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Curriculum & Instruction

Department of Learning & Teaching

Secondary Physical
Curriculum Guide
The purpose of physical education in the Bloomington Public Schools is to provide all students with the
knowledge, skills, and ethics to achieve and maintain a lifetime of physical wellness.

Courses Offered:

Middle School
Physical Education 6 Physical Education 7 Physical Education 8

High School: Core Courses

These courses satisfy state/local academic standards & graduation requirements.
Physical Education 9: Sports Activities for Life Physical Education 10: Fitness in Team Sports

Physical Education 9: Personal Fitness and Nutrition Physical Education 10: Fitness for Life

Honors Physical Education

( KHS)

High School: Elective Courses

Advanced Physical Beginning Weight Unified Physical
Net Games
Education Training (JHS) Education

Advanced Weight
Sports Training Team Sports: Basketball
(JHS, KHS) Training (JHS)

Yoga, Body Shaping, and Women’s Weight

Lifetime Activities
Group Fitness Training (JHS)
(JHS) ( KHS)

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Physical Education 6
Course Description: In Physical Education 6, students continue to increase their knowledge and development
of skills they learned at the elementary level. This course includes individual and team sports with emphasis on
good sportsmanship as well as healthy competition. The five components of fitness are reintroduced along with
the basic swimming skills. Participation in this class will assist students in achieving and maintaining a lifetime
of physical wellness.

Course Benchmarks:

Dance and Rhythms

Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate correct rhythm and pattern for one of the following dance forms: folk, social, creative, line, or
world dance.

Games and Sports

Priority Benchmarks

Demonstrate correct technique for basic skills in one individual performance activity.

Supporting Benchmarks

Throw for distance appropriate to the invasion or field game practice task.

Catch from a variety of trajectories using different objects in varying invasion or field game practice tasks.

Pass and receive with competency, using hands in combination with locomotor patterns of running and
change of direction and speed in invasion game practice tasks.

Throw, while stationary, a leading pass to a moving receiver in invasion game practice tasks.

Execute pivots, fakes, jab steps, and give and go designed to create open space during invasion game
practice tasks.

Dribble with preferred hand using a change of speed and direction in a variety of invasion game practice

Foot-dribble or dribble using an implement with control, changing speed and direction in a variety of invasion

Shoot on goal with accuracy in invasion game practice tasks.

Maintain defensive ready position with weight on balls of feet, arms extended, and eyes on midsection of the
body of the offensive player in invasion game practice tasks.

Execute a legal underhand serve with control in net and wall practice tasks.

Strike with an overhand pattern, in a closed environment, in varying net and wall game practice tasks.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Demonstrate the forehand and backhand strokes using a short-handled implement in net games.

Forehand volley, with control, using a short-handled implement in net and wall game practice tasks.

Two-hand volley (underhand and overhand) with control in a variety of net and wall practice tasks.

Execute an underhand roll or toss for a target game practice task.

Strike, using an implement, a stationary object for accuracy in target game practice tasks.

Strike a pitched ball, using an implement, with force, in a variety of fielding and striking game practice tasks.

Catch from different trajectories, using a variety of objects, in varying fielding and striking game practice

Demonstrate correct technique for basic skills in an outdoor activity.

Execute at least one of the following offensive tactics in invasion game practice tasks to create open space:
move to open space without the ball; use a variety of passes, pivots, and fakes; and give and go.

Reduce open space on defense, in an invasion game practice task, by making the body larger and reducing
passing angles.

Reduce open space, in an invasion game practice task, by not allowing the catch (denial) or by allowing the
catch but not the return pass.

Transition from offense to defense, or defense to offense, in an invasion game practice task, by recovering

Create open space in net and wall game practice tasks, with a short-handled implement, by varying force
and direction.

Reduce offensive options for opponents, in net and wall game practice tasks, by returning to base or home

Select an appropriate shot and implement based on the location of the object in relation to the target in target
game practice tasks.

Identify open space, and attempt to strike an object into that space in fielding and striking game practice

Identify the correct defensive play based on the situation in fielding and striking practice tasks. For example:
number of outs, positions of runners.

Vary the application of force during an individual performance activity.

Describe the basic skills and tactics needed for participation in an outdoor activity.

Physical Activity Knowledge

Supporting Benchmarks

Identify barriers related to maintaining a physically active lifestyle.

Board Approved, April 2018
Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Engages in Physical Activity

Supporting Benchmarks

Participate in a variety of aerobic-fitness activities using technology or media. For example: cardio-kick, step
aerobics and aerobic dance.

Participate in moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity that includes intermittent or continuous aerobic
physical activity for at least sixty minutes per day.

Fitness Knowledge
Supporting Benchmarks

Identify the components of skill related fitness.

Identify correct techniques and methods of stretching.

Describe the overload training principle and how it affects fitness.

Describe the role of warm-ups and cool-downs before and after physical activity.

