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Taylor Connard

Education 650

Distance Learning Day Meetings

Every Wednesday, we partake in distance learning where students are not in the building.

Administration uses this time to hold important informational meetings. These meetings are

centered around virtual learning updates, school maintenance updates, and further Teams and

IXL trainings. These meetings typically last around an hour.

Administration uses any chance they can get to hold meetings that can help inform us

about the changes that are continuously happening. Virtual learning is a huge undertaking that

some teachers are struggling with. Central office staff came down to help work through virtual

training hiccups during this meeting. Teachers were able to ask questions and ensure that they

understand how virtual training is working.

Administration is required to inform us about the construction projects occurring at the

school. We are under a two-year construction job and receive weekly updates during these

meetings. The meetings have been related to the asbestos that was found in the school recently.

They are working to remove that asbestos, but administration informed us that we had to alert

students and parents that it was found. Companies have been called in to assist in the removal

while school is still happening.

Administration also uses this time to provide trainings on Teams and IXL. We are

required to use Teams this year, so

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