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PROPOSAL Radio/Factual Programme

Topic of your production and why it is My topic is Climate Change

important to British Youth I chose this topic and think it’s important
for British youth as it is a major issue we are facing right
now and more seriously in our future. 0

How does the production suit your It is a big problem that my target audience is going to
target audience? affect their lives hugely and their futures.
I am going to use less formal language so that they
engage into it more and find it more interesting.
Another way I will appeal to my target audience is by
using images and clips rather than just loads of facts all
on the screen at once.

What are the ethical aspects of your I am raising awareness of climate change to make
production? Will you offend / fight a everyone more aware of this issue. I could be saying very
cause / raise awareness of it? controversial things which some people may not believe
in so therefore I need to support my facts with evidence
from science.
I am fighting a big issue.

Why should BBC ‘buy’ your BBC should buy this as I will make it unique and
productions – what does it offer that different to the other documentaries on their site. I will
hasn’t been covered before? use different angles and also different opinions. Make
something faster paced with a certain style.
Contemporary music to make it more youthful so they
enjoy watching it more.

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