Identify and explain heart rate zones. For example: resting heart rate, moderate heart rate, vigorous heart
rate, and maximum heart rate.

Identify major muscles and bones used in selected physical activities.

Assessment and Program Planning

Priority Benchmarks

Use SMART goals to design, implement, and modify, a maintenance or remediation program for one health-
related fitness area, based on the results of a health-related fitness assessment. For example: SMART goals
are specific and strategic, measurable, attainable, results based and time-based.

Supporting Benchmarks

Maintain a physical activity log for at least two weeks and reflect on activity levels as documented in the log.

Supporting Benchmarks

Identify foods within each of the basic food groups and select appropriate servings and portions for one’s
age and physical activity levels.

Stress Management
Supporting Benchmarks

Identify possible causes of stress and the negative effects of stress on health.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Personal and Social Responsibility

Supporting Benchmarks

Play in the spirit of the game or activity and ask for help when needed.

Identify and use appropriate strategies to self-reinforce positive fitness behaviors.

Supporting Benchmarks

Implement specific corrective feedback to improve performance.

Working with Others

Priority Benchmarks

Cooperate with a small group of classmates during game play, or team- building activities.

Rules and Etiquette

Supporting Benchmarks

Follow the rules and etiquette for physical activities.

Supporting Benchmarks

Use equipment and facilities appropriately and safely, with the teacher’s guidance, in a physical activity
setting. For example: fitness equipment, pedometers, sport equipment.

Make appropriate decisions regarding physical activity based on the weather, level of difficulty due to the
conditions, or ability to ensure the safety of self and others.

Supporting Benchmarks

Describe the impact of screen time on levels of health.

Identify components of physical activity that provide opportunities for reducing stress and social interaction.

Priority Benchmarks

Recognize individual challenges in physical activity and implement methods of coping with them in a positive
way. For example: extending effort, asking for help or feedback, or modifying the tasks.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Supporting Benchmarks

Describe how moving competently in a physical activity setting creates enjoyment.

Describe how physical activity provides opportunities for self expression.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Physical Education 7
Course Description: In this course, students continue to increase their knowledge and develop skills through
participation in individual and team sports. Students will gain a deeper understanding of fitness through the
completion of physical fitness activities and assessments. Students will gain an understanding of game rules
while learning to appreciate and participate in lifelong physical activities. Participation in this class will assist
the 7th grade students in achieving and maintaining a lifetime of physical wellness.

Course Benchmarks:

Dance and Rhythms

Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate correct rhythm and pattern for two of the following dance forms: folk, social, creative, line, or
world dance.

Games and Sports

Priority Benchmarks

Catch from a variety of trajectories using different objects in invasion or field small-sided games

Demonstrate correct technique for a variety of skills in one individual-performance activity.

Transition from offense to defense, or defense to offense, in an invasion game practice task, by recovering
quickly and communicating with teammates.

Supporting Benchmarks

Throw for distance and accuracy appropriate to the invasion or field game practice task.

Pass and receive with competency, using feet in combination with locomotor patterns of running and change
of direction and speed in invasion small-sided games. For example: soccer or speedball.

Throw, while moving, a leading pass to a moving receiver in invasion game practice tasks.

Execute at least one of the following skills designed to create open space during smallsided invasion games,
with varying levels of defense: pivots, fakes, jab steps, and give and go.

Dribble with preferred and non-preferred hands using a change of speed and direction in a variety of
invasion game practice tasks.

Foot-dribble or dribble using an implement combined with passing in a variety of invasion games.

Shoot on goal with accuracy in small sided invasion games.

Slide in all directions while on defense without crossing feet in invasion game practice tasks.

Execute a legal underhand serve to a predetermined target in net and wall small-sided games. For example:
badminton, pickleball, volleyball.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Strike consistently using an overhand pattern small-sided in net and wall games. For example: badminton,
handball, tennis.

Demonstrate forehand and backhand strokes using a long-handled implement in net games. For example:
badminton, tennis.

Forehand and backhand volley, with control, using a short-handled implement in net and wall game practice

Two-hand volley (underhand and overhand) with control in a small-sided net and wall game.

Execute an underhand roll or toss in a small-sided target game. For example: bowling, bocce, horseshoes.

Strike, using an implement, a stationary object for accuracy and distance in small-sided target games. For
example: croquet, shuffleboard, golf.

Strike a pitched ball, using an implement, to open space in a variety of fielding and striking game practice

Catch from different trajectories, using a variety of objects, in small-sided fielding and striking games.

Demonstrate correct technique for a variety of skills in an outdoor activity.

Execute at least two of the following offensive tactics in invasion game practice tasks to create open space:
move to open space without the ball; use a variety of passes, pivots, and fakes; and give and go.

Reduce open space on defense, in an invasion game practice task, by staying close to the opponent as he
or she nears the goal.

Reduce open space, in an invasion game practice task, by not allowing the catch (denial) or anticipating the
speed of the object or person for the purpose of interception or deflection.

