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NOVEMBER 1, 2020
In the cadet corps, one example where we can use the bridging leadership
framework is on how we will manage the problem on lacking in facility, it is an issue that
had been noticed by the PNPA DIRECTOR, it was indeed an excellent creation and
practice of bridging leadership where he uses his Co-Lakans of Philippine National
Police Academy to pursue his plans for the academy. The first step he had done is he
identified all the facilities he can make and where it can be place, after that he raise the
problem in his Co-Lakans or in an association of the Lakans and as a response all the
class president of the each graduated class of PNPA sponsored or donated for the fund
of their project. The Co-Ownership comes with the lakans of PNPA. After that, he
supervised all his subordinates assigning them to create and initiate their project, for us
cadets who will benefit all the innovations and creations also helped the officers in
cleaning and restoring the M1 Garand Rifles, the manpower uses in creating the
simulation area and creating the highlighted obstacle course. This programs and
innovations will benefit the life of cadets while they are inside the Academy. As a cadet
we are happy that we had a director with this idealization and a heart for his alma mater.

Someday, as we handle a community as a public safety officer, we must be able

to identify the problems within the community, for example, the policing system, we can
also use the community for their own safety but how can we do it? We must be able to
talk and discuss the problem to them, conducting a seminar and other meetings with the
barangay officials within your community, and for the stake holders, we can talk to them,
discuss the problem and ask them for donations to raise the fund as for their own safety
and the safety of their neighborhood. In cities, we can install cctv’s each corner of the
streets so that we could identify the people who will commit, committing or caught them
committed the crime. This cctv’s will be a prevention and protection for them and also to
lessen the crime. And for the citizen, we can tell them to practice the neighborhood
watch where they are responsible for each other, first we will conduct a meeting or
gathering to identify or know their neighbors and discuss to them how it will work and
what will be the benefit of it. The Co-Creation will benefit the community itself.

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