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Mata Kuliah English for Proficiency Certification


Modul 3:

Further Exercises and Discussion on Next Skills of Listening, Structure, and

Reading Section

Fakultas Program Studi Tatap Muka Kode MK Disusun Oleh

Bahasa Program ________ Tim Dosen
Studi Bahasa Inggris
S1 01
Abstract Kompetensi
Bab ini membahas dan Mahasiswa mampu
mengeksplorasi jenis-jenis mengidentifikasi jenis pertanyaan
pertanyaan dan persoalan yang dan permasalahan yang diujikan
diujikan dalam TOEFL, baik dalam dalam soal TOEFL.
listening, structure dan reading
1 Listening Section : Short Dialogue II
(Agreement, Uncertainty, Suggestion, Surprise)


Expressions of agreement are common in the short dialogues, so you should become familiar
with them. The following example shows agreement with a positive statement.

The expression So do I is an expression that shows agreement with a positive statement, so the
woman means that she agrees with the man. The best answer is therefore answer (D). Other
expressions are used to show agreement with negative statements.

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The expression Neither do I is an expression that shows agreement with a negative statement,
so the man shares the woman's opinion. The best answer is therefore answer (C). The following
chart lists common expressions that show agreement. You should become familiar with these


In this exercise, underline the expression of agreement in each short dialogue. Then read the
question and choose the best answer to that question. Remember that the best answer is one
that shows agreement.

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In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then
choose the best answer to the question. You should pay attention to expressions of agreement.

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Expressions of uncertainty and suggestion are common in the short dialogues, so you should
become familiar with them. The following example shows an expression of uncertainty.

The tag question isn 't it changes a definite statement into a statement that shows uncertainty,
so the best answer is one that expresses uncertainty. The best answer to this question is answer
(C) because the words thinks and might express uncertainty. Other expressions that are
common in the short dialogues are expressions of suggestion.

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In this example, the expression Why not is an expression of suggestion, so the woman suggests
doing it now. In this suggestion, the woman is referring to the paper that the man needs to type,
so the best answer is answer (A). The following chart lists common expressions that show
uncertainty and suggestion:


In this exercise, underline the expression of uncertainty or suggestion in each short dialogue.
Then read the question and choose the best answer to that question. Remember that the best
answer is one that shows uncertainty or suggestion.

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In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then
choose the best answer to the question. You should be particularly careful of expressions of
uncertainty and suggestion.

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Emphatic expressions of surprise are common in the short dialogues, so you should become
familiar with them. When surprise is expressed, it implies that the speaker did not expect
something to be true.

In this dialogue the emphatic form he did get is used to show the man's surprise that Paul got a
new car. It means that the man expected that Paul would not get a new car, so the best answer
is answer (D). The following chart outlines various ways to express emphatic surprise

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In this exercise, underline the expression of emphatic surprise in each short dialogue. Then
read the question and choose the best answer to that question. Remembe r that the best answer
is one that shows surprise.


In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then
choose the best answer to the question. You should be particularly careful of expressions of
emphatic surprise.

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In this exercise, listen carefully to each short dialogue and question on the recording, and then
choose the best answer to the question.

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2 Structure Section: What’s Missing?
(Problem with The Verbs)

Another missing part that sometimes needs some further identifications is the verb. Verb is
quite essential part of a sentence that determines many other part to to put after and before it.
Moreover, verbs also carry tenses, rules that -for some people- are confusing. Here are some
rules of English Grammar on verb that could help you:

1. An English verb can be regular or irregular. Regular verbs form their past and past
participle forms by adding –ed.

Walk – walked – walked
Dance – danced – danced
Paint – painted – painted
Work – worked – worked

2. Irregular verbs form their past and past participle forms in different ways. There are
mainly three types of irregular verbs.
a. Verbs in which all the three forms are the same (e.g. put – put – put)
b. Verbs in which two of the three forms are the same (e.g. sit – sat – sat)
c. Verbs in which all three forms are different (e.g. drink – drank – drunk)

3. However, some verbs can be both regular and irregular, as follow:

Burn – burnt – burnt (irregular)

