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(Augustinian Works of Kindness and Evangelization)
“Children, let us love in deed and in truth and not merely talk about it.” 1 Jn 3:18

A. Goal: Apply the corporal and spiritual works of mercy in my daily life by doing acts of kindness.
B. Role: Modern-day Apostles | Kindness Advocate
C. Audience: Family, friends, CSA teachers, personnel, fellow Augustinians, and other people who are in
D. Situation: CSA-Makati will be celebrating its 50th anniversary next year. One way to celebrate it is to
promote Augustinian values by doing acts of mercy.
E. Product: A compilation/documentation of the acts of kindness done based on the works of mercy.

1. Each group chooses 2 corporal + 2 spiritual works of mercy to be done consistently in a month
2. Accomplish the AWOKE Calendar (can be accessed through ARALinks: 2ND TERM PETAS > AWOKE
CALENDAR) This serves as a plan and must be included in the final product.
3. The acts of kindness may be done at home, in school, in your neighborhood or wherever possible.
4. Document your acts of kindness through photo or video.
a) If your acts of kindness will be done in school, please provide a letter from your parents
allowing you to bring and use your gadget for documentation. The letter should be addressed
to the head teacher.
b) The use of cellphone is banned from 7:10 am – 3:25 pm. (CSA Student Handbook 2014 edition, p.73)
5. After a month, compile the documentation/evidences of all the acts of kindness done.
6. PRODUCT can be in a form of:
a) Photo/video compilation (to be saved in a flash drive)
b) Portfolio (includes printed photos and other evidences)
c) Other creative ways
7. Write a SHORT REFLECTION after you accomplished the task.
a) 2 sentences each member
b) Guide questions for reflection:
 How did I feel before, during, and after doing the acts of kindness?
 What Augustinian values have I shown and significant realizations did I get from doing
the works of mercy?
 From what I/we did, what works of mercy am I willing to continue for the rest of my
life? How?
c) Combine all your reflections.
d) Print on a short bond paper and include in the final product.
8. Submission: DECEMBER 3, 2018

*The guidelines above can be accessed through ARALinks (2ND TERM PETAS > AWOKE GUIDELINES)

Prepared by Mr. Almoguerra | 10/17/18

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