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LK 3.



Tipe / Type Toyota ……
Nomor Identifikasi Kendaraan /
Vehicle Identification No.(VIN)
No. Mesin / Engine No.
Nomor Plat / License No. D. 1326 SY atau
Training Unit
Odometer 1000 km

Pengecekan Kelengkapan Keamanan/Safety Inspection

Description Available** Not Availble**
Fender Cover*
Seat Cover*
Floor Mate*
Steering Cover*
Chooker/Ganjal (Front and Rear Tyre)*
Work Uniform (Wearpack)*
Safety Shoes*
Safety Glass*
Safety Glooves*
* Gunakan APD selama melaksanakn praktek di bengkel (bukti foto)/All Personal Protective Equipment/PPE
must be worn during practice in the workshop (photo)
** Berikan tanda ceklis pada kolom yang sesuai kondisi sesungguhnya/Give a Check Mark (Tick “√”) in the
column where relevant, specify your real condition.

Persiapan / Preparation
Deskripsi/Description Good** Bad**
Visual Check, Engine cleanliness*
Visual Check Wiring harness condition & repaired*
Check Engine Oil Level & Condition*
Check Engine Cooling*
Check Battery Condition*
Multimeter, Digital
Multimeter, Analog
Vernier Caliper
Fanbelt Tension Gauge (If available)
Ampere Volt Meter
Battery Tester
Tools Set
Workshop Manual
* Lakukan pemeliharaan dan atasi kondisi mesin yang belum sesuai sebelum melanjutkan kegiatan/ Make sure
the item must be corrected until all item in good condition.
** Berikan tanda ceklis pada kolom yang sesuai kondisi sesungguhnya/Give a Check Mark (Tick “√”) in the
column where relevant, specify your real condition.
I. Observation

Deskripsi/Description Nilai/Value Keterangan/Remarks

Capacity of Battery ...................................................... AH --
Battery Voltage ..................................................... Good/Poor/Bad
Type of Alternator - Conventional/IC

II. Inspection of Alternator Components

Hasil/Result Keterangan/Remarks
A. Visual Inspection
- Drive belt Good/Bad Visual check the belt
from cracking or
separation of the ribs,
worn ribs.
- Regulator Terminal Good/Bad Check that the wiring is
in good condition
- Alternator Terminal Good/Bad Check that the wiring is
in good condition
- Ignition Switch Good/Bad Check that the wiring is
in good condition
B. Inspection of Alternator Components
1. Positive side Rectifier Short Circuit Test Good/Bad - If all the diodes on the
positive side are
normal, the tester
needle will not move
when the negative
tester probe is touch
to terminal B and the
positive probe to
terminal N.
- If the positive tester
probe is touched to
terminsal B and the
negative probe to
terminal N, battery
current will flow and
the tester needle will
swing to zero under
normel condition. In
ather wors, there will
be continuity between
termins B and N

2. Rotor
- Bearing Good/Bad
- Rotor coil Resistance ................................. Ω - Specification: .......... Ω
- Result : Good/Bad
- Connectivity of Rotor coil-body Connectivity/No Connectivity - Result : Good/Bad
3. Length of brushes ................................. mm - Specification: ........... Ω
- Result : Good/Bad
4. Stator
- Connectivity of Stator Winding Connectivity/No Connectivity
- Connectivity of stator coil-body Connectivity/No Connectivity
5. Rectifier
- Diode, Positive (Forward Bias) Continuity/No Continuity - Result : Good/Bad
- Diode, Positive (Reverse Bias) Continuity/No Continuity - Result : Good/Bad
- Diode, Negative (Forward Bias) Continuity/No Continuity - Result : Good/Bad
- Diode, Negative (Reverse Bias) Continuity/No Continuity - Result : Good/Bad
6. Belt Tension
- Deflection ................................. mm - Check the drive
deflection by pressing
Good/Bad on the belt with 10 kg
(22 lb) of force or
using fan belt tension
C. Inspection On Vehicle
- No Load test (At ............ RPM) .................. A .............. Volt - Result : Good/Bad
- Load test (At ............ RPM) .................. A .............. Volt - Result : Good/Bad

……………………….., ……………………………… 2020



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