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Clinical Signature Assignment

When I first heard about this assignment, I was dreading it. I’ve done clinicals before but

the thought of sitting there and watching three-hour videos sounded terrible. Once I started the

first video, I instantly loved it and I was so interested. I thought it was very fascinating how

different treatment can be when it’s over a video call. With that being said, I was shocked about

how well the patients listened and tried to put 100% effort into everything they were asked to do.

I really enjoyed seeing how the different patients reacted to things, their pain level, and how

something that looks in the same spot for two patients could be completely different injuries.

I could tell there was times when the teacher couldn’t get the patient to do the right thing

and it definitely makes it harder when you can’t be there to show them or walk them though what

you’re looking for. With Rod, Larissa kept telling him to keep his foot up while doing a certain

exercise and he kept touching the floor; Larissa even said after Rod got off the call that it would

be much easier if she was there to guide him. With Lindsey, the students were trying to show

how to do the exercise but with it being on a call and not the best connection, it’s definitely

going to be harder to follow along. With Moroni there was a language barrier and it was hard for

him to understand what the students were telling him so they used the video aspect as best they

could to show the exercises. I’m a hands on person and I would feel much better actually being

there with the person to correct anything.

Another thing that I saw was with Shannon and Lindsey. Both of them talked about not

wanting to stop their activity because of their injury. When I broke my collarbone, I wanted to

get back to dancing as soon as possible so I’d say I can definitely connect with them on how they

were feeling. Kind of going along with that, with a lot of the patients, I noticed both the
instructors and the students showing empathy. When a few of them mentioned that they didn’t

get to their exercises as much as they should have, the teachers didn’t attack them, they just told

them it’s okay and try to do them every day the next week.

I enjoyed seeing Justin go through the evaluation on his first patients. Even though

Shannon was having pain in her hips, he still went through the full body evaluation just to make

sure there wasn’t anything else that was hurting her. That never occurred to me, I just thought

you would work on the area the patient is having trouble with.

I also liked how on the last videos, the instructors told the patients to keep working on

their own and if the pain doesn’t go away to come back into the clinic in the fall; that made me

wonder if any of them actually did try to go back and how they’re all feeling now, almost a year


I would say these videos have been very educational, not only for how to interact with the

patients but also with some of the medical terms; I had to pause the video here and there to look

something up. I really enjoyed watching these and I’m excited to actually talk face-to-face with

patients again, hopefully soon.

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