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1 . admiration (n) : sự ngưỡng mộ

2 . diligence (n) : sự chăm chỉ, gần nghĩa với “hardwork ” / “industriousness”

3 . disregard (n/v) : coi nhẹ, coi thường, bỏ qua

4 . imitate (v) : bắt chước, gần nghĩa với “mimic” / “copy”

5 . immature (adj) : thiếu trưởng thành, không suy nghĩ thấu đáo khi hành động

6 . individualism (n) : chủ nghĩa cá nhân

7 . infamous (adj) : có tai tiếng

8 . irrespective of ( collocation ) = regardless of : bất kể

9 . juvenile (n) : thanh thiếu niên, người trẻ tuổi

10. materialistic (adj) : mang tính vật chất, thuộc chủ nghĩa vật chất

11. proclivity (n) : xu hướng

12. profitable (adj) : có lợi ích

13. undisirable (adj) : không mong muốn, tồi tệ, gây hại
Task 1 : Write sentence from given cues

1. as / Prime Minister / he / constantly / challenge / his diligence / party member.

2. drug / some / undesirable / side / effect.

3. It / note / that / police / the city / choose / not / release / names / most / juvenile victim

4. He / tell / us / disregard / everything / we / learn / far / and / start / again.

5. some / younger pop bands / try / imitate / musical heroes / past.

6. today / it / easy / young entertainers / known / public / irrespective of / whether / they /

famous / infamous.

7. company / remain / moderately profitable / but / it / not / make / as / money / as /


8. she / may / gone / but / her / proclivity / turn / hair / art / still / influence / many / today.

9. fact / that / he / young / politician / not / mean / he / politically immature.

10. public / admiration / be / misdirect / as / he / do / nothing / deserve / it

Nowadays, young people admire sports stars though they do not often set a good
example. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Although top sports athletes are often poor role models, it is undeniable that they are the
source of 1…………………………… of millions of young people. This is, overall, a negative trend
for the young generation and society despite any possible benefits gained.

I think this trend could be 2………………………… only if the young 3……………………………. the
negative and focus on the positive aspects of sports stars lives. Ronaldo, a world-class
central forward, for example, is 4………………………… for his extreme 5………………………………..,
but is still a role model of 6………………………… and determination for all the efforts he has
exerted in football training. Many adolescents who are Ronaldo's fans have overlooked his
7………………………………. personal traits and trained themselves hard to achieve extraordinary
results in their lives. In this way, the young may still benefit from sports stars'valuable life

However, I contend that this is generally an adverse trend because with the majority of
youngsters, it may lead to unpleasant consequences. This is because the young could be
8………………………… and they may 9 .……………………… all the actions of the stars,
10…………………………………… whether these actions are beneficial or not. What these young
people may copy may range from a 11……………………………, an individualistic way of
living to more problematic behaviours such as sexism, racism and discrimination. These
outcomes are negative not only for the 12………………………… themselves but for society as a
whole in the future.

To sum up, even though the young may learn some useful life skills from the top athletes
who set a poor example, the 13………………………… of admiring and imitating these stars may
result in a wide range of adverse effects and thus is an issue of concern in today's society.
1. albeit (cọnunction) : mặc dù

2. attitude towards someone / something : thái độ đối với 1 người /. Việc gì

3. catalyst (n) : chất xúc tác

4. deter (v) : ngăn cản, cản trở

5. deter ST from Ving

6. discriminate (v) : phân biệt đối xử

7. discrimination (n) : sự phân biệt đối xử

8. discriminatory (adj) : phân biệt đối xử

9. insolent = ill-manered = disrespectful (adj) : thiếu tôn trọng

10. parental guidance : sự giáo dục, hướng dẫn từ cha mẹ

11. reaffirm (v) : khẳng định lại

12. reprimand (v) : khiển trách, mắng mỏ

13. to be indifferent to ST : thờ ơ với cái gì

14. to disrespect SO : không tôn trọng ai đó

15. viable (adj) : khả thi, có thể tồn tại

16. widespread (adj) : lan rộng, phổ biến

Task 1 : Write sentence from given cues

1. some / developing countries / Vietnam / there / concern / whether / government / be

able / provide / viable / social service / poorer families

2. order to / increase / number / female representatives / selection committee / decide /

discriminate / favour / women / three years

3. social charity / help / reaffirm / belief / humanity / love

4. one / classroom rules / insolent behavior / not / tolerate

5. Malnutrition / the region / widespread / affect / up to 78 percent / children / under /

five / year old

Task 2: Translate from Vietnamese to English

1. Buổi tối hôm đó rất dễ chịu, có điều hơi yên tĩnh

2. Dạy học ở trường cấp 3 có thể trở nên khó khăn, đặc biệt khi trong lớp toàn là những cô
cậu thiếu niên tỏ ra thờ ơ với chuyện học hành

3. Trẻ con ở trường mẫu giáo hay bị cô giáo nhắc nhở vì đánh bạn

4. Mặc dù trải qua nhiều thăng trầm trong cuộc sống, không khó khăn nào có thể cản trở
anh ấy trở thành một trong những cầu thủ thành công nhất

5. Sau buổi họp, có vẻ anh ấy đã thể hiện sự thay đổi trong thái độ làm việc, và gần đây đã
trở nên hợp tác hơn
There is a general increase in anti-social behaviors and lack of respect for others. What
are the causes and solutions?

