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Lab #3: Analysis of Motor and Spool System

Parker Schwers ME-223

The goal of this lab was to analyze and compare the statistics of motors when attached to
different sized spools. Then to create a mathmodel to estimate the time for other sized spools.

First using our motor and spools set up, we timed how fast 20g, 30g, and 50g were raised
36 inches (914.4mm) on 3 different spool sizes (20mm, 30mm, and 40mm). We then plugged
this info into equations to get the velocity, angular velocity, torque, and power. After getting
these values we then could estimate how long a 50g weight would reach the top on a 50mm
spool. We could do this by averaging the time difference between the 20mm to 30mm spools and
the 30mm to 40mm then by subtracting that from our value for the 50g weight on the 40mm
spool it should give us an estimate of the time it would take for the 50mm spool. We can then
plug this into a graph and create a mathmodel of the diameter vs. times.

Our results were clear and concise. They made sense for all values. We had a little screw
up in our calculations though. For torque we forgot to convert the weights from grams to
kilograms. This makes our torque values and power values off by a value of 10^-3. This doesn’t
affect our graphs shape so much as the values on the axes. Other than that our values for all other
equations are realistic values.

Experimental Theoretical
%Lab 3: analysis of motor and spool system%
format short
format compact
y1 = 2.60;
y2 = 2.08;
y3 = 1.81;
avg1 = y1-y2; %average between y1 and y2%
avg2 = y2-y3; %average between y2 and y3%
mean = (avg1 + avg2)/2;
y4 = y3 - mean; % gives the estimated time for the 50g weight on a 50 mm spool%

yVals = [y1, y2, y3, y4]; %creates a vector to plot%

diameter = [20,30,40,50];
plot(diameter, yVals); %creates a math model for the data%
%Part 2%
T = [.986, 1.972, 4.930, 1.481, 2.963, 7.407, 1.962, 3.924, 9.81]
AV = [8.47, 7.59, 5.57, 7.89, 6.55, 4.67, 9.23, 7.42, 4.02]
% part a%
hold on
% part b %
xlabel("torgue (Nm)")
ylabel("Angular Velocity (rev/s)")
hold off


1. What type of relationship do you see in the T vs Angular velocity graph?

The relationship I see is the slower the angular velocity of the spool the more
torque that is being produced by the motor. This is shown by a pretty linear graph.

2. How does your theoretical compare to your experimental data?

Our theoretical and experimental data were very similar. This was due to our good
execution of the lab.

3. Considering the circuit diagram, what function do you think the pentiometer serves in this
The pentiometer is like the gas pedal in this circuit, it determined how much
power the motor could use.

4. Let’s say you wanted to use this DC motor in a design project to power a 2.5 inch arm,
how much weight could it move at the maximum torque you calculated? If your mass is
50 gram, would this motor be suitable for the job?
Yes this motor would be suitable, at the maximum torque we got this motor could
move a 65 gram weight.

5. Could you predict the time for a different weight and spool combination?
Yes we could easily use the same procedure for a 50mm diameter spool with a 20
or 30 gram weight on it.

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