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Laboratory workshop #5


EASA Part-66 Module 3 Work purpose:Single-phase transformer property study by main characteristic
measuring. Transformer construction and turns ratio calculation. Analysis of AC / DC
convertor construction.

Using MultisimLive online SPICE Simulation to assemble your

research single-phase transformer. Start a new design with the
Create Circuit button.

See tips, shortcuts, button in MultisimLive guide.

More information about simulation MultisimLive in Help
Introduction in MultisimLive: Getting started

NB! If you first time using this program you will need Create an
NI User Account. If you using it before just LOG IN

Place components for transformer circuit

 AC Voltage Source;
 Resistors x6;
 SPST switches x6;
 Transformer (model 1P1S)
 Add a ground to your circuit;
 Wire components by clicking on component ends

TASK 1. Single-phase transformer main characteristics EXAMPLE


1.1. Complete circuit as shown on picture. Full circuit you can

find in Annex. Single-phase transformer with loadings

1.2. Set your circuit parameters to achieve the designed AC

circuit. Change circuit elements value by clicking on them
and changing it to your value:
 AC source voltage (generator) UG, V;
(select RMS effective value)
 AC source frequency f, Hz;
 Resistors value R0, R1-R5, Ohm;
 Transformer primary w1 and secondary w2windings
number NB! This circuit is just illustrated picture like
1.3. Right down to the report inTable 1. all nominal values of example. The parameters of circuit elements
your circuit elements. depend on student individual variant (see. more)
1.4. From component board place voltage and current

probes how is shown in picture.

1.5. Set measurement parameters:
Simulation settings: Interactive mode

Measuring settings: Periodic mode

Primary coil (green)and secondary coil (blue)
View settings: displays both the schematic and grapher parameters measurement

1.6. Press RUN button to simulate circuit work.

1.7. Change oscilloscope settings

Trigger mode: AUTO

Use time scale to see on screen not more then 3-5 cycles
Transformer signals with positive polarity
of your signals

Use voltage scale button to fits data in the

range of the graphs window.

1.8. Press STOP or PAUSE button and make

screenshotof transformer input and output signalsin Table

1.9. Change the transformer second coil polarity to negative

. Repeat simulation and make Transformer signals with negative polarity

screenshot of transformer signals. Place graph inTable 2.
1.10. Set switches S1-S6 to “open” position.
1.11. Measure primary and secondary coils parameters:
current Ipc, voltages Upcand Usc1. Record measuring
results and make screenshot of circuit to the reportin
Table 2.
1.12. Calculate transformer turn ratio: K = Upc/Usc and power
losses in iron transformer frame: Piron= Ipc*Upc. Detect
type of transformer (if K>1 – step-down; if K<1 – step-up
transformer). All results record to the report in Table 2.

1.13. Set switch S1, the active load R1 to “closed” position.

Measure output voltage Vrms(Usc) and current Irms(Isc)
of secondary coil. Record results to the report in Table

1.14. Increase the load, alternately set the S2-S5 switches to

“closed” position, as shown in Table 3. Measure and
record in the report the intermediatevalues of
voltageUsc2and load current values Isc2.

1.15. Calculate and write down to the report in Table 3. the

power of secondary coil: Psc2 = Usc2*Isc2 and output
voltage changes, ΔU = (Usc1-Usc2min)/Usc1*100%

1.16. According to Table 3., draw the dependency of output

Transformer load characteristic circuit
voltage from load current graph: Usc2 = f(Isc2)

For drawing you can use Matlab online site: or some other drawing program.

Example of Matlab code for graphs:

U = [your voltage values]

I =[your current values]
plot(I,U,'linewidth',2), grid on,
axis([0 xmax 0 ymax])% axis scalesdepends of your measuring max values
ylabel('Usc, V'), xlabel('Isc, mA')

1.17. Make screenshot of transformer experimental circuit Output voltage changes

and received graph in Table 3.


1.18. Set switch S6 to “closed” position. Measure output

voltage Vrms (Usc3) and current Irms (Isc3) of
secondary coil. Record results to the report in Table 4.

1.19. Calculate and write down to the report in Table 4. the

power losses in copper of transformer coils Pcopperand
efficiency coefficientη:

Pcopper = Usc3*Isc3
η= Psc2/(Psc2+Piron+Pcopper) *100%

Make conclusions about transformer main

Transfomer short-cut experemental circuit
TASK 2. AC/DC convertor system analysis

2.1. From Multisim component board place diode D1 ,

lamp X1 , resistor and capacitor. Change Lamp

valueto your individual variant value (see. more) and
record to the report in Table 1.

Lamp X1: power UL, V and voltage PL, W

(Burnout voltage set 5V more than lamp nominal voltage)

2.2. Set nominal values for resistorR = 1kOhm and capacitor C

= 100 uF.Parameters of diode stay by default.
NB! This circuit is just illustrated picture like
2.3. Complete half-wave rectifier circuit. Full circuit you can example. The parameters of circuit depend on
find in Annex.Half-wave rectifier circuitwith smooth filter student individual variant (see. more)

2.4. For optimal lamp working, find and set nominal coil turns
number of secondary coil.Nominal value of generator
voltage Upc and primary coil turns w1can’t be changed!