The 1…………………………….presence of anti-social behavior and

2…………………………………………….. towards others has long been a prevalent issue in society
today. Some of the major roots of this problem will be discussed before the most
3………………………solutions are proposed.

Reasons for this alarming situation vary. In some cases, people may hold an anti-social
attitude or disrespect others because they live in an environment where violence and
4……………………………………… are the norm. For example, children of sexist parents in rural
families in Vietnam show a worrying tendency of disrespecting women. In some other cases,
it is the lack of 5…………………………………………………. that is to blame. As modern parents are
becoming increasingly busy with their jobs, they may have the proclivity
6……………………………………………………………………their children’s moral education. When there
is no one to help young children distinguish between right and wrong,
7…………………………………. attitudes may emerge and develop among them without being

A number of strong measures could be adopted to mitigate the problem. On the national
level, the government should take definite actions against violence and discrimination. This
could be done by ensuring strict enforcement of the laws on violent and discriminatory acts
to 8……………………….. them from happening. In addition, on the nuclear-family level, parents
need to 9………………………. their role in morally guiding their children. If they notice any signs
of anti-social or 10…………………………. behavior in children, the children should be
11………………………………. accordingly. At the same time, parents could also educate their
children about social manners by instilling a moral code in them. These actions, 12……………..
small, could have a strong influence on children when they grow up.

To conclude, it is clear that violence, discrimination and the indifference of parents to

children’s education are the major catalysts for the increase in anti-social behavior and
disrespect towards others. Strong measures, such as stringent law enforcement on violent
and discriminatory acts, should be taken to alleviate this distressing situation.
1. acknowledge (v) : biết đến, công nhận, chấp nhận

2. ambition (n) : hoài bão, khát vọng

3. ascertain (v) : biết chắc, chắc chắn, làm sáng tỏ

4. attainment (n) : đạt được, việc hoàn thành

5. be acknowledge by (all mankind) : được công nhận bởi ( toàn nhân loại)

6. determinant (n) : yếu tố quyết định

7. determined (adj) – determinaiton (n) : quyết tâm

8. disabled (adj) : khuyết tật

9. exert (v) : ra sức, nỗ lực, lợi dụng

10. filament (n) : dây tóc bóng đèn

11. have a/an (adj) part to play : có vai trò gì

12. over-reliance (n) : quá phụ thuộc

13. overstate (v) : nói quá

14. prevent SB from doing ST : ngăn cản ai làm gì

15. short-term >< long-term : ngắn hạn, dài hạn

16. solide (adj) : vững chắc, kiên cố, có cơ sở

17. tirelessly (adv) : không mệt mỏi

Task 1: Write sentences from given cues

1. some / manager / exert / considerable / pressure / their staff / work extra hour / without

2. police / tireless / search / the / killer / but / they / not / find / anything

3. government / acknowledge / that / homelessness / problem / but / it / fail / grasp /

scale / the problem

4. drama course / give / student / solid grounding / basic technique / acting

5. solid / climate / main determinants / how / land / use

6. police / so far / unable / ascertain / cause / explosion

7. block / pipe / prevent / water / come through /

8. shareholder / seem / think / that / executive board / overstate / cause / a merger /

therefore / they / not / take / seriously

9. her / determine / teamwork skill / leader / capabilities / convince / recruiter / that / she /
perfect / job

10. drive / ambition / be / most / what / great leader / have / common

Whether or not someone achieves their aims is mostly by a question of luck. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?

The debate whether luck is the primary 1………………………………of success in achieving targets
has been heated constantly . My position is that hard work and 2……………………………………….
are far more important than luck, while luck must not be considered as the main precursor
of the of one's goals.

I advocate the notion that the role of being industrious and 4…………………………………is more
significant than luck. Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors in the 20 th century, is an
excellent example of such a notion. He conducted numerous experiments with the
5……………………. until the finest light bulb was produced; and his hard work, rather than
luck, 6…………………………………………………….. all mankind. Another clear evidence of this notion
is the case of Nguyen Ngoc Ky , This 7……………………………man could not write by hand, but he
was determined enough to teach himself to write by foot. The fact that he would then
become arguably one of the greatest teachers in the history of education in Vietnam
provides a 8……………………… argument that even with bad luck, determination could result in
goal achievement .

