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Eng neer ng Mathemat cs

Appl cat on of Complex Numbers

to Electr cal C rcu ts

3/10/16 1
Eng neer ng Mathemat cs
The sinusoidal wave form can be derived from the length of the vertical projection of a
radius vector rotating in a uniform circular motion about a fixed point.

The velocity with which the radius vector rotates about the center, called the angular
velocity, can be determined from the following equation:

The angular velocity (ω) is:

Since (ω) is typically provided in radians per second, the angle α obtained using α = ωt is
usually in radians.
The time required to complete one revolution is equal to the period (T) of the sinusoidal
waveform. The radians subtended in this time interval are 2π.
Eng neer ng Mathemat cs
The basic mathematical format for the sinusoidal waveform is:

V m sinα
Vm is the peak value of the waveform and α is the unit of measure for the horizontal axis.

The equation α = ωt states that the angle α through which the rotating vector will pass is
determined by the angular velocity of the rotating vector and the length of time the vector
For a particular angular velocity (fixed ω), the longer the radius vector is permitted to
rotate (that is, the greater the value of t ), the greater will be the number of degrees or
radians through which the vector will pass. The general format of a sine wave can also be
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A SINUSOID is a signal that has the form of the sine or cosine function.
The sinusoidal current is referred to as AC. Circuits driven by AC sources are referred to
as AC Circuits.
Sketch of V m sinωt.

T Period

(a) As a function of ωt. (b) As a function of t .

• Vm is the AMPLITUDE of the sinusoid.
• ω is the ANGULAR FREQUENCY in radians/s.
• f is the FREQUENCY in Hertz.
3/10/16 • T is the period in seconds. 4
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● A periodic function is one that satisfies v(t) = v(t + nT), for

all t and for all integers n.

● Only two sinusoidal values with the same frequency can be

compared by their amplitude and phase difference.
● If phase difference is zero, they are in phase; if phase difference is
not zero, they are out of phase.
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Phase of S nuso ds

● The terms lead and lag are used to indicate the relationship between
two sinusoidal waveforms of the same frequency plotted on the same set
of axes.
● The cosine curve is said to lead the sine curve by 90°.
● The sine curve is said to lag the cosine curve by 90°.
● 90 is referred to as the phase angle between the two waveforms.
● When determining the phase measurement we first note that each
sinusoidal function has the same frequency, permitting the use of either
waveform to determine the period.
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Phase of S nuso ds
● Consider the sinusoidal voltage having phase φ,

• v2 LEADS v1 by phase φ.
• v 1 LAGS v2 by phase φ.
• v 1 and v2 are out of phase.
Eng neer ng Mathemat cs
Voltage and current are out of phase by 40°, and voltage lags. Us ng current
as the reference, sketch the phasor d agram and the correspond ng

3/10/16 8
Eng neer ng Mathemat cs
A phasor is a complex number that represents the amplitude and phase
of a sinusoid.
Phasor is the mathematical equivalent of a sinusoid with time variable
Phasor representation is based on Euler’s identity:

Given a sinusoid v(t)=Vm cos(ωt+φ).

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Given the sinusoids i(t)=Im cos(ωt+φI) and v(t)=Vm cos(ωt+ φV) we can
obtain the phasor forms as:
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● Amplitude and phase difference are two principal
concerns in the study of voltage and current sinusoids.
● Phasor will be defined from the cosine function in all our
proceeding study. If a voltage or current expression is in
the form of a sine, it will be changed to a cosine by
subtracting from the phase.
• Example
• Transform the follow ng s nuso ds to phasors:
– = 6cos(50t – 40 ) A
– v = –4s n(30t + 50 ) V

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● Amplitude and phase difference are two principal
concerns in the study of voltage and current sinusoids.
● Phasor will be defined from the cosine function in all our
proceeding study. If a voltage or current expression is in
the form of a sine, it will be changed to a cosine by
subtracting from the phase.
• Example
• Transform the follow ng s nuso ds to phasors:
– = 6cos(50t – 40 ) A
v = –4s n(30t + 50 ) V
a. I A
b. Since –sin(A) = cos(A+90 o );
v(t) = 4cos (30t+50 o +90 o ) = 4cos(30t+140 o ) V
3/10/16 Transform to phasor => V V 1
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Transform the s nuso ds correspond ng to phasors:

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Transform the s nuso ds correspond ng to phasors:

a) v(t) = 10cos(ωt + 210 o) V
b) Since
i(t) = 13cos(ωt + 22.62 o) A

3/10/16 1
Eng neer ng Mathemat cs

Phasor as Rotat ng Vectors

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Phasor D agrams

Rotates on a circle of radius Vm at an angular velocity of ω in the
counterclockwise direction
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Phasor D agrams
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D fferent at on and Integrat on n Phasor Doma n
Differentiating a sinusoid is equivalent to multiplying its corresponding
phasor by jω.