Burn – burned – burned (regular)
Dream – dreamt – dreamt (irregular)
Dream – dreamed – dreamed (regular)
Lean – lent – lent (irregular)
Lean – leaned – leaned (regular)
Learn – learnt – learnt (irregular)
Learn – learned – learned (regular)
Leap – leapt – leapt (irregular)
Leap – leaped – leaped (regular)
Smell – smelt – smelt (irregular)
Smell – smelled – smelled (regular)
Spill – spilt – spilt (irregular)
Spill – spilled – spilled (regular)

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Here are the complete list of irregular verbs:
Base Past Past Base Past Past Base Past Past
Form Simple Participle Form Simple Participle Form Simple Participle
(V2) (V3) (V2) (V3) (V2) (V3)
arise arose arisen freeze froze frozen shake shook shaken
awake awoke awoken get got got shall should …
be was/we been give gave given shed shed shed
bear bore born(e) go went gone shine shone shone
beat beat beaten grind ground ground shoot shot shot
become became become grow grew grown show showed shown
begin began begun hang hung hung shrink shrank shrunk
bend bent bent have had had shut shut shut
bet bet bet hear heard heard sing sang sung
bind bound bound hide hid hidden sink sank sunk
bite bit bitten hit hit hit sit sat sat
bleed bled bled hold held held sleep slept slept
blow blew blown hurt hurt hurt slide slid slid
break broke broken keep kept kept smell smelt smelt
breed bred bred kneel knelt knelt sow sowed sown/so
bring brought brought know knew known speak spoke spoken
broadc broadca broadca lay laid laid spell spelt/sp spelt/sp
ast st st elled elled
build built built lead led led spend spent spent
burn burnt/b burnt/b lean leant/le leant/le spill spilt/spi spilt/spi
urned urned aned aned lled lled
burst burst burst learn learnt/l learnt/le spit spat spat
earned arned
buy bought bought leave left left spread spread spread
can could … lent lent lent stand stood stood
catch caught caught lie (in lay lain steal stole stolen
choose chose chosen lie (to lied lied stick stuck stuck
not tell
cling clung clung light lit/light lit/light sting stung stung
ed ed
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come came come lose lost lost stink stank stunk
cost cost cost make made made strike struck struck
creep crept crept may might … swear swore sworn
cut cut cut mean meant meant sweep swept swept
deal dealt dealt meet met met swell swelled swollen
dig dug dug mow mowed mown/ swim swam swum
do did done must had to … swing swung swung
draw drew drawn overtak overtoo overtak take took taken
e k en
dream dreamt/ dreamt/ pay paid paid teach taught taught
dreame dreame
d d
drink drank drunk put put put tear tore torn
drive drove driven read read read tell told told
eat ate eaten ride rode ridden think thought thought
fall fell fallen ring rang rung throw threw thrown
feed fed fed rise rose risen underst underst underst
and ood ood
feel felt felt run ran run wake woke woken
fight fought fought saw sawed sawn/sa wear wore worn
find found found say said said weep wept wept
fly flew flown see saw seen will would …
forbid forbade forbidd sell sold sold win won won
forget forgot forgotte send sent sent wind wound wound
forgive forgave forgive set set set write wrote written
freeze froze frozen sew sewed sewn/se

4. Subjects and verbs must AGREE with one another in number (singular or plural). Thus,
if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must
also be plural.
In present tenses, nouns and verbs form plurals in opposite ways:
Nouns ADD an ‘s’ to the singular form, BUT verbs REMOVE an ‘s’ from the singular
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Here are some subject-verb agreement rules:
a. A phrase or clause between subject and verb does not change the number of the

b. Indefinite pronouns as subjects. Singular indefinite pronoun subjects take singular


Plural indefinite pronoun subjects take plural verbs.

PLURAL: several, few, both, many

c. Some indefinite pronouns may be either singular or plural: with uncountable,

use singular; with countable, use plural.

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1) Either singular or plural: some, any, none, all, most

Sugar is uncountable; therefore, the sentence has a singular verb.

Marbles are countable; therefore, the sentence has a plural verb.

2) Compound subjects joined by and are always plural.

d. With compound subjects joined by or/nor, the verb agrees with the subject nearer to

In the above example, the plural verb are agrees with the nearer subject ‘actors’.