Create open space in net and wall game practice tasks, with a long-handled implement, by varying force and
direction, and moving an opponent from side to side.

Select an offensive shot based on an opponent’s location in net and wall game practice tasks. For example:
Hit where the opponent is not.

Vary the speed and trajectory of a shot based on the location of the object in relation to the target in small-
sided target games.

Use a variety of shots to hit into open space in fielding and striking game practice tasks. For example: bunt,
line- drive, high arc.

Analyze the correct defensive play based on the situation in fielding and striking practice tasks. For example:
number of outs, position of runners.

Identify and apply Newton’s laws of motion to various individual-performance activities.

Describe advanced skills and tactics needed for participation in an outdoor activity.

Physical Activity Knowledge

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Supporting Benchmarks

Describe solutions for reducing barriers related to maintaining a physically active lifestyle.

Engages in Physical Activity

Supporting Benchmarks

Participate in a variety of strength- and endurance-fitness activities using technology or media. For example:
Pilates, resistance training, body-weight training and light free-weight training.

Participate in moderate to vigorous muscle- and bone strengthening physical activity at least three times a

Fitness Knowledge
Supporting Benchmarks

Define the components of skill related fitness.

Describe the difference between dynamic and static stretches.

Explain the specificity principle.

Design a warmup and cool-down regimen for a self-selected physical activity.

Monitor physical activity intensity by comparing and contrasting heart rate responses through a variety of
physical activities.

Describe how muscles (muscular system) pull on bones (skeletal system) to create movement in pairs by
relaxing and contracting.

Assessment and Program Planning

Priority Benchmarks

Use SMART goals to design, implement, and modify, a maintenance or remediation program for two health-
related fitness area, based on the results of a health-related fitness assessment. For example: SMART goals
are specific and strategic, measurable, attainable, results based and time-based.

Supporting Benchmarks

Maintain a physical activity and nutrition log for at least two weeks and reflect on activity levels as
documented in the log.

Supporting Benchmarks

Develop strategies for balancing healthy food, snacks and water intake, along with daily physical activity.

Stress Management
Board Approved, April 2018
Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Supporting Benchmarks

Identify several strategies for dealing with stress. For example: deep breathing, guided visualization, aerobic

Personal and Social Responsibility

Priority Benchmarks

Accept differences among classmates in physical development, maturation, and varying skill levels by
providing encouragement and avoiding insulting or boastful speech.

Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate motivation by selecting opportunities to participate in physical activity outside of class.

Supporting Benchmarks

Provide corrective feedback to a peer using teacher-generated guidelines and incorporating appropriate tone
and communication skills.

Working with Others

Supporting Benchmarks

Problem-solve with a small group of classmates during small group initiatives or game play.

Rules and Etiquette

Priority Benchmarks

Apply rules and etiquette while self-monitoring personal behavior during physical activities.

Supporting Benchmarks

Independently use physical activity and fitness equipment appropriately and safely. For example: fitness
equipment, sport equipment, heart rate monitors.

Analyze a physical activity situation and make adjustments to ensure the safety of self and others.

Supporting Benchmarks

Chart and analyze personal screen time behaviors.

Identify different types of physical activities and describe how each exerts a positive impact on health.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Supporting Benchmarks

Generate positive statements such as offering suggestions or assistance, leading or following others, and
providing possible solutions when faced with a group challenge.

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Supporting Benchmarks

Describe how self-selected physical activities create enjoyment.

Explain how the relationship between physical activity and self-expression can lead to lifelong enjoyment of
physical activity.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Physical Education 8
Course Description: Students continue to increase their knowledge and apply skills through participation in
individual and team sports. Students will make the transition from learning sports skills to learning and applying
sports strategies. Students will learn how to implement the five fitness components into their daily activities.
Participation in this class will assist students in achieving and maintaining a lifetime of physical wellness.

Course Benchmarks:

Dance and Rhythms

Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate a movement sequence using correct rhythm and timing as an individual or in a group.

Games and Sports

Priority Benchmarks

Demonstrate correct technique for basic skills in at least two outdoor activities.

Reduce open space on defense, in an invasion game practice task, by staying on the goal side of the
offensive player and reducing the distance to him/her (third-party perspective).

Vary placement, force and timing of a return, in net and wall game practice tasks to prevent anticipation by

Supporting Benchmarks

Throw for distance, accuracy and speed appropriate to the activity during invasion or field small-sided

Catch using an implement during invasion or field small-sided games.

Pass and receive with competency using an implement in combination with locomotor patterns of running
and change of direction and speed in small-sided invasion games. For example: floor hockey, field hockey,
ice hockey, lacrosse (traditional or American).

Throw a lead pass to a moving partner off a dribble or pass in small-sided invasion games.

Execute at least two of the following skills to create open space during small-sided invasion games: pivots,
fakes, jab step, give and go, and screens.

