances that are harmful for us and the environment.
We should be careful with what we do for us to slow down global warming. We
should also promote environmental protection and make a change so that the future
generations won’t have to deal with it and live a good life.

In conclusion, we should promote environmental protection more than

inmproving our economic growth because we won’t have economic growth without a
good and healthy environment.

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