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C la r k S t a r N e w s

Mrs. Clark’s Fourth Grade eMINTS November 9, 2010


Century Elementary
Nixa RII Curriculum Updates
Nixa, MO Dear Parents,

Upcoming Events I want to thank everyone who contributed in some way to our
Fall Festival! It was a great evening and I loved seeing all of our
families having fun together. November is zooming by quickly and
Nov. 12 SACK the holidays are almost upon us, so here is a quick look at what we are
LUNCH IN THE doing in class.
Nov. 17 Field trip Our study is over data in graphs, and how to interpret the
to see Wizard of graph. We will be working with line plots, bar graphs, pic-
Oz tographs, line graphs, and pie charts. Math vocabulary will
Nov. 19 Rock Col- be:
lections due mode: the value that has more data than any other value in
Nov.22 Indian Ar- the data set
tifact due outlier: a value that is much higher or much lower than the
Nov.22Class Store other values in a data set

Nov.23 Grandpar- range: is the difference between the highest and lowest
ent’s Day with Clark values in a data set
Star Museum median: the midpoint of the data set
Nov. 24-28 Double digit by single digit multiplication has also been in-
Thanksgiving Break! troduced. There is still a great need for students to
memorize their addition, subtraction, multiplication and di-
vision facts. I appreciate all your help at home in these ar-
Working with Words
Transfer words will have the following features:
qu words Ending –ing Suffix -ous
**Spelling Tests will now be on Fridays.** This change is due to the concern I
have of trying get all the skills taught in 3 days. We also have students that are
in ALERT on Tuesday and they miss another day of instruction. If we do not have
school on a Friday (example: Oct.22), the spelling test will be on Thursday. If
you have any questions, please call my classroom phone 724-3842 or by email.
This week’s spelling words:
everything don’t our continuous swimming
queen quilt quick quart quiz

Guided Reading
Our book for our literature groups is The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frank-
weiler. It takes place in New York and the setting is the Metropolitan Museum
of Art. With the different setting, and having been written in the late 1960’s,
the kids are learning some different vocabulary. The kids have also found it a bit
challenging to read. We are taking our time and discussing as we go, so they can
comprehend. We are also learning about character traits. I am hoping we can
finish this book early next week.
Today we are beginning a piece for Grandparent’s Day. They are going to write
about favorite memories and fun times with their families. These will be dis-
played in the hallway for Grandparent’s Day.
Science/Social Studies
We have two projects coming up. The first is a rock collection which is due Nov.
19. Each child will need to collect and clean 10-12 small rocks. They are to bring
them to school in a display such as an egg carton. They will need to bring these in
as soon as possible. We will then run tests and observations to determine what
type of rock they have collected. The second project is an Indian artifact. This
is due on Nov. 22. Details on this project will be sent home later this week.

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