Dribble with preferred and nonpreferred hands using a change of speed and direction in small-sided invasion

Foot-dribble or dribble using an implement with control, changing speed and direction in small-sided invasion

Shoot on goal for accuracy, using a long-handled implement, in small-sided invasion games.

Drop-step in the direction of the pass during player-to-player defense in small-sided invasion games.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Execute a legal underhand serve for distance and accuracy in net and wall games. For example: badminton,
pickleball, volleyball.

Strike consistently using an overhand pattern for distance or accuracy in small-sided net and wall games.
For example: badminton, handball, tennis.

Demonstrate forehand and backhand strokes using a short or long-handled implement with power and
accuracy in net games. For example: pickleball, tennis, badminton, paddleball.

Forehand and backhand volley, with control, using a short-handled implement during small-sided net and
wall games

Two-hand volley (underhand and overhand) with control in a variety of small-sided net and wall game.

Execute consistently an underhand roll or toss with control in a small-sided target game. For example:
bowling, bocce.

Strike, using an implement, a stationary object for accuracy and distance in a target game. For example:
croquet, shuffleboard, golf.

Strike a pitched ball, using an implement, for power to open space in a variety of small-sided fielding and
striking games. For example: cricket, softball, kickball, wiffle ball.

Catch, using an implement, from different trajectories and speeds, in small-sided fielding and striking games.
For example: cricket, softball, kickball wiffle ball.

Demonstrate correct technique for basic skills in at least two individual-performance activities.

Execute at least three of the following offensive tactics in invasion game practice tasks to create open space:
move to create open space on and off the ball; use a variety of passes, fakes, and pathways; and give and

Reduces open space, in an invasion game practice task, by not allowing the catch (denial) and anticipating
the speed of the object or person for the purpose of interception or deflection.

Transition from offense to defense, or defense to offense, in an invasion game practice task, by recovering
quickly, communicating with teammates and capitalizing on the advantage.

Create open space in net and wall game practice tasks, with either a long- or short-handled implement, by
varying force and direction, and moving an opponent forward and back and from side to side.

Vary the speed, force and trajectory of the shot based on the location of the object in relation to the target in
small-sided target games.

Identify sacrifice situations and attempts to advance a teammate in small-sided fielding and striking games.

Reduce open spaces in the field by working with teammates to maximize coverage in small-sided fielding
and striking games.

Describe and apply mechanical advantage(s) for a variety of individual-performance activities.

Describe basic and advanced skills and tactics needed for participation in two outdoor activities.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Physical Activity Knowledge

Supporting Benchmarks

Analyze the impact a physically active lifestyle has on physical and mental health.

Engages in Physical Activity

Supporting Benchmarks

Participate in a variety of self selected aerobic-fitness activities using technology. For example: walking,
jogging, biking, skating, dancing and swimming.

Participate in moderate to vigorous aerobic and/or muscle and bone-strengthening physical activity for at
least sixty minutes per day at least five days a week.

Fitness Knowledge
Supporting Benchmarks

Analyze a physical activity by identifying its skill-related components.

Explain appropriate static stretching techniques for all major muscle groups.

Apply the overload and specificity principles in preparing a personal workout.

Design and implement a warmup and cool down regimen for a self-selected physical activity.

Predict and modify activities which influence the target heart rate to meet desired goal and outcomes.

Explain how body systems interact with one another during physical activity. For example: blood transports
nutrients from the digestive system and oxygen from the respiratory system during physical activity.

Assessment and Program Planning

Priority Benchmarks

Use SMART goals to design, implement, and modify a maintenance or remediation program for three health
related fitness areas, based on the results of a health-related fitness assessment. For example: SMART
goals are specific and strategic, measurable, attainable, results based and time-based.

Supporting Benchmarks

Design and implement a program to improve one’s physical activity levels and nutrition.

Supporting Benchmarks

Describe the relationship between poor nutrition and health risk factors.

Stress Management

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate several strategies for dealing with stress.

Personal and Social Responsibility

Supporting Benchmarks

Establish guidelines for resolving conflict and apply them to respond appropriately to classmates’ ethical and
unethical behavior during physical activity.

Use effective self-monitoring skills to incorporate opportunities for physical activity in and outside of class.

Supporting Benchmarks

Provide encouragement and constructive feedback to peers without prompting from the teacher.

Working with Others

Supporting Benchmarks
Cooperate and problem-solve with classmates in large-group initiatives or game play.

Rules and Etiquette

Supporting Benchmarks

Monitor behaviors of self and others aligned to the rules and etiquette of physical activities.

Priority Benchmarks

Independently use physical activity and fitness equipment appropriately, and identify specific safety concerns
associated with the activity.

Supporting Benchmarks

Develop safety protocols for two or more outdoor activities.

Supporting Benchmarks

Explain how the overuse of technology impacts health.

Identify positive mental and emotional aspects of participating in a variety of physical activities.


Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Priority Benchmarks

Develop a plan of action and make appropriate decisions based on that plan when faced with an individual or
group challenge.

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Supporting Benchmarks

Analyze how enjoyment could be increased in self-selected physical activities.

Identify and participate in a physical activity that provides opportunities for enjoyment and explain how it
could lead to lifelong enjoyment.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Physical Education 9: Sports

Activities for Life
Course Description: This course will include dual, team and individual sport activities that can be performed
throughout a lifetime. The student will demonstrate the basic knowledge of all concepts in class through
discussion, presentations, and activities. The student will understand and demonstrate how sportsmanship and
teamwork can be used in all life situations.

Course Benchmarks:

Lifetime Activities
Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency and refine activity-specific movement skills in two of the following lifetime activities:
individual performance activities, outdoor pursuits.

Demonstrate competency and refine activity-specific movement skills in two of the following lifetime activities: net
and wall games, target games, aquatics.

Fitness Activities
Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency in each of the following specialized skills in health-related fitness: muscular strength,
muscular endurance, flexibility, Cardio-respiratory fitness.

Movement Concepts, Principles and Knowledge

Supporting Benchmarks

Apply terminology associated with exercise and participation in selected individual performance activities.

Physical Activity Knowledge

Supporting Benchmarks

Identify issues associated with exercising in heat, humidity and cold and provide strategies for addressing the issues.

Evaluate risks and safety factors that might affect physical activity preferences throughout the life cycle.

Engages in Physical Activity

Priority Benchmarks

Participate in moderate to vigorous aerobic or muscle- and bone strengthening physical activity several times per

Rules and Etiquette

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Priority Benchmarks

Exhibit proper etiquette, respect for others, and teamwork while engaging in physical activity or social dance.

Working with Others

Supporting Benchmarks

Apply positive communication skills and strategies to the completion of a group task in a physical activity setting.

Solve problems and think critically in physical activity or dance settings both as an individual and in groups.

Supporting Benchmarks

Apply best practices for safe participation in physical activity, exercise or dance. For example: injury prevention,
proper alignment, hydration, use of equipment, implementation of rules, sun protection.

Priority Benchmarks

Analyze the health benefits of a self-selected physical activity.

Supporting Benchmarks

Choose an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in a self-selected physical

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Supporting Benchmarks

Select and participate in physical activities that meet the need for self expression and enjoyment.

Social Interaction
Supporting Benchmarks

Identify the opportunity for social support in a self-selected physical activity or dance.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Physical Education 9: Personal

Fitness and Nutrition
Course Description:

Course Benchmarks:

Lifetime Activities
Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency and refine activity-specific movement skills in two of the following lifetime activities:
individual performance activities, outdoor pursuits.

Demonstrate competency and refine activity-specific movement skills in two of the following lifetime activities: net
and wall games, target games, aquatics.

Fitness Activities
Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency in each of the following specialized skills in health-related fitness: muscular strength,
muscular endurance, flexibility, Cardio-respiratory fitness.

Movement Concepts, Principles and Knowledge

Supporting Benchmarks

Apply terminology associated with exercise and participation in selected individual performance activities.

Physical Activity Knowledge

Supporting Benchmarks

Identify issues associated with exercising in heat, humidity and cold and provide strategies for addressing the issues.

Evaluate risks and safety factors that might affect physical activity preferences throughout the life cycle.

Engages in Physical Activity

Priority Benchmarks

Participate in moderate to vigorous aerobic or muscle- and bone strengthening physical activity several times per

Rules and Etiquette

Priority Benchmarks

Exhibit proper etiquette, respect for others, and teamwork while engaging in physical activity or social dance.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Working with Others

Supporting Benchmarks

Apply positive communication skills and strategies to the completion of a group task in a physical activity setting.

Solve problems and think critically in physical activity or dance settings both as an individual and in groups.

Supporting Benchmarks

Apply best practices for safe participation in physical activity, exercise or dance. For example: injury prevention,
proper alignment, hydration, use of equipment, implementation of rules, sun protection.

Priority Benchmarks

Analyze the health benefits of a self-selected physical activity.

Supporting Benchmarks

Choose an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in a self-selected physical

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Supporting Benchmarks

Select and participate in physical activities that meet the need for self expression and enjoyment.

Social Interaction
Supporting Benchmarks

Identify the opportunity for social support in a self-selected physical activity or dance.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Physical Education 10: Fitness in

Team Sports
Course Description:

Course Benchmarks:

Lifetime Activities
Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency and refine activity-specific movement skills in two of the following lifetime activities:
individual performance activities, outdoor pursuits.

Demonstrate competency and refine activity-specific movement skills in two of the following lifetime activities: net
and wall games, target games, aquatics.

Dance and Rhythms

Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency in one or more forms of dance. For example: ballroom, ballet, cultural dances, hip hop,
modern, social dances, tap.

Fitness Activities
Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency in each of the following specialized skills in health-related fitness: muscular strength,
muscular endurance, flexibility, Cardio-respiratory fitness.

