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Figueroa, Niño DV.


Garol, Dannica*

Alingasa, Luigi Martin

Cruz, Danielle

Garrucho, Yzel Joi

Salvador, Noerey Jane

Veroy, Tarah Denise

Villamoran, Ann Lorein

Date Performed: November 18, 2019

Date Submitted: December 11, 2019


Volumetric glassware are measuring devices that has a fixed point on it has only one graduation point.
On this experiment there are three types of glassware used which are a 5mL volumetric pipette and a 100mL
volumetric flask which are the volumetric glassware and the other is a 10mL serologic pipette. In the
experiment which was held in CAS 207, the measuring pipet showed a slope of 2.0214, Y-intercept of 0.0296,
R2 of 0.999480525, with a Mean of 2.05, Standard deviation of 0.09 and %RSD of 9.30%. Next is the volumetric
pipette which had a Mean of 5.009, a standard deviation of 0.002 and %RSD of .240%. And lastly is the
Volumetric Flask which had a Mean of 99.94, standard deviation of 0.007, and %RSD of .734%. The experiment
done was helpful to the student that trials has a chance for the results to have a difference to each other.


Glassware are usually seen in laboratories where experiments are conducted. There are some common
laboratory glassware that includes flasks, beakers, pipets, burets and graduated cylinders. Each is suited for
storing, examining, and measuring liquids for different kinds of laboratory activities. But this experiment
focused only in Measuring pipette, volumetric pipette and volumetric flask which will all have been used
for calibration test. There is a difference between a serologic, Mohr and Volumetric pipette. Serologic
pipette has its last graduation at the end of the tip, while the Mohr pipette has its last graduation before
the tip. But the volumetric pipette and flask has only one graduation where it has a fixed value which
usually sets at 100mL for the Flask and 5mL for volumetric. Volumetric glassware are designed for accuracy
and precision and is also expensive, and requires some care and skill to give best results. In quantitative
chemistry, it is often necessary to make volume measurements with an error on the order of 0.1%, one part
per thousand. This involves using glassware that can contain or deliver a volume known to a few hundredths
of a milliliter, or about 0.01 mL. One can then report quantities greater than 10 mL to four significant figures.
Three main types of volumetric glassware are common: the volumetric flask, the burette and the pipet.
Measuring pipettes are used for dispensing a variable volume of aqueous liquid. Pipettes are calibrated
with distilled water. They can be used with non-aqueous liquids but they will not be as accurate. The form
of the meniscus and the wetted volume remaining in the pipette will be different for other solvents.


Distilled water
volumetric pipette
volumetric flask
Serologic pipette
Analytical balance


A Measuring pipette or a serologic pipette was used for calibration purposes, in which it was first filled
with 10mL of distilled water and was blown out and made sure that there was no bubble or water was left
inside, then the pipette was filled to deliver 2mL of distilled water into the beaker all results were estimated to
the nearest 0.01. The procedure has been repeated for samples 4, 6, 8 and 10mL. The graduation lines: 2, 4, 6,
8 and 10mL was used to for the calibration of the pipette. 2mL repetition has been avoided. There are 4
replications in total that has been made in this experiment. Next is the volumetric pipette in which it was filled
with 5mL of distilled water and was drain and made sure that there was no droplets left inside. The pipette
was filled until the graduation line to deliver the total volume of 5mL into the beaker. 3 replicate
measurements was made for this type of device. And lastly is the 100mL volumetric flask was used. It was pre-
weighed and filled with distilled water until the graduation line and the weight was recorded. There has been
3 replication made to measure the reliability of the glassware, if it is calibrated or not.


All of the formula used in calculating and formulating the data in the table are in the appendices.

