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Worksheet 1

GEC 106 – The Contemporary World

Week 13

NAME: Marijoe V. Condes

Direction: Look at the pictures below and answer the following questions.

1. How can you describe the first picture? The second one?

In the first picture I can see that plastics are burned which produce a bad smell and destroy the
ozone layer. In the second picture the earth is ruined by the people by burning plastics and using them
instead of biodegradable resources.

2. What is the common idea that both pictures have?

The common idea of both pictures is that we are the ones who destroy the earth instead of making
it healthy. We burn plastics and don't segregate our trash. We know that proper disposal is a must
but instead of doing it we take it for granted.

3. Do you think the situations you see in the pictures are solvable? If yes, how? If no, why?

Yes. If we stop burning plastic we can still help the earth. The solution is we practice the proper
waste disposal. those who don't follow will be charge so that all will be forced to practice the
proper waste disposal.

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