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“Apprenticeships are a good idea for young people and

for employers. Do you agree?”

Whereas some people think that apprenticeship is a waste of time, I
would argue that it is a very good idea for young people and for
employers at the same time.
Firstly, apprenticeships are good for young people, because they can
learn practical skills. Secondly, since they also earn money, they can be
more independent. Thirdly, it is a great idea for young people who
don’t want to go to university and want to start working instead. In
addition, while being an apprentice, you get the qualifications you
know employers want. In my view, it is much easier to get into
employment quicker if you do an apprenticeship.
Besides being a great idea for young people, apprenticeships are
beneficial for employers as well. I would argue that it is one of the best
ways to recruit new workers –and before employing them, the
employer can observe and further improve their skills. Moreover,
employers can get funding and apprenticeships are a great way to
attract people with new ideas to the company. Lastly, it is a great way
to grow your business.
In conclusion, apprenticeship is a great idea for both young people and
for employers. Young people gain experience and earn money at the
same time, while employers get a worker with the exact skills and
qualifications that they need.

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