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Lesson 2

Basic Values of the Filipinos

Intended Learning Outcomes

 Understand the Basic Filipino Values and how it is related in the Preamble of Constitu-
tion into concrete action in building a better Philippines.

Activate prior Knowledge

 Before going through the pages, try to look at this photo. What is the Filipino Value do you think
this photo shows? Write your answer in the box provided below.

Acquire New Knowledge:

Preamble is derived from the Latin word “preambulare” which means “to walk before”. It is the
prologue of the constitution. Clustered below are the good citizenship values that are reflected
in the Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution:
We, the sovereign Filipino
MakaDiyos Cluster Makatao Cluster Makabayan Clus-
people, imploring the aid
 Faith in the Al-  Love of Almighty God, in order
mighty God  Freedom  Unity to build a just and hu-
 Respect for life  Peace  Equality mane society and estab-
 Order  Truth  Respect for the lish a Government that
 Work  Justice law and govern-
 Concern for the shall embody our ideals
family and future  Patriotism and aspirations, promote
generations  Promotion of com- the common good, con-
mon good serve and develop our
patrimony, and secure to
ourselves and our posteri-
ty the blessings of inde-
pendence and democracy
Makakalikasan Cluster
under the rule of law and
 Concern for the environment a regime of truth, justice,
freedom, love, equality,
and peace, do ordain and
promulgate this Constitu-

By living the Good Citizenship Values Enshrined in the Constitution: Be God-fearing and live
according to His will. Work together and share with one another. Place the good of one’s country
above one’s own. Be diligent and earn an honest living. Do not engage in crime and corruption. Recog-
nize the absolute value of human life and the human dignity of every person. Do not inflict harm in oth-
ers. Obey the laws of the land and support government programs. Stand up for the truth and avoid in-
trigue. Give everyone their due. Do not oppress or take advantage of anyone. Assert your right to be
able to do right things. Look after the good and welfare of others. Treat one another as brother and
sisters being children of one God and one nation. Live and work together in harmony, and avoid vio-
lence as a way of settling disputes. Do not be greedy and selfish. Look after your family and the future
generations. Keep your surroundings clean and conserve natural resources. Respect human rights and
of one another and comply with your duties and responsibilities.

Lets be aware!

I want you to take a picture in your community that portraits one of the values of a good citizen.
Give a description of your portrait on how it affects you and signifies in attaining an ideal community.

Picture here



Write PD if the citizenship value is Pagka maka-Diyos, PK if Pagka makalikasan, PB if Pagka maka-
bayan, and PT is Pagka makatao. Write your answers on the space provided.

__________1. Concern for the environment __________9. Peace

__________2. Love __________10. Promotion of the common good
__________3. Faith in the Almighty __________11. Freedom
__________4. Respect for Life __________12. Respect for law and government
__________5. Order __________13. Patriotism
__________6. Justice __________14. Truth
__________7. Unity __________15. Equality
__________8. Concern for family and future generation

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