Movement Concepts, Principles and Knowledge

Supporting Benchmarks

Use movement concepts and principles (force, motion, rotation) to analyze and improve performance for a self-
selected skill.

Design a practice plan to improve performance for a self-selected skill and justify how the components of the plan will
address the areas of concern.

Analyze similarities and differences between various dance forms.

Physical Activity Knowledge

Supporting Benchmarks

Explain the benefits of a physically active lifestyle as it relates to college or career productivity.

Evaluate the validity of claims made by commercial products and programs pertaining to fitness and a healthy, active

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching


Apply technology and social media as tools to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Evaluate physical activities that can be pursued in the local environment for their benefits, social support network,
and participation requirements.

Engages in Physical Activity

Priority Benchmarks

Participate in moderate to vigorous aerobic or muscle- and bone strengthening physical activity several times per

Supporting Benchmarks

Participate several times per week in a self-selected lifetime activity, dance, or fitness activity outside of the school

Fitness Knowledge
Priority Benchmarks

Analyze short and long term physiological responses to regular physical activity.

Supporting Benchmarks

Explain appropriate techniques for resistance training machines, free weights, or bodyweight exercises.

Differentiate among types of strength exercises (isometric, concentric, eccentric) and stretching exercises (static,
dynamic) for personal fitness development.

Calculate target heart rate and apply that information to a personal fitness plan.

Adjust pacing to keep one’s heart rate in the target zone using available technology to self-monitor aerobic intensity.

Assessment and Program Knowledge

Priority Benchmarks

Design a fitness program, including all components of health-related fitness, for a college student or an employee in
the learner’s chosen field of work.

Supporting Benchmarks

Create a behavior modification plan that enhances a healthy active lifestyle in a college or career setting.

Supporting Benchmarks

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Design a nutritional plan to maintain an appropriate energy balance that supports a healthy active lifestyle for a
college student or an employee in the learner’s chosen field of work.

Stress Management
Supporting Benchmarks

Explain how stress-management strategies in physical activity settings can reduce stress and effect health. For
example: physical activities such as aerobic exercise, deep breathing, meditation, mental imagery, relaxation

Personal Responsibility
Supporting Benchmarks

Employ effective self-management skills to analyze barriers and appropriately modify physical activity patterns as

Supporting Benchmarks

Analyze the health benefits of a self-selected physical activity.

Supporting Benchmarks

Choose an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in a self-selected physical

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Supporting Benchmarks

Select and participate in physical activities that meet the need for self expression and enjoyment.

Social Interaction
Supporting Benchmarks

Identify the opportunity for social support in a self-selected physical activity or dance.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Physical Education 10: Fitness

for Life
Course Description: Students will develop an understanding of their own fitness levels and how to maintain a
healthy lifestyle. Students will analyze current fitness levels, study fitness concepts crucial to understanding
total fitness, set fitness goals, prepare and implement a fitness plan, and analyze fitness programs. A basic
knowledge of human movement will also be emphasized in order for students to understand how physical
activity is affecting their bodies. The importance of sportsmanship and teamwork is emphasized daily. Students
will demonstrate personal and responsible behavior leading to a lifelong respect for healthy living.

Course Benchmarks:

Lifetime Activities
Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency and refine activity-specific movement skills in two of the following lifetime activities:
individual performance activities, outdoor pursuits.

Demonstrate competency and refine activity-specific movement skills in two of the following lifetime activities: net
and wall games, target games, aquatics.

Dance and Rhythms

Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency in one or more forms of dance. For example: ballroom, ballet, cultural dances, hip hop,
modern, social dances, tap.

Fitness Activities
Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency in each of the following specialized skills in health-related fitness: muscular strength,
muscular endurance, flexibility, Cardio-respiratory fitness.

Movement Concepts, Principles and Knowledge

Supporting Benchmarks

Use movement concepts and principles (force, motion, rotation) to analyze and improve performance for a self-
selected skill.

Design a practice plan to improve performance for a self-selected skill and justify how the components of the plan will
address the areas of concern.

Analyze similarities and differences between various dance forms.

Physical Activity Knowledge

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Supporting Benchmarks

Explain the benefits of a physically active lifestyle as it relates to college or career productivity.

Evaluate the validity of claims made by commercial products and programs pertaining to fitness and a healthy, active

Apply technology and social media as tools to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Evaluate physical activities that can be pursued in the local environment for their benefits, social support network,
and participation requirements.

Engages in Physical Activity

Priority Benchmarks

Participate in moderate to vigorous aerobic or muscle- and bone strengthening physical activity several times per

Supporting Benchmarks

Participate several times per week in a self-selected lifetime activity, dance, or fitness activity outside of the school

Fitness Knowledge
Priority Benchmarks

Analyze short and long term physiological responses to regular physical activity.

Supporting Benchmarks

Explain appropriate techniques for resistance training machines, free weights, or bodyweight exercises.