The following formulas can be used to faster detect

approximate number of secondary coil turns w2 which
provides needed output secondary voltage Usc of
transformer (voltage probe before diode):
Usc = 0.707*Udc (lamp UL nominal voltage value)
w2 = Usc*w1/Upc

2.5. Set switches S1to “closed”position, but S2 to “open”


2.6. Press RUN button to make simulation. Lamp must be

light on (blinking). If Lamp is burning out, replace it with
new or reset simulation.Check your calculations or circuit
settings and repeat simulation.

2.7. Study half-wave rectifier work. Diode must pass positive

half and reject negative half of output signal like shown
on diagram. If circuit works correctly, make screenshot of
half-wave rectifier signals to the report in Table 5.

2.8. Set both switches S1 and S2 to “closed”position.

Half-wave rectifier
2.9. Study half-wave rectifier work with smooth filter. (green – input signal; blue – output signal)

RC-filter should “smooth out” signal. It happens because

in the first half of the oscillation (when diode pass signal)
capacitor is charging. In second half of period (when
diode blocked signal), capacitor will discharging and
works like small temporary battery. This process all time
repeats and be illustrate on according diagram of signals.

2.10. Make simulation and if circuit works correctly, take

screenshot of half-wave rectifier with smooth filter
graphs to the reportin Table 5.

2.11. Find optimal setting of smooth filter, by changing one of

filter element parameter value.
Note! Filter charging and discharging time T = R*C,
therefore as bigger time T, as more straight “smooth”
line on graph you will have. Half-wave rectifier with not calibrated smooth filter
(green – input signal; blue – output signal)

2.12. Make simulation. After RC-filter calibration, output

signal should be looks like DC signal (“straight” line) as
shown on picture.If all correct lamp X1 should not

2.13. Take screenshot of half-wave rectifier with smooth

calibrated filtergraphs to the reportin Table 5.

2.14. From component board place voltage probe and

put in primary coil of transformer to measure input
parameters.Make simulation.
Half-wave rectifier with not calibrated smooth filter
2.15. Make screenshot of AC/DC convertor circuit to the (green – input signal; blue – output signal)
reportin Table 5.

Note! DC voltage value must be in range between lamp

nominal and burnout voltage. If it not, please make
according corrections in circuit!

2.16. Make conclusions of work.

Annex. Nominal circuit values

AC source AC source Shortcut Active load Primary Secondar Lamp Lamp

voltage frequency protection R1-R5, coil turns, y coil Voltage, Power,
t #*
UG,V f, Hz R0, Ohm Ohm w1 turns, w2 UL [V] PL [W]
1 25 25 100 200 10 0.5
2 50 2 150 110 20 0.75
3 75 50 250 2000 30 1
4 100 5 1000 750 40 2
5 125 75 25 125 50 5
50 0.1
6 150 1 175 75 60 10
7 175 100 750 2500 70 25
8 200 10 500 450 80 40
9 225 25 125 225 90 60
0 250 5 1500 1150 100 75
#* the last digit of your number in the list of groups corresponds to the number of your individual
variant task.

Single-phase transformer with loadings

Half-wave rectifier circuit with smooth filer

For a better understanding of the experimental processes in the work, it is necessary to study the following

Transformer Basics
Transformer Construction
Transformer Loading
Multiple Winding Transformers
Transformer Voltage Regulation
The Signal Diode
Power Diodes and Rectifiers
Laboratory workshop #5
EASA Part-66 Module 3
ELECTRICAL Work purpose:Single-phase transformer property study by main characteristic measuring.
FUNDAMENTALS Transformer construction and turns ratio calculation. Analysis of AC / DC convertor construction.
Date: [] Name Surname
Group: [] student

Table 1. Nominal transformer circuit parameters

AC source AC source Shortcut Lamp
Varian Active load Primary Secondary Lamp power,
voltage frequency protection voltage,
t #* R1-R5, Ohm coil turns coil turns PL [W]
UG,V f, Hz R0, Ohm UL [V]

Table 2. Transformer no-load characteristic

Primary coil Primary coil Secondary coil Power (iron Transformer Transformer
voltage, Upc current, Ipc voltage, Usc1 losses) , Piron Turn Ratio, K type

Positive transformer polarity

Transformer experimental circuit Negative transformer


Table 3. Transformer load characteristic

S1 S1-S2 S1- S1- S1-
closed closed S3closed S4closed S5closed
Secondary coil
voltage, Usc2
Secondary coil
current, Isc2
Secondary coil
power, Psc2
Voltage graph
Output voltage
changes, ΔU%

Table 4. Transformer short-cut characteristic

S6 closed
Secondary coil Secondary coil Power (copper
Efficiency of transformer, η
voltage, Usc3 current, Isc3 loss), Pcopper

Table 5. AC/DC convertor system analysis

Half-wave rectifier circuitwith smooth filter

Half-wave rectifier with smooth Half-wave rectifier with smooth

Half-wave rectifier filter (before calibration) filter (after calibration)


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