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11 ABM- Ayala

Bioenergetics, Photosynthesis and Energy Flow Handout

What is Bioenergetics?
The Study of in (environments) and the (plants and
animals) that utilize them.
■ Required by all organisms 1st Law of Thermodynamics ATP
■ May be or energy ■ Energy
(glucose) can be and
transformed, but it cannot be created
Kinetic Energy or .
■ Energy of Motion ■ Also known as the
■ and energy are .
examples 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
■ Each energy transfer or
Potential Energy transformation the
■ Energy of Position entropy of the universe.
■ Includes energy stored in chemical ■ = a measure of disorder
bonds or randomness
■ is energy in its most
Two Types of Energy Reactions random state.
Endergonic Reactions ■ Enzymes that are
■ that requires a net responsible for many chemical
input of . reactions that are necessary to
■ Absorbs and stores it sustain life.
■ Photosynthesis ■ Enzyme is a and are
Light ■ Enzymes of the
SUN Energy reaction.
■ Enzymes are , they
photons function with only one reactant to
produce specific products.
6CO2 +6H2OC6H12O6 + 6O2 ■ Enzymes have a three-dimensional
structure and they utilize organic
(glucose) molecules like and inorganic
Exergonic Reactions molecules like metal ions
■ Chemical reactions that (Magnesium ions) for assistance in
releases energy catalyst.
■ Cellular Respiration ■ is the reactant in an
enzyme catalyzed reaction. The
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O+ portion of the molecule that is
responsible for catalytic action of
Law of thermodynamics enzyme is the .
are one of the main
Classification of enzymes differences between plant and animal cells.

Enzymes are classified based on the Light Reactions

reactions they catalyze into 6 groups:
Oxidoreductases, Transferases, Hydrolases, ■ Photosynthesis begins with
Lyases, Isomearses, Ligases. . It is during these reactions that the
- are the enzymes that energy from sunlight is absorbed by
catalyze oxidation-reduction reactions. the pigment in the
These enzymes are important as these thylakoid membranes of the
reactions are responsible for the production chloroplast.
of heat and energy.
■ The energy is then temporarily
- are the enzymes that transferred to two molecules, ATP
catalyze reactions where transfer of and NADPH, which are used in the
functional group between two substrates second stage of photosynthesis. ATP
takes place. and NADPH are generated by two
electron transport chains.
- are also known as
hydrolytic enzymes. They catalyze the ■ During light reactions, water is used
hydrolysis reactions of carbohydrates, and oxygen is produced. These
proteins and esters. reactions can only occur during
daylight as the process needs
- are enzymes that sunlight to begin.
catalyze the reaction involving the removal
of groups from substrates by processes
other than hydrolysis by the formation of
double bonds.

- are enzymes that Calvin cycle

catalyze the reactions where
interconversion of cis-trans isomers is The second stage of photosynthesis is the
involved. production of glucose from carbon dioxide.
This process occurs in a continiuos cycle,
– are also known as named after its discover, Melvin calvin.
synthases, these are the enzymes that
catalyze the reactions where coupling of The calvin cycle uses carbon dioxide and the
two compounds in involved with the energy temporarily stored in atp and nadph
breaking of pyrophosphate bonds. to make the sugar glucose.


Photosynthesis takes place in the organelle

of the plant cell known as the chloroplasts.

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