Differentiate among types of strength exercises (isometric, concentric, eccentric) and stretching exercises (static,
dynamic) for personal fitness development.

Calculate target heart rate and apply that information to a personal fitness plan.

Adjust pacing to keep one’s heart rate in the target zone using available technology to self-monitor aerobic intensity.

Assessment and Program Knowledge

Priority Benchmarks

Design a fitness program, including all components of health-related fitness, for a college student or an employee in
the learner’s chosen field of work.

Supporting Benchmarks

Create a behavior modification plan that enhances a healthy active lifestyle in a college or career setting.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Supporting Benchmarks

Design a nutritional plan to maintain an appropriate energy balance that supports a healthy active lifestyle for a
college student or an employee in the learner’s chosen field of work.

Stress Management
Supporting Benchmarks

Explain how stress-management strategies in physical activity settings can reduce stress and effect health. For
example: physical activities such as aerobic exercise, deep breathing, meditation, mental imagery, relaxation

Personal Responsibility
Supporting Benchmarks

Employ effective self-management skills to analyze barriers and appropriately modify physical activity patterns as

Supporting Benchmarks

Analyze the health benefits of a self-selected physical activity.

Supporting Benchmarks

Choose an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in a self-selected physical

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Supporting Benchmarks

Select and participate in physical activities that meet the need for self expression and enjoyment.

Social Interaction
Supporting Benchmarks

Identify the opportunity for social support in a self-selected physical activity or dance.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Honors Physical Education

Course Description: In this course, students will learn about the American College of Sports Medicine
Guidelines, weight management theories, nutritional analysis, essential nutrients and eating patterns, exercies
selection and equipment use, and body composition and assessment. Students will participate in both physical
fitness activities and classroom activities.

This course is part of the concurrent enrollment partnership with Normandale Community College.

Course Benchmarks:

Lifetime Activities
Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency and refine activity-specific movement skills in two of the following lifetime activities:
individual performance activities, outdoor pursuits.

Demonstrate competency and refine activity-specific movement skills in two of the following lifetime activities: net
and wall games, target games, aquatics.

Dance and Rhythms

Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency in one or more forms of dance. For example: ballroom, ballet, cultural dances, hip hop,
modern, social dances, tap.

Fitness Activities
Supporting Benchmarks

Demonstrate competency in each of the following specialized skills in health-related fitness: muscular strength,
muscular endurance, flexibility, Cardio-respiratory fitness.

Movement Concepts, Principles and Knowledge

Supporting Benchmarks

Use movement concepts and principles (force, motion, rotation) to analyze and improve performance for a self-
selected skill.

Design a practice plan to improve performance for a self-selected skill and justify how the components of the plan will
address the areas of concern.

Analyze similarities and differences between various dance forms.

Physical Activity Knowledge

Supporting Benchmarks

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Explain the benefits of a physically active lifestyle as it relates to college or career productivity.

Evaluate the validity of claims made by commercial products and programs pertaining to fitness and a healthy, active

Apply technology and social media as tools to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

Evaluate physical activities that can be pursued in the local environment for their benefits, social support network,
and participation requirements.

Engages in Physical Activity

Priority Benchmarks

Participate in moderate to vigorous aerobic or muscle- and bone strengthening physical activity several times per

Supporting Benchmarks

Participate several times per week in a self-selected lifetime activity, dance, or fitness activity outside of the school

Fitness Knowledge
Priority Benchmarks

Analyze short and long term physiological responses to regular physical activity.

Supporting Benchmarks

Explain appropriate techniques for resistance training machines, free weights, or bodyweight exercises.

Differentiate among types of strength exercises (isometric, concentric, eccentric) and stretching exercises (static,
dynamic) for personal fitness development.

Calculate target heart rate and apply that information to a personal fitness plan.

Adjust pacing to keep one’s heart rate in the target zone using available technology to self-monitor aerobic intensity.

Assessment and Program Knowledge

Priority Benchmarks

Design a fitness program, including all components of health-related fitness, for a college student or an employee in
the learner’s chosen field of work.

Supporting Benchmarks

Create a behavior modification plan that enhances a healthy active lifestyle in a college or career setting.

Board Approved, April 2018
Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Supporting Benchmarks

Design a nutritional plan to maintain an appropriate energy balance that supports a healthy active lifestyle for a
college student or an employee in the learner’s chosen field of work.

Stress Management
Supporting Benchmarks

Explain how stress-management strategies in physical activity settings can reduce stress and effect health. For
example: physical activities such as aerobic exercise, deep breathing, meditation, mental imagery, relaxation

Personal Responsibility
Supporting Benchmarks

Employ effective self-management skills to analyze barriers and appropriately modify physical activity patterns as

Supporting Benchmarks

Analyze the health benefits of a self-selected physical activity.

