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The Perch


The yellow perch, Perca flavescens, is an actinopteryg-
ian. Besides the sharks and their relatives, there are two
groups of living fish-like vertebrates: Actinopterygii, the Examine a mounted skeleton of the perch and differ-
ray-finned fishes, and Sarcopterygii, which includes the entiate the head, trunk, and caudal regions (Figure 4.1).
lobe-finned fishes and their tetrapod relatives. The latter Unlike Chondrichthyes, Actinopterygii have well-devel-
is a relatively small group, at least in terms of their fish- oped bony skeletons. This is especially evident in the
like forms, and includes the coelacanths and lungfishes, head, where numerous dermal (as well as endochondral)
barely a handful of species, which is a rather dismal bony elements produce a complex skull. It is difficult and
record as far as fish go. Conversely, the actinopterygians impractical to attempt identification of all the bones unless
are a huge success story, both in terms of diversity and detailed preparations of skulls in various stages of disartic-
numbers, with about 30,000 species known (although ulation are available. Instead it is more productive to focus
this number varies depending on author). The fins of on various features that are particular to bony fishes, such
actinopterygians are supported by slender, rod-like as the bones of the jaw mechanism and opercular regions.
rays or lepidotrichia radiating from the base of the fin; Several other easily identifiable bones are included in this
the musculature controlling the fin is largely within the discussion for context.
body wall. Begin by locating the opercular bones on the pharyn-
As noted in Chapter 1, the vast majority of this diver- geal region that cover the gills (Figures 4.1 and 4.2). The
sity occurs among the derived actinopterygian clade operculum is the large, triangular bony plate. Several
Teleostei. This group has undergone extensive radia- bones surrounding the operculum can be easily iden-
tions to produce fishes that have invaded nearly every tified. The J-shaped preoperculum lies anterior to the
aquatic niche. There are far too many groups to dis- operculum, and the suboperculum lies posteroventral
cuss here, but we may mention Elopomorpha (eels and to the operculum. Ventral to the preoperculum is the
tarpons), the commercially important Clupeomorpha interoperculum. The four branchial arches that support
(anchovies and herrings), and Paracanthopterygii, the gills lie deep to the opercular bones. Peer beneath the
another commercially important group that includes operculars to observe these arches.
codfishes. The perch belongs to Perciformes, a member Next, locate the large, circular orbit that houses the
of Acanthopterygii, the spiny-finned fishes. Another eyeball. Some of the deeper bones of the skull, such as
interesting group is Ostariophysi, which includes cat- the parasphenoid, are visible within the orbit. A series
fishes, characins, and minnows. These fish share a of bones surrounds and helps form the orbit. Several are
unique sound detection system, the Weberian appa- large and easily identifiable, such as the frontal, which
ratus, which involves the swim bladder and modified forms much of the skull roof, the parietal, posterior to
elements of the first few trunk vertebrae. The vertebrae the frontal, and the lacrimal, which forms the antero-
act as a conduction system between the swim bladder ventral margin of the orbit. The maxilla is the slender,
and the inner ear at the back of the skull. Vibrations of edentulous bone articulating with the lacrimal. Its
the swim bladder caused by sound waves are trans- widened posterior end extends laterally and is embed-
mitted by the bony elements to a posterior extension ded in soft tissue. Note that it does not form part of
of the ear’s membranous labyrinth, stimulating the the margin of the mouth. The premaxilla, which bears
auditory center of the brain. teeth on its anteroventral surface, is the most anterior

The Dissection of Vertebrates, Third Edition 111 © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
112 4.  THE PERCH

Anterior dorsal fin Trunk vertebrae

Fin spine
Fin rays
Radial pterygiophores
Posterior dorsal fin
Caudal fin
Neural spine
Operculum Uroneural

Pectoral fin
Dorsal rib
Ventral ribs
Anal fin
Pelvic fin

FIGURE 4.1  Skeleton of the perch in left lateral view.

Alisphenoid Pterotic
Prootic Supracleithrum
Infraorbitals Operculum
Lateral ethmoid
Parasphenoid Suboperculum
Nasal Orbit Interoperculum
Mesopterygoid Scapula
Postcleithrum Pectoral fin
Dentary Fin rays
Metapterygoid Radial pterygiophores
Anguloarticular Procoracoid
Quadrate Branchiostegal
Retroarticular Cleithrum

Pelvic fin

Fin rays

FIGURE 4.2  Skull and branchial skeleton of the perch in left lateral view.


