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Taylor Connard

Education 650

Sexual Harassment Training

This training focuses on sexual harassment. This training is important due to the fact that

many do not understand the different ways sexual harassment can manifest. We know the

obvious of sexual harassment, but it can go beyond just inappropriate touching. Sexual

harassment can consist of “innocent” jokes and extend to even discrimination. Training on sexual

harassment should always be taken seriously and administrators must ensure that their staff

understands what is inappropriate.

Staff to staff sexual harassment can be anything from inappropriate comments, jokes,

touching, or anything that makes someone feel uncomfortable. One of the biggest issues of

sexual harassment is that people think what they are doing is innocent. That ignorance can cause

a lot of problems in a school. Administration must ensure that everyone understands what sexual

harassment looks like so that they can avoid the “ignorance” of not knowing.

Staff must also be aware of sexual harassment amongst students. Students, more than

adults, do not know when they have crossed that boundary. As adults in their life we have to

correct that ignorance and ensure that they know what is inappropriate and what is not. This

training also gave us the tools to watch for sexual harassment in students and how to correct that


Administration cannot be everywhere at once. They have to rely on their staff to monitor

students and catch behaviors before they turn into something dangerous. Staff should also be

trusted to know what sexual harassment is and how to not partake in it, even if it is a joke. Sexual
harassment can seriously harm a person’s mental health and should always be investigated

seriously by administration.

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