Tria Mass of Mass of Mass of Volume True Temperature Density of Precision %error
l beaker beaker, sample, of value, reading, °C liquid, g/mL by
+ g g sample, mL dispensing
volume mL , mL
1 37.229 35.105g 2.124g 2.13mL 2mL 30°C .9956502g/mL 2.13mL 5.84%
2 41.505 35.105g 3.976g 3.99mL 4mL 30°C .9956502g/mL 1.86mL 0.60%
3 47.661 35.105g 6.156g 6.18mL 6mL 30°C .9956502g/mL 2.19mL 2.53%
4 55.649 35.105g 7.988g 8.02mL 8mL 30°C .9956502g/mL 1.84mL 0.15%
5 65.874 35.105g 10.225g 10.27m 10mL 30°C .9956502g/mL 2.25mL 2.20%
g L
Table1. Calibration results for Measuring pipette (Serologic)

The mass of the sample was computed by subtracting the mass of beaker from the Mass of beaker +
volume of sample. The volume of sample was computed using the formula: Actual value= Mass of sample ÷
Density. Since the thermometer has indicated that the water is 30°C the density is already fixed in .
9956502g/mL. Precision by dispensing was calculated using this formula: Precision by dispensing trial 1
=VofS1-VofS0, trial 2 =VofS2-VofS1, trial 3 =VofS3-VofS2, trial 4 =VofS4-VofS3, trial 5 =VofS5-VofS4. And lastly
for the %error was calculated using the formula: [(Actual value-true value) ÷ Actual value].

Slope y-intercept R2
2.0214 0.0296 0.999480525
Table2. Determination of linear regression
The slope was calculated and estimated to be 2.0214, y-intercept is also calculated and estimated to
have a result of 0.0296, and R 2 of 0.999480525. The slope says that the value of y-axis which is the measured
mass of water increases by approximately 2.0214 as the x-axis which is the true value succeeds. The y-
intercept indicates that the line had crossed the y-axis at 0.0296. And lastly is the R 2 which had a value of
0.999480525, it indicates the variability of the data around its mean.

Mean SD %RSD
2.05mL 0.09 9.30%
Table3. Determination of Mean and standard deviation for graduated pipette

The mean have been calculated using the data of precision by dispensing, adding it all and dividing the
sum to the number of sample, resulting to the mean of 2.05. The mean represents the average precision. The
experiments standard deviation is low which had a value of 0.09, it means that the data are not that far to
each other. Lastly, the % RSD indicates that the data is close to each other and due to a low % RSD, the data is



Mass of water

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
True value

(10, 10.225)
(8, 7.988)

(6, 6.156)

(4, 3.976)
Y-intercept: 0.0296
(2, 2.124) R2=0.999480525

Figure1. Scatter line graph presentation for measuring pipette

The graph shows the results that are present in table 1 and 2. The graph indicates the relationship
between the mass of the water and the true value.

Trial Mass of Mass of Mass of Volume True Temperature Density of % %

Beaker + Beaker, sample, of value, reading, °C liquid, g/mL erro Recovery
volume g g sample, mL r
of mL
sample, g
1 34.317g 29.342 4.975g 4.997mL 5mL 30°C .9956502g/mL .06% 99.94%
2 34.329g 29.342 4.987g 5.009mL 5mL 30°C .9956502g/mL .18% 100.18%
3 34.341g 29.342 4.999g 5.021mL 5mL 30°C .9956502g/mL .42% 100.42%
Table4. Calibration results for volumetric pipette

The mass of the sample was computed by subtracting the mass of beaker from the Mass of beaker +
volume of sample. The volume of sample was computed using the formula: Actual value= Mass of sample ÷
Density. Since the thermometer has indicated that the water is 30°C the density is already fixed in .
9956502g/mL. For the %error it had a .06% .18% and .42% errors on each trial. And lastly, the % recovery was
are high enough, both accurate and precise, therefore the data is reliable.

Mean SD %RSD
5.009mL 0.002 0.240%
Table5. Determination of Mean and standard deviation for volumetric pipette
The mean have been calculated using the volume of the sample and had the result of 5.009. The mean
represents the average volume of the sample. The experiments standard deviation is low which had a value of
0.002, it means that the data are not that far to each other. Lastly, the % RSD is 0.240% that indicates the data
is less spread out and are close to each other, due to a low % RSD, the data is precise.