Section I: Skeleton 113
bone of the upper jaw. It articulates with the premax-
Postcranial Skeleton 4
illa from the opposite side, and the nasal and maxilla
posteriorly. A main feature of derived actinopterygians The vertebral column includes trunk vertebrae ante-
is their ability to protrude the premaxilla during open- riorly and caudal vertebrae posteriorly (Figure 4.1). The
ing of the mouth. The maxilla acts as a lever for the jaw main part of a vertebra is the centrum, as also occurs in
muscles in helping to protrude the premaxilla forward. the shark (Figure 3.6). All the vertebrae bear elongated
We should note that the names of several of the bones neural spines dorsally. The caudal vertebrae also bear
discussed here follow the convention currently used elongated hemal spines ventrally. The trunk vertebrae
for actinopterygians, but the bones are not homologous bear ribs. There are two types of ribs in the perch, the
with those of the same name in other vertebrates dis- dorsal and the ventral ribs. The ventral ribs are much
cussed in this manual. For example, the bone termed more prominent and are usually present in prepared
the frontal here is homologous with the parietal of tet- specimens. These curved structures, which form in the
rapods, whereas the parietal is homologous with the myosepta adjacent to the body cavity (coelom), extend
postparietal of other tetrapods. ventrally. More delicate dorsal ribs extend laterally. They
A series of three main bones, lying between the orbit are attached ligamentously to the posterior surface of the
and preoperculum, extends anteroventrally. These more anterior ventral ribs, and are often missing in pre-
bones are, in dorsal to ventral order, the hyomandib- pared specimens.
ular, metapterygoid, and quadrate. They contribute Examine the anterior and posterior dorsal fins on the
to the suspensorium, the apparatus that supports the middorsal line (Figure 4.1). The fins are supported by thin,
jaws on the rest of the skull. The hyomandibular and elongated fin rays. These rays may be ossified, such as
metapterygoid support the quadrate, which forms the those supporting the anterior dorsal fin; in this case, they
articulation with the lower jaw. The lower jaw is formed are usually termed spines. Other fin rays, termed soft fin
by three bones. The anguloarticular forms most of the rays, are flexible and unossified and may branch distally.
posterior end of the lower jaw and articulates with the Each fin ray is supported at its base by a radial pterygi-
quadrate of the upper jaw. The angular portion is a large, ophore, a ventrally tapered bony element. The tip of a
flat, dermal, and superficial component, whereas the radial pterygiophore extends ventrally into the connec-
endochondral articular is medial to the angular and so tive tissue between two neural spines. Note that the radial
is not easily visible in lateral view. The dentary, which pterygiophore series is continuous—they extend all the
bears teeth, may be seen anterior to the anguloarticular. way along the dorsum beneath and between the anterior
The retroarticular is a small endochondral ossification and posterior dorsal fins. The separation between these
posteroventrally on the lower jaw associated with the fins, in fact, is due to reduction of the spines between
ossification of the articular. them. The posterior dorsal fin is structured similarly to
the anterior dorsal fin, except that only the first two fin
rays are spines; the remainder are soft fin rays.
Key Terms: Skull The anal fin lies along the midventral line, opposite
anguloarticular the position of the posterior dorsal fin. As in the lat-
branchial arches ter, all but the first two fin rays are soft fin rays. Radial
dentary pterygiophores support the fin rays, essentially as in the
frontal dorsal fins, but taper dorsally. The anterior few (usu-
head ally two) radial pterygiophores fuse into a large element
hyomandibular that extends dorsally to attach to one or two ventral ribs,
interoperculum which here are quite reduced in size. It is posterior to this
lacrimal point of attachment that the series of hemal spines begins.
maxilla The caudal fin is supported by soft fin rays, which
metapterygoid are arranged to form a homocercal tail. This type of
nasal fin is superficially symmetrical with about equal num-
operculum bers of fin rays dorsal and ventral to the longitudinal
orbit axis extending posteriorly from the vertebral column.
premaxilla However, the body axis itself turns abruptly dorsally, so
preoperculum it is not symmetrical internally, although this is not easy
quadrate to detect with the naked eye (see later). This upward
retroarticular turn is easily noted in less derived actinopterygians,
tail such as sturgeons. It may still be appreciated in derived
trunk forms such as the perch by the orientation of the uroneu-
suboperculum rals, the last few neural spines, and the position of the


