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My Family Habits

Hello, my name is (…) , I am seventh grade at Islamic Junior High School of Al-Hasanah
Bengkulu. I would like to talk about my family habits. There are (…) members in my family, (…),(…),(…)
and (….). My father is a (…) and my mother is a (…). while my brother /sister is (…). my family and I
have several habits, namely always do sport every week and consuming fruit every day. My dad said that
sport and fruit are very good for our health and I totally agree, my favorite sport is (…). so we (…) every
week. And to meet the family's vitamin needs, mothers always provide various kinds of fruit at home,
such as apples, grapes, oranges and watermelons. I really like (…) because they taste is (…).

My family also practices a healthy lifestyle, such as fasting, reciting Al-quran, being honest, friendly and
always thinking positively. A healthy lifestyle made our family happy and made me have many friends.
But there is one thing that I don't like, which is that we are prohibited to eat junk food and must always
be disciplined, not lazy. Because consuming junk food will cause a lot of disease, obesity and cost a lot of
money. Even though I don't like it, I really agree. Discipline will make me achieve my dream, which is to
become a (…).

My role model, Mr. bj habibie said that "When we are young, we finish them lazily, then the old will also
be lazy and then die tomorrow, but if we learn a lot and analyze a lot, when he is old, he wins."

That's all, thank you for your attention and wassalamualaikum

My Family Habits

Hello, my name is (…) , I am seventh grade at Islamic Junior High School of Al-Hasanah
Bengkulu. I would like to talk about my family habits. There are (…) members in my family, (…),(…),(…)
and (….). My father is a (…) and my mother is a (…). while my brother /sister is (…). my family and I
have several habits, namely always do sport every week and consuming fruit every day. My dad said that
sport and fruit are very good for our health and I totally agree, my favorite sport is (…). so we (…) every
week. And to meet the family's vitamin needs, mothers always provide various kinds of fruit at home,
such as apples, grapes, oranges and watermelons. I really like (…) because they taste is (…).

My family also practices a healthy lifestyle, such as fasting, reciting Al-quran, being honest, friendly and
always thinking positively. A healthy lifestyle made our family happy and made me have many friends.
But there is one thing that I don't like, which is that we are prohibited to eat junk food and must always
be disciplined, not lazy. Because consuming junk food will cause a lot of disease, obesity and cost a lot of
money. Even though I don't like it, I really agree. Discipline will make me achieve my dream, which is to
become a (…).

My role model, Mr. bj habibie said that "When we are young, we finish them lazily, then the old will also
be lazy and then die tomorrow, but if we learn a lot and analyze a lot, when he is old, he wins."

That's all, thank you for your attention and wassalamualaikum

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