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Universidad De La Sabana
To: Cesar Augusto Muñoz Gómez
From: Sergio Andrés Arana García
Date: September 26, 2020
Re: Discovery and Delivery Skills Quiz: What’s Your Profile?

1 = strongly disagree;
2 = somewhat disagree;
3 = neither agree nor disagree;
4 = somewhat agree
5 = strongly agree
1. Frequently, my ideas or perspectives diverge radically from others’ perspectives. (4)
2. I am very careful to avoid making any mistakes in my work. (4)
3. I regularly ask questions that challenge the status quo. (3)
4. I am extremely well organized at work. (3)
5. New ideas often come to me when I am directly observing how people interact with products and
services. (3)
6. I must have everything finished “just right” when completing a work assignment. (5)
7. I often find solutions to problems by drawing on solutions or ideas developed in other industries, fields,
or disciplines. (4)
8. I never jump into new projects and ventures and act quickly without carefully thinking through all of the
issues. (4)
9. I frequently experiment to create new ways of doing things. (4)
10. I always follow through to complete a task, no matter what the obstacles. (5)
11. I regularly talk with a diverse set of people (e.g., from different business functions, organizations,
industries, geographies, etc.) to find and refine new ideas. (2)
12. I excel at breaking down a goal or plan into the micro tasks required to achieve it. (4)
13. I attend conferences (on my areas of expertise as well as unrelated areas) to meet new people and
understand what issues are facing them. (1)
14. I pay careful attention to details at work to ensure that nothing is overlooked. (5)
15. I actively seek to identify emerging trends by reading books, articles, magazines, blogs, and so on. (2)
16. I hold myself and others strictly accountable for getting results. (5)
17. I frequently ask “what if” questions that provoke exploration of new possibilities and frontiers. (5)
18. I consistently follow through on all commitments and finish what I’ve started. (5)
19. I regularly observe the activities of customers, suppliers, or other organizations to get new ideas. (3)
20. I consistently create detailed plans to get work done. (4)

Suma pares (Delivery): 44  High

Suma impaires (Discovery): 31  Moderate to high

Innovator’s Skills:
Associating: An innovator uses their brain to synthetize and make sense of new information. It allows for
the discovery of new direction by connecting new and seemingly unrelated fields, questions, problems or
ideas, which is the origin of innovative breakthroughs.
Questioning: An innovator has to question everything; they go against the status quo and ask questions to
try and understand everything and see things for what they really are and why they are the way they are.
They also wonder about how things could be different, better, changed or disrupted. It allows for the
creation of new Insights.
Observing: An innovator observes everything. They pay attention to every small detail in the world around
them. These observations help them gain new insights into the way things work and are done.
Networking: An innovator knows a lot of people. They spend a lot of time and energy creating networks of
people, with which they test new ideas by using their knowledge, backgrounds and perspectives. This is an
active task as they are constantly searching for new ideas by talking to people in their network, especially
the ones with radically different points of view.
Experimenting: An innovator is constantly experimenting, trying new ideas and gaining new experiences.
They actively explore the world with their intellect, holding any previous ideas back and testing new
hypotheses. They always try to do something new, go some place new or gain new experience in order to
learn new things.

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