Mass of Mass of Mass of Volume True Temperature Density of % %

Trial Volumetr volume sample, of value, reading, °C liquid, error Recovery
ic flask + tric g sample, mL g/mL
volume flask, g mL
sample, g
1 147.446g 48.520g 98.926g 99.358 100m 30°C . .64% 99.36%
mL L 9956502g/
2 148.846g 48.520g 100.326 100.764 100m 30°C . .76% 100.76%
g mL L 9956502g/
3 147.787g 48.520g 99.267g 99.701 100m 30°C . .30% 99.70%
mL L 9956502g/
Table6. Calibration results of volumetric flask

The mass of the sample was computed by subtracting the mass of beaker from the Mass of beaker +
volume of sample. The volume of sample was computed using the formula: Actual value= Mass of sample ÷
Density. Since the thermometer has indicated that the water is 30°C the density is already fixed in .
9956502g/mL. For the %error, it had a .64% .76% and .30% errors on each trial. And lastly, the % recovery was
are high enough, which are 99.36%, 100.76%, and 99.70%, both accurate and precise, therefore the data is

Mean SD %RSD
99.94mL 0.007 .734%
Table7. Determination of Mean and standard deviation for volumetric flask

The mean have been calculated using the volume of the sample and had the result of 99.94mL. The
mean represents the average volume of the sample. The experiments standard deviation is low which had a
value of 0.007, it means that the data are not that far to each other. Lastly, the % RSD is .734% that indicates
the data is less spread out and are close to each other, due to a low % RSD, the data is precise.



Aldrich, K. (2019, March) Difference of glassware.

Beryll, A.T. (2017, April) Volumetric glassware.


Copeland F. (2017, June) Different Glassware.

Gzhul, D.L. (2015, February) The slope of a linear function.


Appendix A

Mass of sample = (Mass of beaker + volume of sample)-(mass of beaker)

Mass of sample= 37.229-35.105=2.124





Volume of sample (actual value) = (Mass of sample) ÷ (Density)

Volume of sample=2.13=2.124÷0.9956502g/mL


6.18=6.156÷ 0.9956502g/mL



Precision by dispensing = Trial 1 =VofS1-VofS0

Trial 2 =VofS2-VofS1

Trial 3 =VofS3-VofS2

Trial 4 =VofS4-VofS3

Trial 5 =VofS5-VofS4

% by error = [(Actual value-true value) ÷ Actual value].

[(2.13-2) ÷ 2.13] = 5.84%

[(3.99-4) ÷ 3.99] = 0.60%

[(6.18-6) ÷ 6.18] = 2.53%

[(8.02-8) ÷ 8.02] = 0.15%

[(10.27-10) ÷ 10.27] = 2.20%

Slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)


Y−intercept= y = mx + b

= 0.0296

R2= [n(Σxy)-( Σx)( Σy)] ÷ √{[nΣx2-(Σx)2][ nΣy2-(Σy)2]

= 0.999480525

Mean= Σn ÷ #n

= 2.05mL

Standard deviation = σ = √(Σ(x-x ̅ )2 )/(n-1 )

= 0.09

%RSD= %RSD = (σ)/x ̅ x 100

= 9.30%

Appendix B

% by recovery = (Volume of sample ÷ True value) x100

(4.997÷5) x100 = 99.94%

(5.009÷5) x100 = 100.18%

(5.021÷5) x100 = 100.42%

Mean= Σn ÷ #n

= 5.009mL

Standard deviation = σ = √(Σ(x-x ̅ )2 )/(n-1 )

= 0.002

%RSD= %RSD = (σ)/x ̅ x 100

= 0.240%

Appendix C

% by recovery = (Volume of sample ÷ True value) x100

(99.358÷100) x100 = 99.36%

(100.764÷100) x100 = 100.76%

(99.701÷100) x100 = 99.70%

Mean= Σn ÷ #n

= 99.94mL

Standard deviation = σ = √(Σ(x-x ̅ )2 )/(n-1 )

= 0.007

%RSD= %RSD = (σ)/x ̅ x 100

= 0.734%

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