By contrast, the belief that fortune 9………………………………………………….. in success is just a

fallacy. One clear reason is that although there may have been a number of people reaching
their goals with good luck, such good luck in most cases only comes to people who have
worked hard. Take Mendeleev as an example . As a research chemist, he worked
10………………………………. for a few decades, until one day in his dream, the complete
arrangement of the elements appeared. The appearance of this arrangement could be
ascribed to luck, but no one could deny the extreme effort that Mendeleev had
11………………………………. Another clear reason for my belief is that luck could only lead
people to 12…………………………………achievements, and there is nothing to
13……………………………….that it would continue to exist in the long run. The
14…………………………………on good fortune, as a result, would
15………………………………………………their 16…………………………………or life-long

In brief, I think the importance of luck in determining goal achievement is

18……………………………., while there are much more significant factors to consider , namely
hard work and determination.
1. (an) infringement(s) (n) : xâm phạm. vi phạm

2. a resourceful learning environment : môi trường học tập bổ ích

3. be incapable of : không có khả năng làm gì

4. breed one’s offspring : sinh sản

5. bully (v) : đánh đập

6. captive (adj) : bị nhốt, giam cầm

7. deforestation (n) : phá rừng

8. during the course of : trong quá trình

9. evolve (v) : tiến triển, phát triển

10. exploit (v) : bóc lột, lợi dụng, khai thác

11. faunae (n) : hệ động vật

12. habitat (n) : môi trường sống

13. invaluable (adj) : vô giá

14. mistreat (v) : ngược đãi

15. on a daily basis : hằng ngày

16. physicals contact : động chạm, tiếp xúc

17. pointless / valueless : vô nghĩa

18. thrive (v) : phát triển mạnh

Task 1: Translate from Vietnamese to English

1. Tình trạng bị nuôi nhốt trong lồng có thể làm giảm khả năng sinh sản của động vật

2. Nạn phá rừng gây ảnh hưởng đến môi trường sống của một số loài động vật, gây nguy
hiểm cho hệ động vật ở khu vực đó

3. Các nhà động vật học lo ngại rằng động vật bị ngược đãi và bóc lột tại trụ sở thú hoặc các
gánh xiếc

4. Thả động vật nuôi nhốt về môi trường sống tự nhiên sẽ là vô nghĩa nếu như chính phủ
không có khả năng kiểm soát nạn săn bắt bất hợp pháp

5. Mạng Internet có thể trở thành 1 môi trường học tập bổ ích nếu được sử dụng hợp lý

Task 2: Write sentences from given cues

1. Dogs and cats / have / preference / petting / involve / physical contact

2. During the course of / life / we / all have / sorts / relationships. Some / evolve. Some /

3. Have / someone / by one’s side / ups and downs / be / invaluable

4. It / believe / animals / only / thrive / when / live / natural habitat

5. Example / infringement / animal rights / be / force / them / perform / on a daily basis /

attract visitors
Some people say that zoos have no useful purpose. Others believe that zoos are beneficial
in many ways. Discuss and give your opinion

A diversity of animal species from leopards and eagles to lizards have been captured and
kept in zoos across the globe for centuries. While this practice is considered 1……………………..
to some, I believe there are real advantages to it.

Zoos, according to some, are 2…………………………… There is a common belief that the act of
caging an animal is already an 3…………………………… of animal rights. The matter can be even
worse when some cages animals are 4………………………., 5……………………………, and
6………………………… when they are forced to perform in shows aimed at attracting visitors.
Zoologists may also argue that these creatures may lose their natural instincts
7…………………………………………….. being 8…………………………….; therefore, they can
9……………………………………………… returning to the wild in the future. For example, a tiger may
lose its hunting nature when it is fed on 10……………………………………..

However, I believe zoological gardens are 11………………………….. not only for humans but also
for animals themselves. First, for young children and biology students, these venues can
provide 12………………………………………………………………….., where both an understandings of
and love for nature may easily 13……………………………. as 14……………………………………………..
with animals is possible. As a result, even the 15…………………………. from the furthest
16…………………….. such as penguins from the South Pole can be learnt about and
appreciated. Second, zoos have long offered home to thousands of endangered species,
where they could 17…………………………. and 18……………………… their offspring. This has proved
crucial as over-hunting, 19………………………………… and climate change have threatened to
destroy the natural habitats of some wild animals.

To conclude, I firmly believe that the advantages of zoos outweigh the disadvantages. All the
aforementioned disadvantages can be lessened if more is invested in zoos create a better
living space for the animal.

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