Integrating a sinusoid is equivalent to dividing its corresponding phasor

by jω.
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Add ng Phasors Graph cally

● Adding sinusoids of the same frequency is equivalent to adding their

corresponding phasors.
V=V1+V 2
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Eng neer ng Mathemat cs

Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements

● After we know how to convert RLC components from t me to phasor

doma n, we can transform a t me doma n c rcu t nto a phasor/frequency
doma n c rcu t.
● Hence, we can apply the KCL laws and other theorems to d rectly set up
phasor equat ons nvolv ng our target var able(s) for solv ng.
● Next we f nd the phasor or frequency doma n equ valent of the element
equat ons for RLC elements.

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Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements

Phasor voltage and current

T me Doma n Frequency Doma n of a resistor are in phase
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Phasor Relationship for Resistor

Frequency Doma n

Voltage and current of a

resistor are in phase

T me Doma n

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Phasor Relationships for Inductor

Phasor current of an
inductor LAGS the voltage
by 90 degrees.
T me Doma n Frequency Doma n
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Phasor Relationships for Inductor
Frequency Doma n

Phasor current of an
inductor LAGS the voltage
by 90 degrees.

T me Doma n

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Phasor Relationships for Capacitor

Phasor current of a capacitor

T me Doma n Frequency Doma n LEADS the voltage by 90 degrees.
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Phasor Relationships for Capacitor
Frequency Doma n
Phasor current of a
capacitor LEADS the voltage
by 90 degrees.

T me Doma n

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Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements

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Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements

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Impedance and Admittance

● The Impedance Z
● The Admitance Y of a
of a circuit is the
circuit is the reciprocal
ratio of phasor
of impedance
voltage V to the
measured in Simens (S).
phasor current I.

● Impedances and Admitances of passive elements.

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Impedance as a Function of Frequency

● The Impedance Z of a circuit is a function of the frequency.

● Inductor is SHORT CIRCUIT at DC and OPEN CIRCUIT at high

Capacitor is OPEN CIRCUIT at DC and SHORT CIRCUIT at high

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Impedance of Joint Elements

● The Impedance Z represents the opposition of the circuit to the
flow of sinusoidal current.


● The Reactance is Inductive if X is positive and it is Capacitive if X

is negative.
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Admittance of Joint Elements

● The Admittance Y represents the admittance of the circuit to the

flow of sinusoidal current.
The admittance is measured in Siemens (s)

Y +

3/10/16 34
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Application of KVL for Phasors
● The Kirchoff”s Voltage Law
(KVL) holds in the frequency
domain. For series connected

● The Voltage Division for two elements in series is:

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Parallel Combination for Phasors

● The Kirchoff”s Voltage
Law (KVL) holds in the
frequency domain. For
series connected

● The Current Division for two elements is:

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Application of Current Division for Phasors

Calculate the currents 1

and 2 n phasor doma n
1 2

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Application of Current Division for Phasors

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Application of Current Division for Phasors

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Eng neer ng Mathemat cs

3/10/16 4
Eng neer ng Mathemat cs

Superposition Theorem

The superpos t on pr nc ple states that the voltage across (or current through)
an element n a l near c rcu t s the algebra c sum of the voltages across (or
currents through) that element due to each ndependent source act ng alone.

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Superposition Theorem

The theorem becomes mportant f the c rcu t has sources operat ng at

d fferent frequenc es. In th s case, s nce the mpedances depend on frequency,
we must have a d fferent frequency doma n c rcu t for each frequency. The
total response must be obta ned by add ng the nd v dual responses n the
t me doma n.

It s ncorrect to try to add the responses n the phasor or frequency doma n.

Why? Because the exponent al factor ejωt s mpl c t n s nuso dal analys s, and
that factor would change for every angular frequency ω. It would therefore not
make sense to add responses at d fferent frequenc es n the phasor doma n.
Thus, when a c rcu t has sources operat ng at d fferent frequenc es, one must
add the responses due to the nd v dual frequenc es n the t me doma n.

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Eng neer ng Mathemat cs

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