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Taylor Connard

Education 650

Standard Activity 5.23E

Clay County Schools policy regarding bullying does not have representation for LBTQ+

students. The policy for bullying only states, “The Clay County Board of Education has

established a policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation or bullying using a process that

includes representation of parents or guardians, school employees, school volunteers, students

and community members.” This policy is labeled 18-2C-1: Prohibiting harassment, intimidation,

or bullying. The policy goes on to detail how these acts would be handled including reporting

incidents, training, and where it is effective.

I searched the Clay County High School student handbook for any mention of LGBTQ+

or sexual orientation related offenses and there are none. The book details if you harass someone

or if you sexually assault someone, but nothing to protect students that are LGBTQ+. This is

extremely concerning. How can we not at the county or school level have any mention of

punishment for sexual orientation related harassment?

Clay County Schools does not have the best track record for dealing with LGBTQ+

students. A few years back, our superintendent refused to allow students who identified as other

genders use restrooms of their choice. Up until last year, prayer and the Bible were still used in

this school system. Students who are LGBTQ+ are bullied relentlessly and many teachers will

not report it. We have teachers and administrators who have refused to use the name that the

student requests. It is a huge issue in our school and clearly not represented in our policies.

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