114 4.  THE PERCH

hypurals immediately posterior to them. The hypurals, posttemporal

also present ventral to the uroneurals, are the flattened procoracoid
hemal spines of the last few caudal vertebrae and pro- radial pterygiophores
vide most of the support for the fin rays of the caudal fin. scapula
Several neural spines, termed epurals and unattached to supracleithrum
vertebrae, provide some support for the dorsal part of trunk vertebrae
the fin. uroneurals
Lastly, examine the paired fins (Figures 4.1 and 4.2). ventral ribs
The cleithrum is the main supporting element of the pec-
toral girdle. It is a large, dorsoventrally elongated bone
that lies mainly deep to the operculum and subopercu- SECTION II: EXTERNAL ANATOMY
lum and extends to the ventral midline to articulate with
the cleithrum from the other side of the body. Dorsally it The external anatomy of the perch (Figure 4.3) is
articulates with the supracleithrum, which in turn artic- similar in several aspects to that of the dogfish shark.
ulates with the posttemporal. The latter is attached to The body, which may be subdivided into head, trunk,
the posterior end of the skull. This chain of connections and tail regions, is generally streamlined, not surpris-
links the head and shoulder girdle. The scapula and pro- ing in a swimming fish, and there are several fins. The
coracoid are the large skeletal elements of the shoulder constricted region connecting the trunk and tail regions
girdle that directly support the fin. The scapula lies dor- is the caudal peduncle. Several differences are imme-
sal to the procoracoid. Their anterior ends lie deep to and diately apparent, however. The skin, for example, has
are covered by the cleithrum. The postcleithrum is an numerous, readily apparent scales. Also, there is only a
elongated triangular bone that extends dorsoventrally. single opening on each side of the body for the exit of
Its widened end lies deep to the cleithrum. It tapers ven- water from the pharynx, and the positions of the paired
trally, passes medial to the fin, and extends toward the fins are quite different.
pelvic fin. The radial pterygiophores, of which there are Examine the head (Figure 4.3). On each side it bears
usually four, extend from the scapula or procoracoid and a large eye, lacking lids. Posterior to it, the preopercular
distally articulate with the soft fin rays supporting the region, containing the bones that help support the jaws,
fin. Movement is possible proximally (between the scap- and the opercular region, containing the opercular bones
ula or procoracoid and radial pterygiophores) and dis- covering the gills, are easily recognizable. The large
tally (between the radial pterygiophores and fin rays). mouth is terminal in the perch but may be slightly dor-
The pelvic girdle is formed by paired basipterygia. sal or ventral in other teleosteans. Note that the maxilla,
Each is a triangular plate of bone oriented anteroposteri- a bone of the upper jaw, is free posteriorly, embedded in
orly, with the base located posteriorly. As it passes ante- a fold of skin, and lacks teeth (see also Figure 4.2). The
riorly, the basipterygium tapers and passes dorsal to the premaxilla is recognizable also, at the anterior end of
articulation between the right and left cleithra. The fin rays the upper jaw, and can slide back and forth, thus allow-
of each fin attach directly to the posterior end of a basipter- ing the perch (and most other teleosteans) to protrude
ygium and, except for the medial ray, are soft fin rays. its jaws. Teeth are present on the premaxilla, as well
as on the lower jaw or mandible. Nares (sing., naris)
can be found anterior to each eye. On each side of the
Key Terms: Postcranial Skeleton head there are two nostrils, one anterior and the other
anal fin posterior, opening into the nasal cavities. Water enters
anterior dorsal fin the nasal cavity through the anterior nostril and exits
basipterygium (pl., basipterygia) through the posterior nostril.
caudal fin On the trunk and caudal peduncle, the prominent lat-
caudal vertebrae eral line forms a distinct ridge along the scales. Other
centrum canals occur on the head but are much less conspicuous.
cleithrum (pl., cleithra) Using forceps, pull a scale out from the trunk (Figure
dorsal ribs 4.4). Most of the scale is embedded in the skin, and only
epurals a small posterior portion is exposed. This posterior end,
fin rays termed the bony portion (though it is distinct from true
hemal spines bone), has numerous small tooth-like projections called
hypurals ctenii. This type of scale is termed ctenoid (comb-like),
neural spines based on the structure of its posterior end (other teleoste-
postcleithrum ans may have circular or cycloid scales because they lack
posterior dorsal fin ctenii; some lack scales). The embedded portion of the