In this example, the singular verb is agrees with the nearer subject ‘director’.

e. Inverted Subjects must agree with the verb.

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f. Collective Nouns (group, jury, crowd, team, etc.) may be singular or plural,
depending on meaning.

In this example, the jury is acting as one unit; therefore, the verb is singular.

In this example, the jury members are acting as twelve individuals; therefore, the verb
is plural.

g. Titles of single entities (books, organizations, countries, etc.) are always singular.

h. Plural form subjects with a singular meaning take a singular verb. (e.g. news,
measles, mumps, physics, etc.)

i. Plural form subjects with singular or plural meaning take a singular or plural verb,
depending on meaning. (e.g. politics, economics, etc.)

In this example, politics is a single topic; therefore, the sentence has a singular verb.

In this example, politics refers to the many aspects of the situation; therefore, the
sentence has a plural verb.

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j. Plural form subjects with a plural meaning take a plural verb. (e.g. scissors,

Note: In this example, the subject of the sentence is pair; therefore, the verb must
agree with it. (Because scissors is the object of the preposition, scissors does not
affect the number of the verb.)

k. With subject and subjective complement of different number, the verb always
agrees with the subject.

l. With ‘one of those ... who,’ use a plural verb.

The above example implies that others besides Hannah like to read comic
books. Therefore, the plural verb is the correct form to use.

m. With ‘the only one of those ... who,’ use a singular verb.

The above example implies that no one else except for Hannah likes to read comic
books. Therefore, the singular verb is the correct for to use.

n. With ‘the number of ...,’ use a singular verb.

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o. With ‘a number of ...,’ use a plural verb.

p. With ‘every ...’ and ‘many a ...,’ use a singular verb.

(Margaret L. Benner, 1978; taken from

5. English has four groups of tenses; past, present, future and future in the past. Each of this
group of tenses has four aspects; simple, continuous, perfect and perfect continuous. To
make it simple, here are a table to show groups of tenses:

Active did + V1
Passive was/were + V3

Active was/were + Ving

Passive was/were + being + V3
Active had + V3
Passive had + been + V3

Active had + been + Ving

Perfect Continuous
Passive had + been + being + V3

Active does/do + V1
Passive is/am/are + V3

Present Active is/am/are + Ving

Passive is/am/are + being + V3

Perfect Active has/have + V3

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Passive has/have + been + V3

Active has/have + been + Ving

Perfect Continuous
Passive has/have + been + being + V3

Active will + V1
Passive will + be + V3

Active will + be + Ving

Passive will + be + being + V3
Active will + have + V3
Passive will + have + been + V3

Active will + have + been + Ving

Perfect Continuous
Passive will + have + been + being + V3

Active would + V1
Passive would + be + V3

Active would + be + Ving

Passive would + be + being + V3
Future in the
past Active would + have + V3
Passive would + have + been + V3

Active would + have + been + Ving

Perfect Continuous
Passive would + have + been + being + V3

6. The key of every tenses is on the AUXULIARIES. Every verbs in the English sentence has
an auxiliary. These auxiliaries determine what could be put after it.

Auxiliaries What to put Examples

V ing I am/was writing a novel.

is V III Her name is/was written on the board.
i. TO BE They are/were teachers in that school.
am Nouns
was We are/were very busy.
were Adjectives
Adverb of place You are/were there.

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Riana does win (wins) the Asia Got
do Talent 2017.
does VI France did win (won) the World Cup
did in 1998.

V III Ellen has worked hard in her show.

Joe had been studying medicine for 5
V ing years.
Everyone has been evacuated from the
has V III building.
TO HAVE have
been Nouns I have been a pianist for long time.
That building had been quite famous
Adjectives during the World War II.
My father and I have been in Korea
Adverb of place since 2001.

VI He will marry you one day.

V ing I will be waiting on the bus station.

Bob will be promoted as the new
V III manager.
You should be a singer. You have a
Be Nouns beautiful voice.
will The new workers could be helpful in
would Adjectives that project.
could Adverb of place Natasha might be in her room.
shall He might have gone to his office.
may The Perseid meteor shower should
might V ing have been falling that night.
to Visitors from space could have landed
have to V III on 90 percent of our planet.
have She would have been a doctor, if she
been Nouns took the test.
Nobody would have been happy if you
Adjectives didn’t come

Adverb of Bill would have been here with us, if

place you didn’t forbid him.

