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CrediT and CUlminate

NSTP-CWTS Social Action Intensified Activity # 11

An Advocacy Continues
Name: Jeffrey B. Mier Jr. Prog/Yr/Sec: BSHM 1A
Date: July 1, 2022 Score: ________
This Social Action Intensified Activity is in line with PSYCHOMOTOR DOMAIN involving
CWTS student’s physical movement, coordination, and use of motor-skill areas. Development of
these skills requires practice and is measured in terms of speed, precision, distance, procedures,
or techniques in execution.

This activity highlights CWTS Students’ advocacy for Solid Waste Management.
1) Apply Proper Trash Segregation at home by providing 4 receptacles for your home trashes.
Tell your parents and all your family members at home to practice proper waste
segregation in order to participate in the solid waste management practice in your
barangay and our local government unit.

2) Approach any barangay official and ask for Solid Waste Management practices
implemented in your barangay.
3) DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE PICTURES. Include caption for each picture for proper


Post them here.


Personal Connection Portfolio Task # 11
Solid Waste Management Practices
Name: Jeffrey B. Mier Jr. Prog/Yr/Sec: BSHM 1A
Date: July 1, 2022 Score: ________

This portfolio task is in line with AFFECTIVE DOMAIN involving CWTS student’s feelings,
emotions, and attitudes toward the conduct of the activity. This domain includes the manner in
which he/she deals with things emotionally, such as feelings, values, appreciation, enthusiasm,
motivation and attitudes.

What I have done…

I’ve learned and be able to discuss to my family about the importance of solid waste
management in our house. And we commit to practice the waste segregation in order to protect
our environment.

What I want to accomplish more…

I want to share my knowledge and be a good example to the future generations that we
must protect and preserve our home by simply practicing the 3R’s in solid waste management.

Draw a SYMBOL (an object which symbolizes something) to represent your CWTS
experience. And put a very short explanation.

In order to manage solid waste effectively, the 3Rs must be put into practice. Reducing the
amount of garbage we create is one of the best things we can do to protect the environment.

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