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Welcome and let's get started.

Now that you understand the definition and

key characteristics of a traditional leader,
let's take a look at an agile leader. An the agile leader is a person with
a growth mindset who empowers teams in organizations to observe, experiment, and
innovate within the servant
leadership framework. Let's take a closer look
at each of these elements. An agile leader has a growth mindset. A growth or
flexible mindset is
a belief that everyone can grow, develop, and evolve. A person with this mindset
transformation as an opportunity to improve. They seek out personal development and
at the high level believe that
organizational change is a positive thing. An agile leader empowers teams.
Empowerment is achieved through letting go
of control in treating others as creative, talented, and intelligent beings. An
agile leader believes that
the team brings more value than any individual contributor. Observation,
experimentation, innovation, and flexibility are all
characteristics of agile leadership. The key is to have an idea what
outcome the team is seeking and then discover the most effective
solution through experimentation. This process is less about controlling and
more about the journey of discovery. Agile leader subscribes to
a servant leadership framework. Instead of telling people what to do,
agile leaders mentors and relies on inquiry. How can I be of service? What barriers
can I remove for the team? How can I help the team
do their best work? These are just a few examples of questions
that the servant leader would keep at the top of their mind
when working with teams. Now, let's summarize the key
attributes of an agile leader. Flexible mindset, ability to tolerate
risk, comfortable with change, adaptable in their approach to
problem-solving, servant leadership. Mentoring, values teams versus
individual contribution, listening and asking questions, and
the last one is team empowerment. Thanks for watching,
I'll see you in the next lesson

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