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7. Present participles and past participles are other tricky things about verb you need to
identify. A present participle is the –ing form of the verb (writing, offering). Its appearance
in the sentence can cause confusion because it can be either a part of verb or an adjective.
A present participle is a part of verb when it is preceed by some form of TO BE (is, am,
are, was, were, be).
The student is writing on the board
In this sentence, ‘writing’ is a verb because it is accompanied by ‘is’.

8. A present participle is an adjective when it is NOT accompanied by some form of TO

BE (is, am, are, was, were).

The student writing on the board answers all of the questions correctly.
adjective verb
In this sentence, ‘writing’ is an adjective and not part of the verb because it is not
accompanied by some forn of TO BE. The verb in this sentence is ‘answer’.
9. A past participle is the V3 form of the verb; it often ends in –ed (accepted, baked) but some
others have irregular form (taught, grown). Its appearance in the sentence can cause
confusion because it can be either a part of verb or an adjective. A past participle is a part
of verb when it is preceed by some form of TO HAVE (has, have, had) or TO BE (is,
am, are, was, were).
Mrs. Sullivan has taught English for 10 years.
That rare flower was grown in the green house.
In these two sentences, ‘taught’and ’grown’ are verbs because each of them is accompanied
by ‘has’and ‘was’.

10. A past participle is an adjective when it is NOT accompanied by some form of TO HAVE
(has, have, had) or TO BE (is, am, are, was, were).
The material taught in the seminar is about healthy life.

The plants grown in that green house are unique.


In these two sentences, ‘taught’and ’grown’ are adjectives because each of them is not
accompanied by ‘has’and ‘was’.
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Choose the correct verb for the following sentences.
1. Karen’s brother, who has always enjoyed bicycle repair and maintenance, (work,
works) at the bike shop on the weekends.
2. Every vote (has, have) been counted.
3. Stories about Hank Aaron always (makes, make) me want to play baseball.
4. Some of the equipment (has, have) been stored in the garage.
5. Nobody in these beginning painting classes (has, have) displayed work in the annual
art show.
6. Both children (love, loves) playing in the park.
7. Most of the food here (tastes, taste) delicious.
8. Either of the answers (is, are) correct.
9. Someone in the stands (has, have) been waving at us.
10. Everyone (was, were) invited to the celebration.

Complete the following sentences using appropriate present participle or past participle
1. The film was so ... that I fell asleep
in the middle. 6. He ... everyone by turning up late.
A. boring A. annoyed
B. bored B. annoying

2. Would you like to come over? I’m 7. I was really ... by her story.
so ... A. inspired
A. boring B. inspiring
B. bored
8. Her story was so ... that they decided
3. The journey was quite ... to publish it as a book.
A. tiring A. inspiring
B. tired B. inspired

4. Her behavior was quite ... 9. He was very ... with his results.
A. disgusting A. pleased
B. disgusted B. pleasing

5. She left in a hurry because she was 10. We were ... to hear that there had
… been an accident.
A. disgusting A. shocked
B. disgusted B. shocking

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1. Locate the VERB first to identify what’s missing from a sentence easier.
Becareful with the present and past participles when you do it.
2. When the missing part of the sentence is the verb, identify the problem of the
verb; it could be the S-V agreement, the auxiliaries, or tenses.
3. Study the OPTIONS, it might give you clues.
4. There are TWO options that you could likely eliminate right away.
5. REMEMBER, DO NOT waste your time trying to understand each every words
in the sentence.


Choose the option that best completes the sentence. Follow the strategies suggested above.
e.g. Seismic reflection profiling has ... the ocean floor is underlain by a thin layer of nearly
transparent sediments.
A. reveal that
B. revealed that
C. the revelation of
D. revealed about

How you do it:

1) Identify what’s missing. The sentence is a multiple clause sentence. The missing
part of the sentence is a part of the verb on the first clause. The clause has an
incomplete verb. Therefore, it needs a complete verb and a conjuction.
2) Check the option. Since we only need verb to complete the sentence, then we can
directly eliminate option (C)
A. reveal that
B. revealed that
C. the revelation of
D. revealed about
3) Study the verb problem further. The verb has already had an auxiliary ‘has’.
Therefore, the verb to follow the auxiliary has to be in the form of V3. The only
option that provides a V3 and a conjuction is option (B) revealed that.

