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Everyone always talks about the important thing to have a healthy life but few people explain

In my experience, my mother has always taken care of my brother's and my diet. She always
said that it was necessary to eat a little of everything and that when we were older we would
appreciate it

at my young age I am realizing it and I thank her for all she did, it has prevented us from many
problems such as obesity, heart problems.

My mother always prepared the vegetable dishes that we liked the least but she prepared
them in a way that was delicious and for example she made us mini pizzas in which the dough
was cucumber and the top ingredient was carrot, I must admit that I keep asking for that dish

Also, apart from food, they highly recommend doing sports. I have never gone to karate,
dance, or places where sports are played, but they always took us to the park on weekends
when we played soccer, we ran, in the end it was The good thing about always having siblings
is that you always have someone to play with, besides that when you're little you're always
doing something, nowadays when you're in high school it's more complicated but it's getting
organized because you can study all afternoon and then do some sport in home

For example, I am lucky because my brother loves to play sports and hates gyms, so he has a
mini-gym set up in his room, so I always try to do sports in his room several times a week.

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