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Kelly Yojackson beltré Vargas ID: A00133146

Unidad 2: Actividad 3: 20 QUESTION ABOUT YOU

Actividad a Realizar:

Watch the video “20 QUESTIONS ABOUT YOU” and answer the
questions about yourself.

You must write your answers in a document, numbering each one, and
uploading it to the platform.


Present Simple.

Write the numbers 1 – 20

Write your answers to these Question.

1- ¿What your name?

My name is Kelly.

2- ¿How old are you?

Iam 21 years.

3- ¿Where are you from?

I´ m from is república dominicana

4- ¿Where do you live?

I live in is los alcarrizos.

5- ¿What do you do ?

I am a studying.

I work in the office.

6- ¿Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I do. I have brothers.

No, I don ´t.

7- ¿What type of music do you listen to?

The music that I like blessings.

8- ¿What televisión programs do you watch?

I watch NCIS.

9- ¿Do you play any musical instruments?

Yes, I do. I play drum.

No, I don´t.

10- ¿what languages do you speaks?

I speaks spanish.

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