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Is it more important for school children to learn about local history than world

history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Teaching history for school children has been a controversial topic constantly. There is a
common belief that national history is more valuable to children than international history.
Personally, I completely disagree with this point of view.

Studying of local history is a nessesary part of school’s curriculum. I believe having a

thorough understanding about the history of a locality will develop children’s patriotism.
Vietnamese pupil, for example, are taught about historical events like Dien Bien Phu victory
and defeating the Japanese troops to know how their ancestors defenced their land against
outside intruders and reclaimed sovereignty. Therefore, those young children will be proud
of nation and treasure the life they know as it is today. Moreover, this is also the student’s
responsibility to know about their history to understand their country’s traditional values
and identify.

In addition, I’m strongly convinced that leaning about foreign country’s history is just as
essential as local one. Gaining knowledge about world’s past events would benefit young
children understand more about other culture, which is significant in today’s context of
globalization and international business. In this context, knowing the international history
would give the future workers the opportunity to work in foreign enterprises and reinforce
the relationship between them and their partners.

In conlusion, I believe that learning world history is as important as leaning local history for
children. It plays an essential role for the success of children in the future.

2. Some people focus on national news, while others think it is more important to
be aware of international news. Discuss both views and offer your opinion

Many people are interested in hometown’s news, whereas other believe that it is more
significant to know about global news. This essay discusses both sides of this argument, and
then I will give my own perspective.

On the one hand, some people tend to watching local news as it is more relevant to their life.
If people usually update their nation’s interior issues, they will attain more information about
political, business and culture which help them to live easier. For example, people who
frequently focus on government notice or regulation are more likely to comply.

On the other hand, others feel thorough insight international events is more essential than
focusing on local news because it equips people more about various aspects of the world,
which is significant in today’s context of globalization and international business. Young
people, for instant, who have a tendency to foreign travel a lot, know news about other
country can be beneficial.
In conclusion, i believe both arguments have their merits. It is difficult to decide which side
has more important to the reader. I highly recommend that people should focus both global
and national news to enhance their understanding of society

3. Several languages are in danger of extinction because they are spoken by very

small numbers of people. Some people say that governments should spend public

money on saving these languages, while others believe that would be a waste of

money. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Nowadays, some languages are faced with extinction because of small number of
speakers. Some people, therefore, saying that governments should preserve those
languages by expending some budgets on them, whereas others do not think it is possible.
The essay discuss both sides of this argument, and then I will give my own perspective.

On the one hand, some people think that spending fund for protecting minority languages
is a waste of money. The cost of maintaining the languages would be pricey because there
are only a small of number people who speak those languages. These kinds of languages
are usually difficult and unpopular, therefore, young people would refuse in learing and
speaking in these language and they tend to focus on languages like English, French,
Chinese to communicate in the context of globalization. Moreover, people believe that the
public money should used for other important things such as health, education and public

On the other hand, others believe that spend money for saving minority languages is
important due to languages play an essential role in a country’s culture. It helps people
distinguish between nations and even regions in a country. Each country has its own
traditional languages which are spoken by their ancestors and descendants. And if these
languages disappeae, it means that many nations would lose their precious culture.
Government should paying money on keeping and preverving for those languages for the
rich diversity of cultures which make our wolrd more interesting.

In conclusion, I believe both sides of the argurment have their merits. On balance,
however, it seems that government should expanding budget on saving minority
languages. This is because the world would be more culturally diserve if those languages
are protected.

4. People should follow the customs and traditions when people start to live in a

new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

This is a currently a contentious argument over whether foreigners should adapt to the
local culture values or stick to the local lifestyle. I totally agree with this opinion.

On the one hand, if newcomers do not follow the customs in host country, they will
certainly face difficulties. Firstly, it will be impossible for them to blend into their new
environment. For example, when people want to start their own business, they should be
aware of local business custom in order to be successful. Secondly, foreigners might
break the rules if they do not respect the behaviour and custom of locals. In Singapore, for
instance, newcomers will be punished and have to pay the fee if they litter the stress or
spit gum in public places.

On the other hand, there are many benefits for foreigners when they learn local customs
and traditions. First of all, local residents will be more welcoming when they feel that the
newcomers showing respect for the local way of life. Therefore, new immigrants will
make friends easily and they will have a more comfortable life. Furthermore, people who
come to live in a new country will gain rich culture experiences when they enjoy aspects
of local custom and traditions, allow them to participate in community life and avoid
social isolation.

In conclusion, I completely believe that new residents have to know and understand local
customs and traditions to blend into the host country

5. In many countries, people now wear Western clothes (suits, jeans) rather than

traditional clothing. Why? Is this a positive or negative development?

In various countries, the Western clothes such as suits or jeans have been worn than local
costumes in recent year. This essay discuss the reason why there is a trend and I believe
that this bring both positive and negative to people’s life

There are several reason why people tend to enjoy wearing Western clothes more than
traditional clothing. First, it is true that conventional clothes is not suitable for a modern
life, especially for those who always move on public transport. Ao dai Vietnam, for
example, rarely used to for daily basis but only on important occasions because it cause
feeling of inconvennience. Furthermore, young people have been influenced by the styles
of celebrities from films or music in recent years. Therefore, imitating the style of their
favorite artists is inevitable.

This trend have both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, when clothes with
Western style are available on the market, customers could have more choices to make
about their favorite fashion style, meeting their requirement for fashion and beauty.
Moreover, if a huge number of suits and jeans are sold, it will help Western fashion
enterprise to enhance their profits. On the other hand, this trend leads to the loss of culture
and traditional. Traditional value will be fall into oblivion. Another drawback is that this
development can cause a number of traditional company to be put on the verge

In conclusion, in many parts of the world, individuals tend to wear Western outfit
including jeans and suits more than the conventional dresses. This tendency can be cause
by some reason and personally I think it has both positive and negative impact

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