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CLC Capstone Proposal

Rhea Dayal
John Oliver Secondary School
Career Life Connections 12
Ms. Sharma
December 6, 2020

“​Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a
career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.” These are
the words of Stephen Hawking, a renowned cosmologist, theoretical physicist, and author.
Although “computer programmer” might not be the first words you come up with to describe
him, Hawking definitely coded, which he believed is a valuable skill to learn. My idea for this
project is to make a website from scratch and create art to be displayed on it. My essential
question is “how can I improve my artwork and create a website using a new coding language to
showcase it?” My goals are to learn how to draw more realistically, develop my art style, and
improve my coding skills. For the art portion of the project I want to explore different techniques
of drawing and experiment with painting. I used to draw a lot in elementary school but I never
got into painting, which is why I would like to use my IDS as an opportunity to try it. To develop
my drawing skills, I want to learn how to make my drawings look more realistic. Since I will
also be creating a website to display my art on, my IDS project will be a two part project. If I
improve my art enough by the time my project is done, I would consider selling my work online,
in which case knowing how to make a website would be a useful skill. Achieving these goals
will help me make future career related decisions, develop my problem solving skills, develop
my creativity, and will be a useful skill to have in today’s technology driven age.

I would like to do this project because drawing is a hobby that I was passionate about as a
child but completely forgot about once I got into highschool. Through this project, I hope to
revive my love of art and develop my coding skills. I have always been interested in learning
how to make a website as this is a skill that is definitely useful in today’s technology driven age.
I am also considering studying computer science in university so learning the basics of coding in
another language will be useful for me. Picking up a hobby like drawing or painting will also
help me spend less time on my laptop and phone, which is a goal that I have outside of my IDS
project. Improving my artwork is also important to me because if I improve my drawing skills
enough, I would definitely consider selling my work online. Learning how to make a website to

display my art is a skill that I could definitely make good use of if I ever want to sell my work.
Artists, peers, and those interested in learning more about coding and website development
would likely be interested in my project. My artwork and how I style the website that I make
would be my unique contribution to the field.

Project Plan/Deadlines
My three major deadlines are December 25th, January 10th, and the week of January 25. Below I
have described what I expect to have accomplished by those dates. My final product will be a
website that displays my artwork
December 7 - December 25
● Learn about painting and gather any supplies needed (pose questions and find resources)
● Start and complete one painting project (report findings)
● Used my resources to learn more about drawing/art and prepare for working on drawings
(interpret information)
December 26 - January 10
● Learn more about techniques to make my art look more realistic (pose questions and find
● Have applied what I learned about drawing realistically to create artwork (report
● Researched about how to make a website using code (pose questions)
● Have started coding my website (interpret information)
January 11 - Week of January 25
● Have taken pictures of my work (report findings)
● Finished making the website and display my work on it (report findings)

Core Competencies
Communication:​ ​I will impart and exchange information with others when I present my project. I will be
using digital media and creating a website to showcase my work which also ties into the communication
aspect of this project.

Creative Thinking:​ ​To do this project I will have to think creatively to create original artwork and design
my website as well as brainstorm features to add to it.
​ o create a website that works, I will be required to spend a lot of time debugging my
Critical Thinking: T
code, which I know from previous experience that it can take a while. I will also critically think about
how to plan out my website and strategically approach writing and organizing my code. Since I will be
using online resources, I will have to analyze the information I read to check for validity and bias.
Positive Personal and Cultural Identity:
Being Sikh and having been born and raised in an Indian family will definitely affect how I think and
express myself in my artwork. Even though I have my own beliefs and cultural identity, I will try to create
artwork that will appeal to a wide audience. My perspectives will play a big part in how my work turns
Personal Awareness and Responsibility: ​Throughout this project I will continue to set goals for myself
and critically reflect on my progress to make sure I continue to work hard throughout the course of my
project. I will try my best to finish my work early to reduce stress but also make sure to take breaks along
the way so I don’t overwork myself.
Social Responsibility:​ When I talk to my mentor I will be forming a new connection. I will maintain this
connection even once my project is done and thank them for the advice that they give. I will allow others
to visit the website that I create to view my art and respect their opinions and take negative feedback in a
constructive way.

To successfully create art and a website to display it on, I need to watch tutorials online
about coding and drawing. I will first create my artwork so that I can design the website based on
what pictures I have to display. I already have pencils, pencil crayons, acrylic paint and other
basic supplies but do not have paint, brushes, or canvases. I believe that a budget of around $50
will be sufficient for my needs. As for time requirements, to create quality art and successfully
code a website, I will need to commit a lot of time and planning beforehand. I do not know how
long it will take me to make my website, so I’ll have to leave buffer time in case it takes longer
than expected. I am currently talking to a student at UBC who has experience coding in multiple
different languages, so she will be my mentor.

My project has the potential to impact my future and career in a number of ways, which
makes it more interesting and meaningful to me. It will affect my career related decisions as I am
interested in studying programming and making a website can help me decide what part of
coding I am most interested in. This can help me when making course selections in university.
Furthermore, coding is a skill that is in high demand and making a website is a useful skill that
can be used by a variety of people. Making artwork is also important to me because art can have
a lasting impact on people and will help develop my artwork. Overall, this project is important to
me because it has the potential to make an impact on the lives of myself and others.

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