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Chapter 2


This chapter contains the research design, sources of data, research

setting, sampling, research instrument, ethical considerations, and the data
management analysis.

Research Design

The researchers’ study is a qualitative study about the effectiveness of

modern technology in helping students to improve their writing skills. A
qualitative research is a form of inquiry that analyzes information conveyed
through language and behavior in natural settings. This kind of research is
used to capture expressive information not conveyed in quantitative data
about beliefs, values, feelings and motivations that underlie behaviors.
A qualitative approach to this study will present the problems
encountered by students upon using and the benefits the students’ have
experienced which can help accurately describe how accurate this
phenomenon is. Therefore, phenomenological study like this can give us a
brief background in understanding the situations that the modern day students
experience because their experiences which serve as a ground to better
understand this phenomena will be of great help to the researcher’ to find way
to resolve every problem they have encountered.

Sources of Data
The researchers’ have chosen Luciano Millan National High School,
School Year 2021-2022 at Poblacion West, Asingan, Pangasinan. The school
has approximately 2,500 students and the researchers have decided to
choose participants or samples from General Academic Strand.
These participants have experienced using modern technologies as part of
their education routines. Some of them have been using this when taking their
quizzes and assignments. Some have also experienced evaluating their
classmates during peer evaluation through this. These are the reason why
they are considered as the appropriate participants for this study.

Research Setting

This study will conduct in Luciano Millan National High School, School
Year 2021-2022 and located at Poblacion West, Asingan, Pangasinan.
Through a internet interview, respondents who were studying in the said
school utilize as the sample.


The researchers' will use purposive sampling in their sample gathering.

They have chosen convenience because they have decided to get 5 random
samples per student of General Academic strand. They decided to use it that
way to maximize and to make sure that they will be able to cover every GAS
student where there are different views based on the data collection method
to be applied.

Research Instrument

The researchers will put the student who experiences bad handwriting
in a survey and kindly ask them to answer the various question. The
researcher will interview the respondents in online and will be able to talk to
them carefully and with respect.

Ethical Considerations

Good manners and respect are essential, especially when interacting

with respondents and others who assist in the practical completion of the
study. It will help the researchers establish a rapport with their respondents to
demonstrate their sincerity and responsibility to them.
The researchers will secure information regarding their experiences
with pupils with poor handwriting and that person's identity. The respondents'
preferred conditions, as well as each response, viewpoint, or perspective that
they have voluntarily supplied, will be respected by the researchers. The
researchers will express their gratitude to the respondents for their time and
cooperation after collecting the information or data.

Data Management Analysis

To analyze and generalize the study, the researcher have decided to

use the triangulation method because they have used various ways to obtain
the data they wanted to collect. Through triangulation, they will be able to
cover and generalize all the data that they have acquired in the different data
collection ways they have conducted with the cool and warm approach. The
data from the interview will be initially tabulated. The researchers will
essentially choose one from the theories found during the data analysis.
Lastly, the data will be generalized by combining the final results through
analytical generalization.

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