This steps approximately takes 10 – 20 seconds.

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1. The scientific history of radium ... 7. Then I ... that there should be in the
beautiful. minerals some unknown element
A. was having a much greater radioactivity
B. is than uranium or thorium.
C. had been A. am thinking
D. is being B. think
C. had thought
2. Professor Curie and I worked at that D. thought
time in the laboratory of the school of
Physics and Chemistry where 8. Other radioactive elements ... since:
Professor Curie ... his lectures. actinium (Debierne), radiothorium and
A. is holding mesothorium (Hahn), ionium
B. was holding (Boltwood), etc.
C. to hold A. were discovered
D. held B. are discovered
C. have been discovered
3. All the elements ... such radiation I D. had been discovered
have termed radioactive.
A. emission 9. In chemical terms radium ... little from
B. are emitting barium.
C. have emitted A. is different
D. emitting B. differs
C. differed
4. I wanted ... if there were other D. is differing
elements, giving out rays of the same
kind. 10. ... drought-resistant plants which store
A. to know water in fleshy tissue.
B. knowing A. Succulents are
C. know B. Succulents
D. am knowing C. They are succulents
D. Succulents which are
5. If we ... a practical point of view, then
the most important property of the
11. Benjamin Kabelsky, whom ... as Jack
rays is the production of physiological
effects on the cells of the human Benny, was a famous comedian in
organism. vaudeville and on radio and television.
A. are taking A. most people’s knowledge
B. take B. most people know
C. takes C. knowing most people
D. to take D. the knowledge of most people

6. And in that way it has been proved 12. Genes, ... the blueprints for cell
that the radioactive elements are construction, exist in tightly organized
constantly ... and that they produce at packages called chromosomes.
the end ordinary elements, principally A. are
helium and lead.
B. they are
A. disintegrating
C. which
B. to disintegrate
C. being disintegrating D. which are
D. disintegrated
13. The earth’s atmosphere consists of 19. Often a team of engineers is ....
gases ... in place around the earth by A. work on one project
the gravitational pull of the planet. B. on one project work
A. held C. working on one
B. hold project
C. it holds D. to working on one
D. the hold
20. Oscillatona, one of the few plants that
14. Scar Hammerstein II collaborated can move about, ... a wavy, gliding
with a number of composers including motion.
Jerome Kern, whom ... in writing the A. having
musical Show Boat. B. has
A. joined C. being
B. was joined D. with
C. he joined
D. joining 21. As a general rule, the standard of
living ... by the average output of each
15. The first writing ... evidence of is on person in society.
A. is fixed
Mesopotamian clay tablets.
B. fixed
A. we
C. has fixed
B. that we D. fixes
C. has
D. that we have 22. The Ford Theater where Lincoln was
shot ....
16. Modern humans, who first appeared A. must restore
about 600.000 years ago, ... B. must be restoring
Homosapiens. C. must have been restored
A. calling D. must restored
B. were called
C. they called 23. The examiner made us ... our
D. they were called identification in order to be admitted
to the test center.
17. Some of the shops I wanted to see ... no A. showing
longer in the city. B. show
A. is C. showed
B. are D. to show
C. have
D. were 24. Jamestown, the first permanent
English settlement in America, ... in
18. The police ... investigating the crime. 1607. C. to be A. it was founded
D. was B. colonist arrived there
B. are
C. was established
D. founded

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25. Valley Forge National Park commemorates the time that Washington ... in Valley Forge
with his troops.
A. spend
B. spent
C. was spent
D. has been spent
3 Reading Section : Identifying Vocabularies

The Reading Comprehension Section tests your knowledge of vocabulary by asking questions
about certain words in the reading passages. Using the context of the sentence in which the
word was found or of the passage in general can help you to answer the questions about word

This question asks about the meaning of the word incumbent. In this question, you are not
expected to know the meaning of the word incumbent. Instead you should understand from
the context a person who is already in office that an incumbent is a current office-holder.
Answer (D) is therefore the best answer to this question.

