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My Teaching Philosophy


The teaching philosophy is essential in our life, especially for the teacher regarding
for her feeling about the learning. However, there are many principles should we
carried out. In my teaching practice, I see that how the child is can acquire or learn the
language quickly, so based on that I removed all my stressful thinking of how is hard
to understand the second language. In addition, from my whole practices in the
school, I noticed that each child could learn and developed, but that depends on the
teacher if she encourages and scaffolds them they will show progressive quickly, and
that make us as teachers feel proud because we achieved things and build a super
generation. In my teaching philosophy, I will unfold six areas that often appear in my
teaching practice, which is a way that helps to observe the right impact on my student

Differentiation activity

I believe that differentiation on the activities is very important. Many of the teachers
have different learning style so some of them depend on the traditional way to teach
and the others depend on the hands-on activities. For the truth, nowadays the old or
traditional way not effective method to use because it only depends on the teacher to
make everything. In addition, is important to make the lesson reasonable for students
by using the auditory, visual and kinesthetic senses because we have different learning
style in the class (Guido, 2016). From my teaching practices, I noticed that how the
children learn quickly when they involved in the activity so what I did is using hands-
on activity based on their different level like using the cup cartoon to add numbers so
that makes each student share and work by using their hands and I see how each
student want to try, play and discover so from this situation, I plan to depend on the
hands-on activities for a different level because it's an effective way to attract the
..child in the working instead of making them bored by the old method of teaching

Motivation technique

In my perspective, the motivation method is an essential part of the learning

process. I could say that the motivation should apply in everywhere such as school
which is the main thing, company, hospital and home. Its necessary for teacher to
teach by different style and make sure their pupil understand then provide them the
tools they need to learn effectively with them to make the learning process easy
(Listmann & MA, 2019). During my teaching practice, I noticed how the teacher uses
the motivation even in a good or bad way but in my lesson, I depend on using an
attractive way like playing educational games, class dojo and chart so I make
competition between them and I observed how much they were happy even if the
class was noisy that means they were motivated. Further, I used the points to manage
them so if they misbehave I remove the point or if they were good I add a point then
at the end of the week make a party for them, so this way help me to make controlling
in the class and my MCT recommend me to use this way every time. As a result, I
noticed that help me to make the shy students engage with their classmates. last but
not least, I hope to continue with positive motivation. Also, discover more ways to
.attract the students in the learning process to generate super students in the future

:Print rich environment

I strongly believe that effective teaching is when the teacher uses her classroom
environment in a good way. For example, the print-rich environment is an essential
part of student learning. As I observe in my teaching practice the first thing the child
doing when enter the class is watch the wall and read. However, It's necessary to
provide a useful print for the learner. I believe that students memorize the work
quickly when it's on the wall. From my experience, I was teaching a math lesson and
ask them about multiplication so the first thing the student do it is watching the wall
and start memorizing. Further, it's a way for the learner to remember, memorize and
provide a different concept in the class. Moreover, present the students work on the
wall is amazing work by teacher. As I noticed, when I glueing the students work on
the wall and give feedback to them, the students being happy and feel proud they
achieve something. In addition, The main language-rich classroom has many several
stories and I consider the key to each is learner engagement (Connell, 2014). Lastly, I
would like to mention that in my every TP, I used the print-rich environment by using
students work and I will keep doing in my future because play a huge role in the
.learning process


In my opinion, I really believe that assessment is a key element of learning because its
a part of the learning process for the child. As a teacher when apply to do the
assessment from time to time it helps to determine students' performance if
understand the subject material or not. Assessment is a critical part of the learning
method also lets teachers ensure pupils learn what they require to understand in order
to achieve the course's knowledge objectives (Spanella, 2015). In my viewpoint, I see
that assessment its help the teacher and students. In addition, teachers who produce
beneficial assessments and give corrective direction will assist students to learn
(Guskey & T, 2003). Moreover, in my teaching practice, I depend to apply the small
assessment at the end of the class then see the results because this way helps me to
determine if the students got the idea and start to next steps. I consider that assessment
can help the student to motivate because when having assessment they study so I
recommend the teachers to depend on using assessment also I will keep using for my
.educational life

:Student-centered classroom

nowadays the learning style is different from the past, they didn't depend on the
traditional way which is the teacher responsibility who teach and repeat without
making students engage. Moreover, teachers should support student-centered
education by letting students participate in decisions, thinking in their capability to
lead, and memorizing how it feels to discover (McCarthy, 2015). As I noticed that
student who is the centered classroom are more independent because when the learner
involved in the learning process will learn better instead of depending on the teacher.
In my teaching practice, I prefer to make the students discover by themselves by
making different activity, games and group working and I see how much they feel
happy to discover new concept so, that what the education expect or require from us
.as a teacher is to make the student is centered learning

:Meaningful Feedback

In my opinion, the feedback is considered an effective factor of the learning. Is very

important to provide feedback for the students because it helps them to understand the
concept of subject and provide them instructions on what they need to improve
instead of just be silent without any benefit (Bellon, 1991). Also, it's a good way for
the teacher to knowing how the lesson is going and what works well or need to
reteach. From my experience, I prefer to provide the appropriate feedback in each
lesson I will teach so while I am teaching or distribute the activity, I like to give them
good feedback. For example, when a student tries to answer I encourage him and say
well done you are amazing, and I see how they become happy and focus with me to
answer and give him feedback. I really believe is provide feedback is essential even
with a teacher. Moreover, when I have a beer observation and done from my lesson I
got a feedback from my friend she supported me and giving perfect comments also
she gives me the area needs to improve, so I feel happy to know what I am achieved.
However, what about the students who still study and need to know their
performance. I would like to conclude that feedback has a huge impact on our
educational life especially we as a teacher on developing the teacher confident,
responsibility and excitement for teaching. Also, it's an attractive way to enhance our
.learning method

In conclusion, I would like to say that I have experienced all the six-semester in

teaching practice with different level and I discover that teaching is a professional job

and have challenges every day. However, that means it's a job who need a motivation

teacher who is professional, passion and having patient because it's a responsibility

.we have to build a super generation in the future


Bellon, J.J., Bellon, E.C. & Blank, M.A. (1991) Teaching from a Research Knowledge  
Base: a Development and Renewal Process. Facsimile edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey,

Connell, G. (2014). 12 Steps to Creating a Language-Rich Environment | Scholastic.

Retrieved 15 September 2020, from

Guido, M. (2016). 20 Differentiated Instruction Strategies and Examples [+ Downloadable

List]. Retrieved 15 September 2020, from

Guskey, T. (2003). How Classroom Assessments Improve Learning - Educational

Leadership. Retrieved 15 September 2020, from

Listmann, E. (2019). How to Motivate Students to Study. Retrieved 15 September 2020,


McCarthy, J. (2015). Student-Centered Learning: It Starts With the Teacher. Retrieved 15

September 2020, from
Spanella, T. (2015). The Importance of Assessment in Education. Retrieved 15 September
2020, from

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