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Healthy way of life

Exercise is important to keep fit. Doing sports is very important. Nowadays

more and more people do them to keep healthy and fit. Doctors say that it is
important for children to be active. When I was 3, I started swimming. I did it
for six years and then I started again one year ago. I also took up basketball
when I was 9 and I played it for 4 years. I enjoyed it, but then I stopped because
I couldn’t go to trainings every day. And also the matches were at the weekend.
It was pretty hard.
I like sports and I like to be active. I enjoy riding a bike. I always go to the bike-
camp with my school every summer to the Balaton. I also enjoy skiing. We go
skiing with the school in Slovakia and also with my parents to Poland. It a very
popular hobby.
I also enjoy dancing and I learnt folk dancing for 4 years . My parents are also
active. They go running, riding a bike. My father likes football too and my mum
does yoga as well. Sport is important to keep fit. We also have PE lessons at
school. We play games and do gymnastics or athletics. But we need to pay
attention to eating as well. They say eating a lot of vegetables and fruit is
important. Because they contain a lot of fibres (rost) and vitamins. Vitamins are
important for our immune system.
Eating a balanced diet is not easy. In the shops you can buy all kinds of sweets
and chocolates and it hard not to buy them. I also love sweets and chocolate,
too. Crisps are also not a good choice. I think if you don’t eat too much of it ,
then it is OK.
I like vegetables but I prefer fruit. My favourite fruits are
And my favourite vegetables are….

Drinking plenty of water is key. I always drink water at school but I also like tea
and fruit juice.
It is important to have breakfast every day. I usually have a toast or some
pastries from the bakery and tea. My mother always prepares some
sandwiches and snacks for school. I have lunch at school. Usually there is some
soup, then some meat with rice or potatoes or pasta. Lunch is OK at school.
Then in the afternoon I have some snacks or fruit and we have dinner at home
at about 7 or 9.
In Hungary a lot of people are overweight. It is dangerous because it can cause
health problems, such as diabetes or heart problems.
Fast food is very popular but it is not healthy. It is full of fat and salt and it is
usually processed food. (előre feldolgozott)
McDonald’s ,KFC and Burger King is popular because it is not expensive and it is
delicious. I like it too, but I don’t eat very often.
I like international food to. I love Italian food , such as pizza or pasta.
Going to a café is also popular nowadays.

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