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The following chart outlines the key information that you should remember
about vocabulary questions containing difficult words:

The best way to succeed on this question type is to know as many vocabulary words as
possible, but if you really don't know the meaning of the word, we have 3 simple strategies that
can help you conquer this type of question.

Strategy 1: Connect the word to the one you already know

This strategy means you can always try to connect the unknown word with a word in the same
sentence that you do know. Let's look at an example:

The assessment of past rises and falls in sea level requires study of submerged land surfaces
off the coast and of elevated beaches on land. Raised beaches are remnants of former
coastlines at higher levels relative to the present shoreline and visible, for instance, along the
California coast north of San Francisco, the height of a raised beach above the present
shoreline, however, does not generally give a straightforward indication of the height of a
former sea level.

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The word "remnants" in the passage is closest in meaning to ….
A. remains
B. regions
C. pints
D. origins

The answer is [A]. We know the meaning of the word “former”, so you can probably guess
the answer is related to the meaning of “former”.
Paragraph: The assessment of past rises and falls in sea level requires study of submerged
land surfaces off the coast and of elevated beaches on land. Raised beaches
are remnants of former coastlines at higher levels relative to the present shoreline and visible,
for instance, along the California coast north of San Francisco, the height of a raised beach
above the present shoreline, however, does not generally give a straightforward indication of
the height of a former sea level.

Strategy 2: Understand through context

Understanding the context of a passage is another helpful strategy for capturing the meaning
of the highlighted word in this type of question. Let's look at an example:

At night, the solar energy (stored as vast quantities of heat in city buildings and roads) is
slowly released into the city air. Additional city heat is given off at night (and during the
day) by vehicles and factories, as well as by industrial and domestic heating and cooling
units. The release of heat energy is retarded by the tall vertical city walls that do not allow
infrared radiation to escape as readily as does the relatively level surface of the surrounding
countryside. The slow release of heat tends to keep nighttime city temperatures higher than
those of the faster-cooling rural areas.

The word "retarded" in the passage is closest in meaning to ….

A. disguised
B. added to
C. made possible
D. slowed down

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The answer is [D]. Let's first simplify the meaning of the sentence that contains the prompt
The release of heat energy is retarded by the tall vertical city walls that do not allow infrared
radiation to escape as readily as does the relatively level surface of the surrounding countryside.
----> The tall vertical city walls are doing something to the heat energy because they do not
allow infrared radiation to escape.
Now we can use context to answer. So what are they doing? It’s going to be something similar
to “not allowed”, so we can eliminate answer choices [B] and [C]. Can heat energy be
disguised? Maybe, but it doesn’t seem to match up quite right, making [D] our best choice here.
So the sentence is saying that the city walls slow down the heat energy, which fits with the rest
of the passage.

Strategy 3: Check if the word is an adjective, adverb, verb, or noun and eliminate
incorrect choices
The third strategy is Check if the word is an adjective, adverb, or noun and eliminate incorrect
choices. Keep in mind this strategy is only to help you eliminate incorrect choices. You still
need to rely on other techniques to solve this question. Let's look at an example:

Several dinosaur fossil localities preserve coprolites. Coprolites yield unequivocal evidence
about the dietary habits of dinosaurs. Many parts of plants and animals are extremely
resistant to the digestive systems of animals and pass completely through the body with little
or no alteration. Study of coprolites has indicated that the diets of some herbivorous
dinosaurs were relatively diverse, while other dinosaurs appear to have been specialists,
feeding on particular types of plants. The problem with inferring diets from coprolites is the
difficulty in accurately associating a particular coprolite with a specific dinosaur.

The word "unequivocal" in the passage is closest in meaning to ….

A. deniable
B. unambiguous
C. unclear
D. largely

12 EPC Module Biro Akademik dan Pembelajaran

31 Tim Dosen
(B) is the correct answer, meaning leaving no doubt. Using this strategy, we know that the word
“unequivocal” is an adjective, so we can eliminate choice (D) largely, which is an adverb. Now,
let's use context to answer. Both “deniable” and “unclear” carry a negative meaning, but the
rest of this passage clearly describes what evidence scientists found from coprolites. Therefore,
(A) and (C) can be eliminated.