Section II: External Anatomy 115
Anterior dorsal fin
(Spiny-rayed dorsal fin) Lateral line 4
Posterior dorsal fin
Opercular (Soft-rayed dorsal fin)
Caudal fin
region Caudal peduncle


Maxilla Anal fin

Branchiostegal rays
Pectoral fin

Pelvic fin

FIGURE 4.3  External features of the perch in left lateral view.

flexible. The anal fin is on the ventral midline, just ante-

rior to the tail, and is supported mainly by soft fin rays.
The homocercal caudal fin is superficially symmetri-
cal. Note the paired fins, the pectoral and pelvic fins.
Although some teleosteans (for example, the catfish)
have these fins in positions comparable to those in the
shark, in the perch the pectoral fin is displaced dorsally
Growth rings
and the pelvic fin is displaced anteriorly.
Lastly, examine the posterior openings of the urogeni-
tal and digestive tracts. Unlike the shark, the perch does
not have a cloaca. Instead the digestive tract has a sepa-
rate opening, an anus, the large, circular opening anterior
(Figures 4.7–4.9) to the anal fin. The urogenital aperture
Anterior Posterior is considerably smaller and less evident, and lies imme-
margin margin diately posterior to the anus (Figures 4.7–4.9). In some
(bearing females (see later), however, the urogenital opening may
small ctenii)
be as large as, and even larger than, the anus.

Key Terms: External Anatomy

Embedded Exposed anal fin
anterior dorsal fin
FIGURE 4.4  Detail of a scale of the perch in lateral view. anus
caudal fin
scale is made of fibrous connective tissue. Scales grow as caudal peduncle
the fish ages. The concentric growth rings on the embed- ctenoid
ded portion of the scale can be used to age an individual. eye
There are four median fins: the anterior dorsal, pos- head
terior dorsal, anal, and caudal fins (Figure 4.3). Identify lateral line
the anterior and posterior dorsal fins along the dorsal mandible
midline. The anterior dorsal fin is larger and is supported maxilla
by ossified fin rays, as noted earlier. Most of the support- mouth
ing fin rays in the posterior dorsal fin are unossified and naris (nostril)


116 4.  THE PERCH

pectoral fin to observe the gills, each composed of numerous gill

pelvic fin filaments, which are involved with gas exchange with
posterior dorsal fin the water flowing over them. Then cut away, bit by bit,
premaxilla the opercular flaps covering the gills until you have
scales exposed the region, as shown in Figure 4.5. The most
tail anterior of the four branchial arches, and the gill it
teeth supports, should be plainly visible. Manipulate the
trunk arches and gills to identify the remaining three arches.
urogenital aperture Gill rakers should be plainly visible on the first arch.
The rakers are projections that extend inward across
the pharyngeal slit. They help in feeding, preventing
prey (and other debris) from passing through the pha-
ryngeal openings and escaping.
In gas exchange, water passes through the mouth and
oral cavity into the pharynx. It then passes over the gills
Examine the mouth, which forms the anterior open-
and into the opercular chamber (which corresponds to
ing of the digestive tract. It is terminal, a position com-
the parabranchial chambers seen in the shark), the space
mon in fish that swim to overtake their prey. Note the
between the gills and operculum, and then leaves pos-
posterior end of the maxilla. Embedded in soft tissue,
teriorly through the opening at the posterior end of the
it is free to move laterally, an important feature during
operculum. The floor of the opercular chamber is sup-
expansion of the oral cavity during feeding. Note the
ported by the branchiostegal rays.
marginal series of teeth in the upper and lower jaws. In
There are five passages or slits through the phar-
addition to the marginal series, there are palatal teeth in
ynx: three are between the four branchial arches, one
the roof of the oral cavity, and pharyngeal teeth, both
is anterior to the first arch, and another is posterior
upper and lower, in the posterior part of the pharynx.
to the last arch. Each arch bears a double set of fila-
Postpone identifying them until the pharynx is opened
ments. This is similar to the condition in the holo-
(see later).
branch of the shark, in which gill lamellae are present
on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the inter-
of operculum branchial septum (see page 75). In the holobranch
Gills of the perch, however, the septum is absent, so the
Gill rakers gill filaments are positioned almost side by side. Still,
they correspond to the anterior and posterior sets of
lamellae of the shark, with the anterior filaments
being posttrematic (“after the slit”) and the posterior
being pretrematic (“before the slit”). The perch thus
has four holobranchs. Unlike in the shark, there is no
hemibranch (and, of course, no pseudobranch, as the
spiracle is absent).

