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ReEd 2

Biblical Exegesis
Final Exam Online

I. Multiple Choices (Answer with Letter only)

1. In the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, the Parable is intended to the ________
(a. Pharisee b. Tax Collector c. Peter d. Law Expert) who asked Jesus how many times he should
forgive people who have sinned him.
2.To whom did Christ address this Parable of the Good Samaritan?
(a. Law Expert b. Apostles c. Crowd d. Pharisees)
3. What does the lost sheep represent? (a. sinner b. righteous c. humble d. blind)
4. What Parable in which we resolve to be humble ourselves to accept that we are sinners and not
to be boastful or righteous of our actions before God.
(a. The Rich Man and Lazarus b. The Faithful Servant c. The Mustard Seed d. The Pharisee and the
Tax Collector)
5. In the Parable of the Talents, what did the last servant do to the one talent given to him?
(a. Invest in another business b. Bought another land c. Lend it to others d. Bury in the ground)
6. In the same Parable above what did the master do to the servants who have earned twice as
much as the talents given to them by him? (a. Took back their talents b. scolded them c. Praise and
Rewarded them d. Ask them to work harder)
7. Who were the audience of Jesus in the Parable of the Lost Sheep? (a. tax collectors b. Pharisees
c. disciples d. all of the above)
8. Which Parable resolves that we should help love and respect others regardless of status, race,
color, religion, etc. (a. Unforgiving Servant, b. The Lost Sheep, c. The Good Samaritan,
d. The Rich Fool)
9. Which Parable teaches us not to be greedy with our possessions but must share to others, if they
are in excess, especially to those who have nothing or less in life.
(a. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector b. The Prodigal Son c. The Lost Coin d. The Rich Fool)
10. Which Parable teaches us to be always prepared and always do good even if the Master is not
around. (a. The Rich Fool b. Parable of Talents c. The Rich Man and Lazarus d. The Faithful Servant)
11.What was the location of the Parable of the Good Samaritan? (a. Farmhouse b. Road to Jericho
c. A town in Jerusalem d. Vineyard)
12. To whom did Jesus address the Parable of the Wicked tenants? (a. Religious leaders b. Pharisees
c. Tax Collectors d. Servants)
13. What is the location or setting of the Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector (a. Marketplace
b. Temple c. Farmhouse d. Vineyard)
14. What is the moral lesson of the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant?
(a. showing mercy to our neighbor as the Father in Heaven does b. being devoted to God no matter
what circumstances you may be facing c. being prepared for the kingdom of God before the day of
Judgment d. all of the above)
15. To whom did Christ address the Parable of the Lost Sheep?
(a. Tax collectors b. Apostles c. Shepherds d. Pharisees)

II. Identify what Parable teaches the ff.

1. We must have Faith no matter how small but it must grow like a Tree.
2. We must learn how to forgive sinners as the Father in Heaven had forgiven us.
3. We must not be righteous but be humble and accept that we are sinners that need repentance
4. We must learn how to help those sinners to go back to God.
5. We must not be greedy but share our wealth to others.
6. We must use and develop whatever God has given us to be shared to others, not only for
7. We must consider the kingdom of Heaven as more valuable than any treasures here on earth.
8. We must rejoice if someone returns back to God.
9. We must also love not only those who love us, but also those who despised and hate us.
10. We must be honest in whatever duties and obligations God has entrusted to us.

III. True or False

1. The Good Samaritan helped the man inside his house and took care of him until he recovered.
2. The message of the Parable of Unforgiving Servant is that, we should not lend money to those
who will not pay his debt.
3. The Parable of the Wicked Tenants was intended for the religious leaders who rejected Jesus
and His prophets.
4. According to the message of the Parable of the Faithful Servant, we should be happy and be
merry and take advantage of what God has given us before He takes them away from us when He
comes back.
5. In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the elder son was referred by Christ as the Pharisee who
cannot forgive the sinner.
6. If you will not humble yourself before God then you will be exalted by him according to the
message of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.
7. The Setting of the Parable of the Lost Sheep happened in the Vineyard.
8. The servants in the Parable of the Talents were given equal amount of talent to develop.
9. The Parable of the Coin indicates God’s attitude towards sinners.
10. The master’s steward, in the Parable of the Dishonest Steward, once he knew the he was about
to be stripped of the stewardship, released his debtors of all their debts.

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