Supporting Benchmarks

Choose an appropriate level of challenge to experience success and desire to participate in a self-selected physical

Self-Expression and Enjoyment

Supporting Benchmarks

Select and participate in physical activities that meet the need for self expression and enjoyment.

Social Interaction
Supporting Benchmarks

Identify the opportunity for social support in a self-selected physical activity or dance.

Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Advanced Physical Education

Course Description: Advanced Physical Education is for those that enjoy the competition that the physical
education setting provides. This course will utilize games to enhance individual fitness and sportsmanship.
Students will gain a deeper understanding of advanced strategies while participating in selected activities and
tournament play.

Course Benchmarks:

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Supporting Benchmarks
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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Sports Training
Course Description: This course is intended for student athletes to develop personal strength, fitness, and
skills related to their specific sport. Students will participate in aerobic and anaerobic activities, plyometrics,
core training, and power exercises for quickness, agility, coordination and explosiveness. This course is
designed to improve sport specific skills and will emphasize cardiovascular fitness, weight control, speed,
power, agility, and flexibility. Students develop responsible behavior and work ethic through daily independent

Course Benchmarks:

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks
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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks
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Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Yoga, Body Shaping, and Group

Course Description: Group fitness will consist of circuit training, using strength bands, weight room workouts,
cardio-kickboxing, jogging, dance, core strength workouts, pilates, yoga, and more. The course will also
address topics related to self esteem, social media, nutrition, stress management, and how fitness can
increase confidence.

Course Benchmarks:

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Beginning Weight Training

Course Description: Beginning Weight Training will give students the knowledge and experience to feel
comfortable strength training using free weights, machines and body weight exercises. Students will
understand how the muscles perform and the effects exercise has on the body. Application of these principles
will be used in developing an individual fitness plan. A general introduction to the weight room, as well as
weight training safety and etiquette are all a part of this course. Students develop responsible behavior and
work ethic through daily independent workouts.

Course Benchmarks:

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks
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Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Advanced Weight Training

Course Description: This course is a continuation of Beginning Weight Training. Advanced technical lifts will
be used to expand students’ knowledge on how the muscles perform and the effects exercise has on the body.
Students will apply these principles to develop an individual fitness plan and work towards their goals during
class time. Students develop responsible behavior and work ethic through daily independent workouts.

Course Benchmarks:

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Women’s Weight Training

Course Description: Women’s Weight Training is designed for females who want to explore weight training.
Students will gain the knowledge and experience in using free weights, machines and body weight exercises to
develop a stronger and more toned body. An understanding of how the muscles perform and the effects
exercise has on the body, along with nutrition, will be emphasized. Application of these principles will be used
in developing an individual fitness plan. A general introduction to the weight room, as well as weight training
safety and etiquette are all a part of this course. Students develop responsible behavior and work ethic through
daily independent workouts.

Course Benchmarks:

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Net Games
Course Description: Net Games is an elective course designed for students who are interested in expanding
their knowledge and skills in a variety of individual and team net sports. This course will include a balance of
net sports such as tennis, badminton, volleyball, pickleball, nitroball, table tennis, and spike ball. Students will
learn skills and strategies in a competitive setting and will demonstrate the proper use of sportsmanship and
teamwork skills during game play. Player rankings and competitive tournament play will be a large part of the

Course Benchmarks:

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Team Sports: Basketball

Course Description: This course is designed for students who love to play basketball. Students will be placed
on teams (3 vs. 3 and 5 vs. 5) and play leagues games on a daily basis. This course will provide many positive
outcomes and allow students who can’t play on an organized team the opportunity to play at a highly
competitive level during the school day.

Course Benchmarks:

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks
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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Lifetime Activities
Course Description: This course will give students knowledge and experience in a number of leisure activities
they can perform throughout their lifetime in order to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. This course will
offer both indoor and outdoor activities that are currently popular throughout our country, some of which are
unique to Minnesota’s own climate and park systems. Personal responsibility for safety and participation is
strongly emphasized. Students will leave compus to participate in activities in Bloomington. Some examples of
activities that will be explored are bowling, frisbee golf, snowboarding, downhill skiing, cross country skiing,
sledding, golf, canoeing, ice skating, broomball, hockey, softball, volleyball, dodgeball, and relaxation

Course Benchmarks:

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Board Approved, April 2018

Curriculum & Instruction
Department of Learning & Teaching

Unified Physical Education

Course Description: This combined general education and adapted physical education class will allow
students to improve performance of self and others in recreational and lifetime games through physical fitness
activities. This course combines students of all skills and abilities to participate together in developmentally
appropriate activities and make lasting friendships. Students will work together to increase competence and
confidence in a variety of activities and will be empowered to help create a more inclusive and accepting
school environment for all students. Students will leave this class with greater knowledge to analyze barriers
and modify physical activity patterns appropriately, as needed.

Course Benchmarks:

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Priority Benchmarks

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Supporting Benchmarks

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Priority Benchmarks

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Board Approved, April 2018

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