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Dear audience,

I stand before you today to preside over the graduation ceremony

of our future doctors. Medicine, as we all know, is a career that
involves countless sacrifices and perpetual study. Being a doctor,
DEVELOPING achieving this title, is not an end but a beginning.
So the graduates before you today have only just begun their
journey. University was the route they followed for a time, but
from now on it is up to each of them to build their path. This title
they deserve today is both a promise and a lifetime commitment.

They agree, by accepting it, to make good use of it, to serve and
help the community, to use their knowledge for the benefit of
humanity, to continue training, educating and updating, since
being a doctor is a choice made by lifetime.

Once this is pointed out, I can only congratulate them for the effort

CONCLUCION they have given and for the results they are obtaining now.
Congratulations, dear graduates, on the step you are climbing
today. !! Congratulations!!

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