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Unit 2 General Test

Part 1
Listen to the conversations. Then match each conversation with the correct picture.

Example: ___b___

1.     a     

2.   d       

3.   c       

a. b.


Part 2
Listen to the conversation. Then choose True or False for each statement.
True False

Example: The patient has an emergency ( ✓) ( )

4. The dentist thinks the patient isn’t in a lot of pain. ( ) (✓ )

5. It’s impossible for the dentist to fix the tooth today. (✓ ) ( )

6. The dentist may give the patient some medicine. ( ) (✓ )

Level 3—Unit 2 Achievement Tests 1

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Part 3
Look at the pictures. Choose the medication from the box that is best for each symptom
shown. Not all the medications will be used.

antacid antihistamine cough medicine

ointment painkiller vitamins

______antihistamine_______                         painkiller                         

7. 9.

           cough medicine

Part 4
Write may / might or must to complete each conversation.

Example: A: Hi. I wonder if I might be able to see the dentist.

B: I’ll have to check. He ____may / might_____ have some time after lunch.

10. A: Anna called to say she’s not feeling well and won’t be able to come to work today.
B: She                  must                               be really sick because she never misses work.

Level 3—Unit 2 Achievement Tests 2

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11. A: Dennis broke his hip and an arm in a car accident last night.
B: Oh, no! He              must                                   be in a lot of pain!

12. A: Can I get an appointment with the doctor today?

B: I don’t know. She                           might                     not be able to see any patients today.

13. A: The children were so sick yesterday. Do they feel better today?
B: They        must                                          feel better because they’re outside playing.

14. A: I feel terrible. Do you think I should go to the doctor?

B: I think it’s a good idea. You                   may                               have something serious.

15. A: Is that a vitamin C drink?

B: Yes, and you should have some. You        may                                         really like it.

16. A: My sister just called and said she broke her arm.
B: Oh, no. That                   must                             hurt!

Part 5
Match each incomplete sentence with the letter of the word or phrase that correctly
completes the sentence.

Example: If you feel that you might not be able to stand up, you feel     f      . a. nauseous

17. Someone who may have broken a bone needs       i    . b. short of breath

18. A person who has a cold is often     k      . c. an injection

19. If you feel like you might not be able to eat anything, you’re    a       . d. coughing

20. A yearly visit to the doctor is called        j   . e. an EKG

21. I had   e      to check that my heart was all right. f. weak

22. Someone who breathes heavily from a brief walk is        b   . g. in the chest

23. If you make a noise whenever you take a breath, you are     d      . h. dizzy

24. I received       c   of medication in my arm. i. an X-ray

25. I’m really    h       I feel like the world is spinning. j. a checkup

26. Pain   g       is one symptom of a heart attack. k. wheezing

Level 3—Unit 2 Achievement Tests 3

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Part 6
Read the article. Then choose the sentence in each pair that is true.

Example:  Laughter can help reduce stress.

□ When you laugh, you can’t have any stress.
27. □ Laughter can cause headaches.
 Laughter can help your body fight disease.

28.  Laughter is a good form of exercise.

If you laugh, you might not need exercise.

29.  Laughter causes pleasant memories.

□Laughing keeps your brain healthy and helps you remember things.

30. □ Doctors may prescribe laughter instead of medicine.

 Doctors may prescribe laughter along with other things.

Level 3—Unit 2 Achievement Tests 4

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Writing Test
Create a conversation for one of the following situations. Each person should say at least
two things.

• You ask a friend to recommend a doctor.

• You call the receptionist at the doctor’s office and make an appointment.

• You arrive at the office and are greeted by the receptionist.

• The doctor asks you what problem you are having and suggests a treatment.

A: hello juan
B:hello pedro, how are you?
A: fine, causally you know a good doctor that these days I have had chest pains and I want to have some
B: if there’s a very good office on the center of the right side
A: ok, thank you bro!
B:you welcome, see you










Level 3—Unit 2 Achievement Tests 5

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Speaking Test
Think about a time when you were really sick. Tell what you felt like and what kind of
illness you had. Tell what you did while you were sick and how long it took you to get
better. Say at least five sentences.

Once I was sick for 5 days I had a tummy ache and a lot of desire to vomit, that was because one night before my
family and I went to the center for a walk and we ate some cocktails found and then when we ate the cocktails they
felt a little weird but we still ate those costels the next day I almost wanted to die of the tummy ache , take some
pills but they didn't work so I had to go to the doctor and that's where we were told we had eaten the cocktails like
this, then they sent me a recipe and that I was at rest but those 5 days were the worst I ate nothing and I was very

Level 3—Unit 2 Achievement Tests 6

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