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Gross Anatomy #8 – Arm (Brachium) & Cubital Fossa

1) In a cross section of the arm, what nerve would be found in the space between the
brachialis muscle and the long head of the biceps brachii muscle?
a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Axillary nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Median nerve
e) Ulnar nerve
2) The tendon of what muscle runs through the bicipital groove of the humeral head?
a) Lateral head of triceps brachii
b) Medial head of triceps brachii
c) Long head of triceps brachii
d) Short head of biceps brachii
e) Long head of biceps brachii
3) Which of the following describes the anastomoses of the ulnar recurrent arteries?
a) Anterior anastomosis with posterior, Superior anastomosis with inferior
b) Anterior anastomosis with superior, Inferior anastomosis with posterior
c) Anterior anastomosis with inferior, Superior anastomosis with posterior
4) Which of the following veins runs on the lateral aspect of the arm?
a) Cephalic vein
b) Basilic vein
c) Median cubital vein
d) Axillary vein
e) External jugular vein
5) A patient presents with a midshaft humerus fracture. What nerve is the most likely to be
a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Axillary nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Median nerve
e) Ulnar nerve
6) Which of the following is in the correct order from lateral to medial within the cubital
fossa? (Brachial artery, median nerve, biceps tendon)
a) Tendon, artery, nerve
b) Artery, nerve, tendon
c) Nerve, tendon, artery
d) Nerve, artery, tendon
e) Artery, tendon, nerve
7) The biceps tendon reflex mainly tests what nerve root?
a) C8
b) C7
c) C6
d) C5
e) C4
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8) The brachioradialis reflex mainly tests what nerve root?
a) C8
b) C7
c) C6
d) C5
e) C4
9) The triceps reflex mainly tests what nerve root?
a) C8
b) C7
c) C6
d) C5
e) C4
10) Wrist flexion mainly involves what nerve root?
a) C5
b) C6
c) C7
d) C8
e) T1
11) Finger flexion mainly involves what nerve root?
a) C5
b) C6
c) C7
d) C8
e) T1
Gross Anatomy #9 – Forearm (Antebrachium)
1) A patient presents with a minor crush injury to the forearm. They are complaining of pain
out of proportion to the injury. A S.T.I.C. catheter is inserted into the forearm and high
pressure is found within the affected fascial compartment. Which of the following structures is
the first to lose function in compartment syndrome?
a) Nerves
b) Veins
c) Arteries
d) Bones
e) Kidneys
2) What muscle makes up the floor of the cubital fossa and is the primary flexor of
the forearm?
a) Palmaris longus
b) Pronator teres
c) Biceps brachii
d) Brachioradialis
e) Brachialis
3) What muscle is the primary supinator of the forearm?
a) Palmaris longus
b) Pronator teres
c) Biceps brachii
d) Brachioradialis
e) Brachialis
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4) A patient presents with damage to tendons of his right forearm. The clinician asks the
patient to touch their left thumb and left pinky together and slightly flex their wrist. The
maneuver enhances visualization of which of the following, whose function is minor and can
be used to replace the damaged tendons of the other forearm?
a) Flexor digitorum superficialis
b) Flexor carpi ulnaris
c) Flexor carpi radialis
d) Pronator teres
e) Palmaris longus
5) Injury to the median nerve would affect which of the following muscles?
a) Biceps brachii
b) Flexor carpi ulnaris
c) Supinator
d) Pronator quadratus
e) Brachioradialis
6) A patient is asked to flex their wrists and put the tops (posterior aspect) of their hands
together for 90 seconds. After a positive test, surgery is scheduled to make a transverse
incision through the flexor retinaculum. This will relieve pressure on what nerve passing
through this structure?
a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Axillary nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Median nerve
e) Ulnar nerve
7) Which of the following extends the pinky finger only?
a) Extensor carpi radialis longus
b) Extensor carpi radialis brevis
c) Extensor digitorum
d) Extensor digiti minimi
e) Extensor carpi ulnaris
8) Which of the following is found at the elbow and works to extend the elbow?
a) Abductor pollicis longus
b) Extensor pollicis brevis
c) Extensor pollicis longus
d) Extensor indicis
e) Supinator
f) Anconeus
9) A patient presents after falling off a skateboard onto an outstretched hand. The clinician
presses into the anatomic snuff box near the thumb and pain is felt. An MRI is scheduled of
the scaphoid bone and measures are made to prevent avascular necrosis. What tendon lies in
the middle of the area that was palpated?
