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PHRASAL VERB What it means Example

to mention something The teacher didn’t bring up anything about the

Bring up
(spomenuti) test.

Carry on similar to „go on“ (nastaviti) You can carry on without me

Come up with think of (smisliti) She came up with a great idea

I don’t get along with Mark, I didn’t like him from

have a good relationship with
Get along with the very first day I met him!”
somebody (slagati se)

find something on the Internet, Can you please look up the address of the dentist
Look up
in a phone book, newspaper etc. on the Net?

Don't put off your homework. Do it sooner

Put off informal – do later (odgađati)
instead of later.

If you want to go to high school, you will have to

Fill in / out ispuniti (formular, prijavu...)
fill in the application form online

Ivica and Marica’s mum looks after their sick

Look after take care of (brinuti se o)

to accidentally find something or

Run across I ran across my old college friend last week.
see someone (naići na)

recover (from an illness or a Perica hasn’t really gotten over Marica. He’s still
Get over
breakup) in love with her.

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