Key Terms: Mouth, Oral Cavity, and Pharynx

Pharynx branchial arches
Gill filaments branchiostegal rays
Branchial arch gill filaments
FIGURE 4.5  Gills of the perch in left lateral view. gill rakers
Expose the oral cavity and pharynx by removing mouth
the opercular bones as follows. Lift the free, posterior oral cavity
end of the operculum. Insert one blade of a stout pair palatal teeth
of scissors beneath the surface of the operculum, at pharyngeal teeth
approximately the midheight of the posterior mar- pharynx
gin. Keeping the blade close to the deep surface of the posttrematic
operculum, cut through the bones, heading toward pretrematic
and through the angle of the mouth. Spread the flaps teeth


Section IV: Pleuroperitoneal Cavity and Viscera 117
Swim bladder
Head kidney Epaxial muscles 4
Liver Kidney




Heart Ovary
Ventricle (with eggs)
Small intestine

FIGURE 4.6  Left lateral view of the perch with body wall cut away to reveal pharynx and pleuroperitoneal cavity.

SECTION IV: PLEUROPERITONEAL section of body wall and examine the underlying struc-
CAVITY AND VISCERA tures. The viscera are covered by visceral peritoneum,
whereas the cavity itself is lined by parietal peritoneum.
To expose the pleuroperitoneal cavity and viscera, Many female specimens will possess a very large
make an incision along the midventral line, proceeding ovary that seems to fill most of the pleuroperitoneal cav-
as follows. In a female with an enlarged urogenital aper- ity (Figure 4.6). In such specimens you will probably
ture, insert a scissor blade into the anterolateral margin be able to see only the darkly colored liver at the very
of the aperture. Make a small incision, approximately anterior end of the cavity. Find the narrow small intes-
0.5 cm, in this direction, and then turn back anteromedi- tine ventral to the ovary. It is normally midventral, but
ally toward the midline, anterior to the anus. This will may be displaced to one side by a massive ovary. Note
avoid injury to the digestive tract. In a specimen with the swim bladder dorsal to the ovary. In specimens with
a small urogenital aperture, proceed as just described smaller gonads, several other visceral structures may be
but begin by inserting the scissor blade into the anus. observed without further dissection. The small intestine
Continue to cut anteriorly along the midline, keeping is easily identifiable on the floor of the cavity. Posterior
close to the deep surface of the body wall, past the pel- to the liver, you should observe the short, thick stomach,
vic girdle. Turn your incision dorsally to pass posterior and perhaps the spleen and gall bladder if you have
to the attachment of the pectoral fin on the body. Cut opened the right side of the cavity.
dorsally past the pectoral fin to a point just posterior to Once you have identified these structures, remove
the eye. more of the body wall, preferably in small pieces, as
Return to the posterior end of the midventral inci- follows. Remove the wall anterior to the liver, keeping
sion. Cut dorsally for about 1 cm, then reflect the flap close to deep surface of the wall and continuously check-
of body wall and examine the dorsal part of the cavity. ing that you are not destroying underlying structures.
You should see a dark, membranous sac, the swim blad- Immediately anterior to the liver is the transverse sep-
der (Figures 4.6–4.8). Probe it gently. Resume cutting tum, a thin membrane that separates the pleuroperito-
through the body wall until you reach the level just ven- neal cavity and the pericardial cavity. Cut through the
tral to the swim bladder (this point will be ventral to the transverse septum along its attachment to the body wall
position of the dorsalmost point of the anterior vertical to expose the heart within the pericardial cavity.
incision). Then cut anteriorly, more or less parallel to the At this stage, continue the midventral incision ante-
swim bladder, to join the anterior vertical incision. Your riorly to the posterior margin of the mouth, as shown in
incision should veer slightly dorsally as you cut. In addi- Figures 4.8 and 4.9. The musculature is thicker here, so
tion to the musculature of the body wall, you will also cut carefully to avoid damaging the heart. You may wish
cut through the ventral ribs. Once finished, remove the to use a scalpel. Also cut away the lateral portions of the