a) Abductor pollicis longus
b) Extensor pollicis brevis
c) Extensor pollicis longus
d) Extensor indicis
e) Extensor carpi radialis
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10) Prior to performing a puncture for an arterial blood gas sample, the clinician performs
an Allen test to ensure patency to the superficial palmar arch of the hand. What two
arteries contribute to this arch?
a) Anterior interosseous and deep radial
b) Superficial radial and Superficial ulnar
c) Deep ulnar and anterior interosseous
d) Anterior and posterior interosseous
e) Radial recurrent and superficial ulnar
11) Which of the following best describes the distribution of a common palmar digital
(superficial) artery?
a) Lateral aspect of middle finger and lateral aspect of ring finger
b) Medial aspect of middle finger and medial aspect of ring finger
c) Lateral aspect of middle finger and medial aspect of ring finger
d) Medial aspect of middle finger and lateral aspect of ring finger
e) Lateral and medial aspect of middle finger
12) What nerve runs between the two heads of the pronator teres muscle?
a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Axillary nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Median nerve
e) Ulnar nerve
13) What nerve runs deep, piercing the supinator muscle?
a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Axillary nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Median nerve
e) Ulnar nerve
14) The ulnar nerve runs between the two heads of what muscle?
a) Extensor carpi radialis longus
b) Extensor carpi radialis brevis
c) Extensor digitorum
d) Extensor digiti minimi
e) Extensor carpi ulnaris
Gross Anatomy #10 & 11 – Hand
1) Which of the following attaches to the distal phalanx?
a) Flexor digitorum superficialis
b) Flexor digitorum profundus
c) Flexor retinaculum
d) Fibrous flexor sheath
e) Interossei muscles
2) Which of the following finger infections involves the pulp space of the finger tip pad?
a) Paronychia
b) Felon
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c) Herpetic whitlow
d) Cellulitis
e) Flexor tendosynovitis
3) A 40-year-old male presents with lost function of the left ring finger. History reveals
presence of a tender bump on the palm which has progressed and now pulls the ring
finger into flexion. Which of the following is the most likely?
a) Erb-Duchenne Palsy
b) Dejerine-Klumpke Palsy
c) Parsonage-Turner Syndrome
d) Hand of Benediction
e) Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
f) Volkmann Contracture
g) Dupuytren Contracture
4) Which of the following is NOT a muscle of the thenar eminence?
a) Lumbrical
b) Opponens pollicis
c) Abductor pollicis brevis
d) Flexor pollicis brevis
e) Adductor pollicis
5) The dorsal and palmar interossei move fingers away from midline, centered around
what digit?
a) Digit 1
b) Digit 2
c) Digit 3
d) Digit 4
e) Digit 5
6) Most of the fingers are supplied by what artery?
a) Radial artery of the superficial palmar arch
b) Ulnar artery of the superficial palmar arch
c) Radial artery of the deep palmar arch
d) Ulnar artery of the deep palmar arch
7) The palmar branch of the median nerve travels through the carpal tunnel.
a) True
b) False
8) What nerve provides sensation over the region of the anatomic snuff box?
a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Axillary nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Median nerve
e) Ulnar nerve
9) A bicyclist presents with deficits of the hand. The clinician suspects Guyon canal
syndrome. What nerve passes through the tunnel of Guyon?
a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Axillary nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Median nerve
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e) Ulnar nerve
10) A patient presents with a claw-like appearance of the hand. When asked to hold a
piece of paper between their finger and thumb, they flex their thumb at the
interphalangeal joint (Froment sign). Which of the following nerves is likely damaged?
a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Axillary nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Median nerve
e) Ulnar nerve
11) A patient presents with deficits of the hand. When asked to hold their arm out parallel
to the ground, they are unable to move their fingers to the ceiling (wrist-drop). What
nerve is likely damaged?
a) Musculocutaneous nerve
b) Axillary nerve
c) Radial nerve
d) Median nerve
e) Ulnar nerve
12) A patient presents with deficits of the hand. When asked to make a fist, they are only
able to fully flex digits 4 and 5 (Hand of Benediction). Which of the following nerves is
most likely damaged?
