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Personal Assignment 3

Week 7 Session 11
(120 minutes)
Resource: LN and PPT Week 6, 7 Session 10, 11

Fitri Nilasari Handayani – 2101804492


A. Reading skill 5 and 6 (13 Points)

1. C 8. C
2. C 9. D
3. A 10. A
4. B 11. D
5. B 12. D
6. D 13. C
7. B

B. Reading skill 7 and 8 (10 Points)

1. B 6. A

2. C 7. C

3. D 8. C

4. A 9. B

5. D 10.A

ENGL6163 - English Professional

C. Writing: compare and contrast essay (77 Points)

Some people love to work for themselves rather than being an employee, while others work for a
company or an employer because they do not want to take a lot of risk or they have no choice.
Either being an owner of a company or an employee in a company has its own advantages and
disadvantages, but I, myself, choose to be an employee. The reason why I choose to be an
employee because being an employee has less burden. I do not have to think or focus a lot of

I really appreciate if some people have choosed to build their own company. They love to build
their own company because they do not want to be ruled by regulation or other people.
Moreover, if the company has run well or has grown, the owner can get a lot of money, even the
owner can be a millionaire. So the owner can travel whenever he or she wants, and buy whatever
she or he wants. However, the choice has disadvantages. As a business owner, of course, there
are plenty of risks for them such as the risk of bad debt, foreign exchange fluctuation and

On the other hand, some people hate being an employee. They feel that they have limited and
restricted time, and sometimes they do not like to be given lot of tasks that does not suit with
the sallary. Moreover, somehow many people do not notice that being an employee has the
lowest burden ever.

An employee will get sallary every month, despite that their companies might be not doing well.
And then they would have additional advantages from the company such as medical allowance,
annual leaves,company cars, and even a house. Furthermore, companies are also paying the
retirement fund for their employees as well. Therefore, the advantages of being an employee
outweighed the disadvantages.

ENGL6163 - English Professional

Finally, my conclusion is people have have their decision in life according their own interest..
Some people decide to build their own company, while others love to be an employee. After
measuring the advantages and disadvantages, I personally love to be an employee, because I do
not want to take lot of risk.

ENGL6163 - English Professional

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