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Republic of the Philippines

Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology

Guang-guang, Dahican, City of Mati, Davao Oriental, 8200

Name: Ma. Eve Loie Valenzona Section: EDE 1

ICT: A Sustainable Learning Strategy

How elders learn before is different from how learners learn now. A fifth grader
student once said, learning is more exciting with technology. The immergence of technology in
education has heightened the way students nowadays think critically. Information and
communication technology is the new way on how teachers convey their lesson which is
considered as a bridge between the tech gaps of them and the students. It has a vital role on
how learners address themselves in their learning process. ICT stipulates the learning of the
students to be independent as a sustainable learning strategy in education.

In 2001, Marc Prensky coined the terms of students and teachers in digital age. 21 st
century students are all digital natives. They are considered as fluent "speakers" of the digital
language of computers, video games, and the internet. On the other hand, most teachers are
not born in the digital world which made them called as “digital immigrants” for they have
adopted many aspects of the new technology. There is a need for teachers to incorporate ICT
in teaching for it enhances the way their students learned.

On the 2015 UN Summit, 17 Sustainable Development Goals were adopted where

Quality Education is one of those. The quality of education nowadays is measured on the
proper use of strategies teachers use and the privilege the students must have. Education has
widened its horizon in such way that ICT plays a vital role in the learning process of the
students. I strongly affirm that ICT is a sustainable learning strategy for teachers and
students. ICT makes a rapid development to the educational system all around the world
especially in the Philippines. Teachers have their new pedagogy on how they can make an
intensive learning that the students must have. If not because of the emergence of ICT,
students will continually have teachers as the only source of information and practiced teacher-
centeredness then there will be only limited access for widening the range of learning. ICT has
led lots of new ways to the students to be more productive and cooperative in learning. There
may be disadvantages that ICT has such as insufficient methods of teaching and transforming
learners into inefficient learners but it does not hinder in heightening their knowledge. The
mentioned disadvantages can be seized if there is a mutual understanding of the teacher
towards his students. Educators are called to inject ICT in every instructional model they use
especially that they need to analyze how their students can properly digest the lesson.

Therefore, students nowadays prefer the integration of ICT in the learning process that
is why it is a sustainable tool for them and for the teachers also. This is the right time that
teachers will adopt how 21st century learning works. Even though conventional ways in
teaching is effective, ICT makes students catch more their attention in learning. ICT indeed
sustain the learning process of the students and a great strategy for the teachers. Education is
more interactive with ICT.

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