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Hello everyone, I'm Horacio and in this video I'll tell you a little about my evolution of

physical condition.
I have always been a skinny guy, even though I eat large portions of food I keep in
shape thanks to my metabolism.
Since I was little I liked to go out and play with my friends, I played pranks, I ran from
one place to another, I did the errands that I was asked to do, I was always active.
Later I grew up and in high school I was very interested in practicing sports, soccer
since I can remember, but athletics and shot put were my favorites, when I ran I felt
free, with a lot of energy and with shot put too, I always liked to prove to myself and
others that I was capable of anything, I proposed to meet and beat the records of my
opponents, I feel that was my golden age.
Later with the pandemic, I abstained from many activities I became a sedentary person
until not long ago, thanks to my girlfriend I took up again the activity of walking with
my good friend Sam, on Fridays we go out very early to walk from the tec to the center,
we walk the forts, we enjoy the freshness of the sunrise.
In fact once we climbed a hill that is in Amozoc, it was a very crazy adventure, we
walked a little over 50km, that day I did not feel my legs.
And so little by little I'm getting back in shape, for my own health and well being.
Thanks for watching my video.
See you next time.

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