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This chapter deals with the methods and procedures used in the conduct of this study. This includes the
discussion of the research design, the locale of the research, sampling, the research instruments, the
research procedure, data analysis, quality control plan, and ethical consideration.

According, the research design refers to the overall strategy that you choose to
integrate the different components of the study in a coherent and logical way, thereby, ensuring you will
effectively address the research problem; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement,
and analysis of data. This research approach is non-experimental, qualitative and case study. The
method of research design is phenomenological design because helps us to understand the meaning of
people’s lived experience. A phenomenological study explores people experienced and focuses on their
experience of a phenomena. The female high school students enrolled in LVD were selected as
participants of this study. To get information regarding with their experiences and coping situation. The
researchers send a private message to selected students in Liceo del Verbo Divino.

In conducting this study, the researchers interviewed thru messenger female high school students of
Liceo del Verbo Divino age ranging from 14-18 years old. This is to know their experiences to come up
with a common conclusion and to provide solutions and recommendations in coping with catcalling;
strengthen the psychological well-being of women and to validate the need of change in the society.

The researchers used purposive sampling in the investigation. The researchers used this sampling
strategy because the research participants meet the selection criteria of the researchers, this would
prove that there were no arising biases in the study for the selection of the research participants.

The research was conducted in Liceo del Verbo Divino one of the most populated School in the Tacloban
City. LVD serve as a beneficial location in conducting the research due to the availability of potential
participants that can aid the research

The research instrument utilized in gathering the data was surveys. The researchers used the
questionnaries interview thru messenger. This is preferably used when the researcher, cannot observed
behaviors, feelings or how people interpret the world around them (Merriam, 2009 as cited by Golden,
2017). This was administered to the students of LVD who fits the selection criteria
The Researchers will be giving a consent to the participant to make sure that the participant is agree and
aware of what our research is before the survey was conducted. The Researchers will also be stating
that their participation/involvement is voluntary. The Researchers will make sure that the participants of
the interview would be given privacy for the confidentiality. Lastly the researchers will not divulge any
personal and confidential information from the participants

The researchers are 11th grade students. The researchers did their best to follow the strategic
procedures needed for the study and avoid biases when collecting, analyzing, and conducting the study.

Data Collection and Analysis

To ensure the quality of data gathered by the researchers, with the respondents consent, the researcher
will make sure that the respondents is giving her honest thoughts about the catcalling and making sure
that the emotion will be visible even though it’s just thru messenger. The data is analyzed and then
transcribed and categorized, organized and analyzed.

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