118 4.  THE PERCH

branchial arches to expose the pharynx. Then remove

more of the lateral body wall dorsal to the liver. This will
expose a small, dark, lobulated mass, the head kidney,
lying immediately dorsal to the liver. Once you have
exposed the head kidney, use a scalpel to cut a parasagit-
tal section through the musculature dorsal to the swim Epaxial
bladder. This will allow you to expose the kidneys, muscles
which lie against the dorsal wall of the cavity, dorsal to Kidney
the swim bladder. Be careful in using the scalpel. It is
worth removing a row or two of scales along the path bladder Swim
you intend to cut. If this method proves too awkward, bladder
find the kidneys by removing the swim bladder, but do duct
so after you have examined the remaining structures
described next. duct Ovary
The preparation described above is time-consuming, Urogenital
but it reveals the pattern, context, and arrangement aperture
of the various systems and their structures in a single
view. Although you can begin with any of the structures, Anus
it is best to examine the gonads first, because in many
specimens they will be so large that they will have to be
removed. FIGURE 4.7  Schematic illustration showing the urogenital struc-
The ovary of the female will vary considerably in tures of the female perch in right lateral view.
size with the reproductive cycle of the fish and may be
massive, filled with eggs (Figure 4.6). The ovary of the posteroventrally into the urinary opening of the urogen-
perch is a secondarily fused single structure (although ital aperture, but postpone tracing it.
this is not true of most teleosteans, which retain paired The paired testes of the male perch are lobulated, light
ovaries) that is enveloped during embryonic develop- colored, and posteriorly tapered structures (Figure 4.8).
ment by bilateral peritoneal folds. This envelopment Each testis has its own duct, the testicular duct, which
continues posteriorly and meets a funnel-like internal carries only sperm. The testicular duct is a specialization
elongation of the urogenital aperture, lying just poste- of teleosteans (although not all teleosteans, such as sal-
rior to the anus. This combination (i.e., of the perito- monids, possess a duct for the testis; instead, sperm are
neum and internal elongation of the aperture) forms released by the testes into the body cavity and leave the
an ovarian duct for passage of the eggs. The ovarian body through pores) and is not comparable to the archi-
duct, however, is not homologous to that (usually con- nephric duct observed in sharks. It is fairly small and
sidered a Müllerian duct) used for the same purpose thus difficult to find without a dissecting microscope.
in other vertebrates. Gently tugging the posterior end Right and left testicular ducts unite near the posterior
of the ovary will pull taut the funnel-shaped posterior end of the testes into a single duct that leads out of the
end of the ovarian duct and make it easier to distin- body through the urogenital aperture just posterior to
guish. In other teleosteans the ovarian duct is formed the anus. The opening of the duct can be distinguished
differently. For example, a common pattern is that the from that of the archinephric duct (see later) with a mag-
ovary contains an internal cavity, formed by envel- nifying glass. The urinary bladder lies dorsal to the pos-
opment of a small part of the coelomic cavity during terior end of the testes.
embryonic development. The eggs are shed into this Turn your attention to the anterior end of the animal
cavity, the lining of which extends posteriorly to form (Figures 4.8 and 4.9). Identify the oral cavity—look now
an ovarian duct. In most teleosteans, therefore, the for the teeth described earlier—and follow it posteriorly
eggs are released directly into a tube, the ovarian duct, into the pharynx. The pharynx leads into the wide, short,
rather than into the pleuroperitoneal cavity, as occurs and straight esophagus that passes posteriorly into the
in almost all other vertebrates. stomach. The stomach is T-shaped, with a broad hori-
Cut transversely through the ovary, approximately zontal portion and a short, vertical, pyloric portion form-
3 cm from its posterior margin, and carefully remove the ing the stem of the T. The coiled intestine follows the
anterior portion. This will leave a cone-shaped posterior pyloric portion. Note the three finger-like projections, the
end in place. Gently reflect it ventrally and delicately dis- pyloric ceca, at the anterior end of the intestine. These
sect between the ovary and swim bladder, now clearly are typically present in teleosteans, though their number
visible, to expose the small, light-colored, elongated, and varies. The anterior part of the intestine, the duodenum,
oval urinary bladder (Figure 4.7). The bladder continues is somewhat wider than the remaining distal portion.


