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For many people, outdoor activities are the most common and usual way of having a rest or having

in spare time

While some of us prefer staying indoors with a book, others keep on trying outdoor activities whatever
the season.

Outdoor activities offer a variety of benefits, such as improved physical health, mental well-being, and a
sense of adventure.

A great example of an outdoor pastime that many people like is walking with friends.

It is suitable for people of all ages, but especially teenagers

Taking a walk with friends is an excellent way to spend quality time together.

It also allows you to connect with nature, breathe in fresh air and just enjoy life.

I greatly prefer to take someone with me for a walk in open areas like parks.

There, we just enjoy ourselves, take a great number of photos, eat something, chill

I normally walk in the morning with my close friend either at weekends, or in the afternoon, after a
tiring school day.

We frequently talk while walking; sometimes exchanging school-related stories and other times
discussing topics that are trending online.

Because walking is good for our health, I love it.

Walking is also much simpler to do than other types of physical activity, and it allows me to watch
people and objects as I pass by.

I think it’s really relaxing and inspiring to see the world around us, watching everyone keeping active
doing their own thing and feeling part of it all.

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