a) Proximal radial nerve
b) Distal radial nerve
c) Proximal median nerve
d) Distal median nerve
e) Proximal ulnar nerve
f) Distal ulnar nerve
13) A patient presents with inability to extend their fingers. The patient states they were
throwing an opponent during a Judo competition and the opponent did not let go, thus
pulling hard on the patient’s outstretched arm. Examination reveals loss of sensation
along the medial aspect of the arm and an inability to span the fingers. Which of the
following is most likely?
a) Erb-Duchenne Palsy
b) Dejerine-Klumpke Palsy
c) Parsonage-Turner Syndrome
d) Hand of Benediction
e) Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
f) Volkmann Contracture
g) Dupuytren Contracture
Gross Anatomy #12 – Articulations (Upper Limb)
1) When falling onto an outstretched arm, which of the following is the most likely?
a) Sternoclavicular joint dislocation
b) Humerus fracture
c) Clavicle fracture
d) Posterior shoulder dislocation
e) Acromion fracture
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2) Which of the following joints is the weakest?
a) Sternoclavicular (SC)
b) Acromioclavicular (AC)
c) Coracoclavicular (CC)
3) In addition to the coracohumeral ligament, there is/are ____ glenohumeral ligament(s),
acting to strengthen the joint capsule.
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
4) Which of the following rotator cuff muscles attaches to the inferior tubercle of the
a) Supraspinatus
b) Infraspinatus
c) Teres minor
d) Subscapularis
5) A patient presents with fractured bone. History reveals the patient was defending them
self from an attack with a metal pipe. Which of the following bones is the most likely to
be involved?
a) Proximal phalanx of first digit
b) Humerus
c) Radius
d) Ulna
e) Scaphoid
6) A preschool-aged girl presents with history of being swung around by the arms by a by
their father to mimic Superman. Examination reveals difficulty with pronation and
supination movement. The arm is flexed and pronated and the child refuses to use the
limb. Which ligament near the cubital fossa is most likely involved?
a) Radial collateral ligament
b) Ulnar collateral ligament
c) Anular ligament of radius
7) Which of the following carpal bones is closest to the thumb?
a) Scaphoid
b) Trapezoid
c) Pisiform
d) Lunate
e) Trapezium
8) Which of the following best describes the 1st carpometacarpal joint (thumb)?
a) Synovial saddle
b) Synovial condyloid
c) Synovial hinge
d) Synovial plane
e) Synovial ellipsoid
9) Which of the following best describes the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints?
a) Synovial saddle
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b) Synovial condyloid
c) Synovial hinge
d) Synovial plane
e) Synovial ellipsoid
Gross Anatomy #13 – Correlations (Upper Limb)
1) What nerve root is associated with the ability to hold a dollar bill between your fingers
without it slipping out?
a) C5
b) C6
c) C7
d) C8
e) T1
2) Which of the following muscle grades is described as motion against the force of
a) Grade 0
b) Grade 1
c) Grade 2
d) Grade 3
e) Grade 4
f) Grade 5
3) A patient presents with neurologic deficits. They have difficulty pushing outward with
their arm (abduction) and flexing their elbow. Their bicep reflex is diminished and they
have some lost sensation on the lateral aspect of the upper arm. Which of the following
discs would account for these findings if it were herniated?
a) C2-C3
b) C3-C4
c) C4-C5
d) C5-C6
e) C6-C7
4) A young child presents with motor deficits of the right arm. The arm appears to be in a
“Waiter’s Tip” or “Secret Smoker” position with arm extended, internally rotated, and
wrist flexed. Which of the following likely occurred during birth?
a) Radial nerve lesion
b) Ulnar nerve lesion
c) Median nerve lesion
d) Upper brachial plexus lesion
e) Lower brachial plexus lesion
5) Which of the following types of fractures occurs from falling on an outstretched hand
and gives a “dinner fork” appearance?
a) Scaphoid
b) Lunate
c) Colles
d) Greenstick
e) Radial head
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6) A patient presents with radial deviation, minor clawing of the hand, and loss of
sensation over the 5th digit. Which of the following nerves is most likely injured?
a) Proximal radial nerve
b) Distal radial nerve
c) Proximal median nerve
d) Distal median nerve
e) Proximal ulnar nerve
f) Distal ulnar nerve
7) A volleyball player presents after trying to block a spike and jamming their finger (as
shown). The clinician believes the extensor digitorum tendon was hyperextended. Which
of the following is most likely?
a) Trigger finger
b) Mallet finger
c) Swan-neck finger
d) Boutonnière finger

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