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It all begins when earlier this year comes the unexpected news that a virus (covid 19) had
originated in Wuhan, China's that was deadly to humanity because it`s a virus that attacks
different systems of the human body and spreads easily, as is the contagion by touch person to
person so it has been declared a health emergency of global proportions. Furthermore this has
presented a huge challenge to health systems worldwide such as doctor, surgeons, nurses, also
to national leaders and to citizens.

Covid19 is a pandemic that caught us by surprise, and it has been a heartbreaking and
frustrating situation for society that may have been the cause of many people's saddest and
most difficult days, that's why the governments of every country together with the different
organizations of health, have prepared a few restrictions to be able to avoid massive contagion
that we must fulfill. As well as that we mustn’t go out of our houses if it isn`t necessary, keep a
social distancing, wash our hands often, we should eat as well as we can to have good
defenses, use of mask etc. these prevention and protection measures can avoid a great spread
of the virus and although they are a bit extreme, we must do our best to comply with them for
our safety and that of our relatives.

The health staff and researchers are undoubtedly the layer less heroes are those who work
very hard to be able to find a cure for the virus, are the ones who get up every day to give their
best in their work and risk their lives to save others. Both they and we have had to adapt again
and change our routines. We were used to have a routine but now those habits has turned
into something that we can´t do constantly because there are some orders and some
restrictions that we must fulfill for our security.

It`s clear that the virus has brought with it great economic, political, cultural issues and above
all the social disadvantages with respect to social classes and elitism, have been evidenced
since the most vulnerable people have the greatest risk of contagion and may die.

On the other hand, it has contributed to environmental pollution, since the global confinement
has allowed the animals to return to their habitats, it also reduced the production of CO2
because there are not so many cars on the roads and fewer factories operating

This is a life change in which we will probably stay for a long time and we do not know if it
could get worse or better, that is why we can help by taking care of ourselves and thanking
those people who rise every day to do their best as doctors, researchers and all people who
contribute to win this battle.

Finally, I want to say that this is one more reason to value what we have, to value the work of
people and one more cause so that as humans we have learned the lesson that we can´t have
control of everything and that we aren`t most powerful.

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