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2 Research Question 1: The Ways to Control Anger

This section addresses the research question 1 that is the ways to control anger. The items
asked were 5 questions on the ways to control anger. The ways to control anger by the
respondents was measured by using Likert’s scale of yes and no. Figure 3.1 shows result of
coping anger by calling a friend or family member to express their feelings.

Calling a friend or family member



Yes No

Figure 3.1: The ways to control anger by calling friend or family member

Figure 3.1 illustrate the percentage of respondents calling a friend or family member to
express their feelings. Only 43% of respondents stated that they called their friend or family
member to rid their anger and the majority did not practiced it. This showed that less than
half of the respondents preferred to talk to somebody close to them when they are angry. This
indicates that respondents might think that talk to somebody closed to them would not reduce
their anger or they prefer to hold their anger alone similar to the study by Sharma and Vidya
Dev (2011) about modifying the anger provoking situation such by giving break to one self,
arranging for personal time during the stressful situations, keeping silent for few minutes, or
making some rules to prevent anger provoking situations and control oneself for better ways
of coping with the existing problems.
Figure 3.2 shows the result of controlling anger by doing yoga or attend counselling session.

Doing yoga or attend counselling session



Yes No

Figure 3.2: The ways to control anger by doing yoga or attending counselling sessions.

Figure 3.2 shows only 10% of the respondents stated that they do yoga or attend counselling
sessions to cope their anger while the majority were not interested. This showed that less than
half of the respondents preferred to do yoga or attend counselling sessions to cope their
angry. This indicates that respondents might think that doing yoga or attending counselling
session just wasting their time or do not concerns about the method in controlling anger. This
is related to study by Amir, Sima and Habibeh (2016) about methods in anger control and
management which include find substitute/alternative ways to solve occurred problems and
use correct strategies of problem solving. These are general strategies and American
Psychological Association (APA) has suggested to seek for professional consultation and
help in frequent moderate to serious situations of losing temper.

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