Read the following sentences; write the meaning of the word in italics in the space provided.
Use the context clues that helped you to find out the meaning of the word.

1. The frown of the politician’s face showed that she was displeased.
2. The two regencies are going to merge by the end of the year.
3. The old man is too feeble to cross the busy street without his grandchild’s help.
4. There is no alternative; the president has to approve the bill if Congress passes it.
5. It is futile to argue with her once she has made up her mind.
6. The girl felt disgraced because she knew that she had been wrong to cheat.
7. The initial step is often the most difficult.
8. The noise was so faint that it was impossible to be sure where it came from.
9. A conscientious lecturer spends hours preparing for classes and correcting students’
10. It is difficult to remain tranquil when events suddenly change your life.
12 EPC Module Biro Akademik dan Pembelajaran
32 Tim Dosen

1. The Department of Resources notified the town council that the water supply was
The word “contaminated” could best be replaced by the word
A. turned
B. tinted
C. diluted
D. polluted

Read the following paragraph to answer questions number 2 and 3.

1 Eid al-Fitr is a very important Islamic holiday for Muslim communities across
the United Kingdom. This event involves many Muslims waking up early and
praying either at an outdoor prayer ground or a mosque. People dress in their
finest clothes. Old wrongs are forgiven and money is given to the poor.
5 Special foods are prepared and friends or relatives are invited to share the
feast. Eid al-Fitr is a joyous occasion but its underlying purpose is to praise
God and give thanks to Him, according to Islamic belief

2. The word “across” in line 1 could best be replaced by which of the following phrase?
A. from side to side
B. not far from
C. to and from
D. surface from

3. As used in line 6, the word “feast” could best be replaced by which of the following
A. strength
B. splendid meal
C. motivating story
D. discussion

12 EPC Module Biro Akademik dan Pembelajaran

33 Tim Dosen
Read the following paragraph to answer questions number 4.
1 Joblessness or unemployment occurs when people are without work and
actively seeking work. During periods of recession, an economy usually
experiences a relatively high unemployment rate. Unemployment is a waste
of human resources, and represents a drain on public budgets and on the
5 life savings of individual families.

4. As used in line 4, the phrase “drain on” could best be replaced by which of the
A. a strength of
B. a depletion of
C. an evaluation of
D. a misuse of

Read the following paragraph to answer questions number 5 – 10.

1 Political rights are usually defined as the power to influence the formation of
the will of the state. This means to participate directly or indirectly in the
formation of the legal order in which the “will of the state” expresses itself.
In applying this definition, however, one considers only the general norms of
5 this order: the statutes. Participation in legislation that is, the creation of the
general legal norms, by those subjected to the norms is essential element of
the democratic form of government. In autocratic goverment the subjects are
excluded from sharing in the formation of the will of the state, and therefore
have no political rights. Democratic legislation may be effected directly “by
10 the people”, that is, those subjected to norms. In this case we speak of a direct
democracy in which the individual have the right to take part in the legislative
popular assembly, join in the discussion, and in voting. Or, the people
participate in legislation only indirectly, which means that this function is
exercised by a parliament elected by the people. Therefore in this case the
15 process of the formation of the will of the state has two stages: election of
parliament and legislation by members of parliament. Therefore in this case
two rights exist of the individuals forming the constituency: the right to vote
and the right of the elected to be members of parliament and to join in the
discussion and decision there. These are the political rights.

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5. As used in line 3, the word “order” could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. arrangement
B. command
C. rules
D. request

6. As used in line 5, the word “creation” could best be replaced by which of the
A. legislation
B. formation
C. participation
D. definition

7. As used in line 7, the word “subjects” could best be replaced by which of the
A. topics
B. citizens
C. objects
D. lessons

8. As used in line 11, the phrase “take part” could best be replaced by which of the
A. participate
B. influence
C. vote
D. state

9. As used in line 14, the word “this” could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. assembly
B. discussion
C. individual
D. to participate in legislation
12 EPC Module Biro Akademik dan Pembelajaran
35 Tim Dosen
10. As used in line 14, the word “exercised” could best be replaced by which of the
A. tested
B. used
C. training
D. troubled

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