Section IV: Pleuroperitoneal Cavity and Viscera 119

Gall bladder
Epaxial Liver (cut)
muscles Head kidney
Swim Transverse septum
bladder Pharynx


Rectum Bulbus
Duodenum Heart
Anus arteriosus
Pyloric ceca
Urogenital Small intestine Ventricle

FIGURE 4.8  Cutaway view of the male perch in right lateral view to reveal structures of the pharynx and pleuroperitoneal cavity.

Head kidney
Liver (cut)
Transverse Epaxial
septum muscles


Swim bladder bladder


Bulbus aperture
Pyloric Anus
Atrium ceca Fat
Heart Rectum
Sinus Spleen Mesentery
venosus (cut)
Small intestine

FIGURE 4.9  Cutaway view of the female perch, with ovary removed, in left lateral view to reveal structures of the pharynx and pleuroperi-
toneal cavity.


120 4.  THE PERCH

Although its terminal portion may be referred to as a S-shaped, four-chambered structure that receives
rectum, it is not sharply demarcated from the rest of the venous blood posteriorly and pumps it anteriorly
intestine. into the gills (Figures 4.8 and 4.9). The most posterior
Note the structures associated with the digestive tract. chamber is the sinus venosus, which directs blood into
The large, massive liver has already been noted. It may the atrium lying immediately anterior to it. From the
be necessary to remove part of it, as shown in Figures atrium, blood enters the ventricle, which lies ventrally.
4.8 and 4.9, in order for the stomach and other organs to The ventricle pumps blood through the fourth cham-
be seen properly. The gall bladder is a small, elongated ber, the bulbus arteriosus, which leads into the ventral
sac. The bile duct leads to the duodenum, but it is dif- aorta. Afferent branchial arteries branch off the ventral
ficult to find. The pancreas cannot be seen grossly. Bits aorta, leading blood through the gills. Efferent bran-
of pancreatic tissue are scattered throughout the mes- chial arteries recollect the blood into the dorsal aorta,
entery, often embedded in the fatty tissue there (Figure which distributes it to the various parts of the body.
4.9). The spleen, not properly an organ of the digestive Unless you have an injected specimen, the vessels will
system but concerned with production of blood cells, is be difficult to follow.
an elongated, dark structure near the posterior end of
the stomach.
Key Terms: Pleuroperitoneal Cavity and Viscera
The swim bladder is the large, hollow sac lying,
as noted earlier, dorsally in the body cavity. It is not archinephric duct (Wolffian duct)
enclosed by the peritoneum, and so is retroperitoneal atrium
in position. It is a hydrostatic organ used to control bulbus arteriosus
buoyancy. Its inflation decreases the fish’s density, thus duodenum
increasing buoyancy. Its deflation has the opposite effect. esophagus
The bladder develops as an outgrowth of the anterior gall bladder
part of the digestive tract, and in many teleosteans it head kidney
retains an open duct connection to the esophagus, a con- heart
dition termed physostomous. In the perch, however, the kidneys
connection between the bladder and gut is lost, termed liver
the physoclistous condition. ovarian duct
The kidneys lie dorsal to the swim bladder and are ovary
thus also retroperitoneal. They are long, narrow, ribbon- pancreas
like structures with somewhat scalloped lateral margins parietal peritoneum
lying on either side of the dorsal midline of the body pericardial cavity
cavity. Posteriorly, the kidneys curve ventrally, following pleuroperitoneal cavity
the contour of the body cavity (Figure 4.7). Each kidney pyloric cecum (pl., ceca)
is drained by an archinephric duct (in the males of some rectum
species it may also receive sperm, but the more common sinus venosus
condition is that represented by the perch, in which a small intestine
separate testicular duct serves for sperm passage). The spleen
right and left archinephric ducts enter the urinary blad- stomach
der. Urine exits the body through a single duct lead- swim bladder
ing to the urinary opening of the urogenital aperture. testes
Dissection of this region to reveal the ducts is difficult testicular duct
without a microscope and considerable patience. Figure transverse septum
4.7 indicates the structures and their relationships. urinary bladder
Finally, examine the heart, which has already been ventricle
exposed and noted. As in the shark, the heart is an visceral peritoneum


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