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Bonny Shaju


Amity School of Architecture and Planning

Amity University Uttar Pradesh

This paper describes work carried out at the Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Amity
University, Noida, as part of a study programme. Many of the views and opinions expressed therein
remain the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily constitute those of the institute.
Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju


I, Bonny Shaju, the author of the research work titled ― “ROLE AND IMPACT OF
research that is carried out towards partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture at the Amity School of Architecture and Planning, Amity
University, Noida. This work has not been submitted to any other institution for the award of any

Date: November 4, 2019 Name of Student: Bonny Shaju Place: Noida,

Uttar Pradesh Enrolment No: A1904016009


Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju


This is to certify that the research titled ― “ROLE AND IMPACT OF ARCHITECTURE IN
RESORT PLANNING AND DESIGN” has been submitted by Bonny Shaju, towards partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor Degree in Architecture. This is a bonafide
work of the student and has not been submitted to any other university for the award of any

Ar. Rahul Khare Dr. Devendra Pratap Singh

(Lecturer) (Head of Department, ASAP)


Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju


It is a pleasure to thank those who made this dissertation possible such as my parents who gave
me the moral support I required. My guide and mentor Ar. Rahul Khare who helped with the
research material. Without his corporation, I could not have gotten such relevant data and
information. I would also like to thank my friends who were always supportive and helpful. I am
also thankful to my Head of Department, Dr Devendra Pratap Singh, without him this research
would not have been possible. I would also like to thank the whole administration of AMITY
SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING, NOIDA, for their support during the whole



Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju


My dissertation focuses on to seek out more about why the architecture of a resort is one of the
key factors why people prefer one resort over the other even within a similar geographical location
even with similar pricing.

This research attempts to provide future planning and design guidelines for resort building mainly
on traditional design and why people are preferring one over the other because of its architectural
styling. It begins with a search of the literature on resort building planning and design criteria;
researching the shape and design of Malay house as a case study and several resorts in Langkawi.
The field study method has been selected with the preparation of a questionnaire to prove the role
of architecture in resort planning and design. All information collected from the questionnaire was
collected and analyzed to obtain statistical results.

Selected resorts for the case study are Berjaya Langkawi Beach & Spa Resort, Pelangi Beach
Resort Langkawi and Kampung Tok Senik Resort.

Keywords : Resort; Architectural Styling; Sense of place; Visitor Experience

Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju


Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 13

1.1 Need for study ..................................................................................................................... 13

1.2 Aim ...................................................................................................................................... 13

1.3 Objective ............................................................................................................................. 13

1.4 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 14

1.5 Limitations .......................................................................................................................... 14

1.6 Method of data collection .................................................................................................... 15

Chapter 2 Literature Study ............................................................................................................ 16

2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 16

2.2 History and evolution of resorts .......................................................................................... 17

2.3 Resort Architecture ............................................................................................................. 18

2.4 Preferences of Resort .......................................................................................................... 19

2.4.1 Luxury stays ................................................................................................................. 19

2.4.2 Security: ........................................................................................................................ 20

2.4.3 Stress-Free: ................................................................................................................... 20

2.4.4 Food: ............................................................................................................................. 20

2.4.5 Exotic Location: ........................................................................................................... 21

2.5 Factors considered for choosing a resort ............................................................................. 21

2.5.1 Architecture .................................................................................................................. 22

2.5.2 Budget ........................................................................................................................... 22

2.5.3 Distance of Destination ................................................................................................ 23

2.5.4 Location ........................................................................................................................ 23

2.5.5 Activities ....................................................................................................................... 23

Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju

2.5.6 Food .............................................................................................................................. 24

2.5.7 Other Facilities ............................................................................................................. 24

Chapter 3 Guidelines for resort planning and design.................................................................... 25

3.1 Planning Aspects ................................................................................................................. 25

3.1.1 Creating a Sense of Place ............................................................................................. 25

3.1.2 Environmental Preservation ......................................................................................... 26

3.1.3 Planning Layout............................................................................................................ 27

3.1.4 Resort Site..................................................................................................................... 28

3.1.5 Means of Transportation and Utilities .......................................................................... 29

3.1.6 Sense of Entrance ......................................................................................................... 31

3.2 Design Aspects .................................................................................................................... 32

3.2.1 Architecture: ................................................................................................................. 32

3.2.2 Building Form and Layout ........................................................................................... 32

3.2.3 Materials ....................................................................................................................... 33

3.2.4 Landscape Architecture ................................................................................................ 33

3.2.5 Street Furniture ............................................................................................................. 37

3.2.6 Maintenance.................................................................................................................. 38

Chapter 4 Case Study .................................................................................................................... 39

4.1 Background Study – Malay Architecture ............................................................................ 39

4.2 Critical Factors for the Resort Design in Malaysia ............................................................. 41

4.2.1 Site Planning ................................................................................................................. 42

4.2.2 Exterior Design ............................................................................................................. 43

4.2.3 Interior Design .............................................................................................................. 44

4.2.4 Passive and Active Design ........................................................................................... 45

4.2.5 Design of Facilities ....................................................................................................... 47

Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju

4.2.6 Price .............................................................................................................................. 48

4.3 Langkawi- The legendary Island with resorts ..................................................................... 48

4.4 Three Resort Cases .............................................................................................................. 49

4.4.1 Kampung Tok Senik Resort, Langkawi ....................................................................... 50

4.4.2 Berjaya Langkawi Beach & Spa Resort, Langkawi ..................................................... 54

4.4.3 Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi .................................................................................. 57

4.5 Case Study Comparison ...................................................................................................... 61

4.6 Reviews on Architecture styling ......................................................................................... 63

4.6.1 Kampong Tok Senik resort ........................................................................................... 63

4.6.2 Berjaya Langkawi Resort ............................................................................................. 66

4.6.3 Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi .................................................................................. 68

Chapter 5 Survey........................................................................................................................... 71

5.1 Data Analysis and inferences .............................................................................................. 75

Chapter 6 Conclusion and Recommendations .............................................................................. 76

Personal Reflection ................................................................................................................... 77

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 79

References ..................................................................................................................................... 80

Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju


Table 1 : A comparison between Traditional Malay Vernacular House Characteristics and

Kampong Senik Resort Vernacular adoptions .............................................................................. 52
Table 2 : A comparison between Traditional Malay Vernacular House Characteristics and
Berjaya Langkawi Resort Vernacular adoptions .......................................................................... 56
Table 3 : A comparison between Traditional Malay Vernacular House Characteristics and
Pelangi Beach Resort Vernacular adoptions ................................................................................. 59
Table 4 : A comparison between Traditional Malay Vernacular House Characteristics, Kampong
Tok Senik Resort Vernacular adoptions, Berjaya Langkawi Resort Vernacular adoption and
Pelangi Beach Resort Vernacular adoptions ................................................................................. 61
Table 5: Screenshot of reviews relatinging to architecture about the Kampng Tok Senik resort,
Langkawi....................................................................................................................................... 63
Table 6: Screenshot of reviews related to architecture of Berjaya resort, Langkawi ................... 66
Table 7: Screenshot of reviews related to architecture of Pelangi Beach resort, Langkawi ......... 68

Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju


Diagram 1 : Survey question number 1 and its result ................................................................... 71

Diagram 2 : Survey question number 2 and its result ................................................................... 71
Diagram 3 : Survey question number 3 and its result ................................................................... 72
Diagram 4 : Survey question number 4 and its result ................................................................... 72
Diagram 5 : Survey question number 5 and its result ................................................................... 72
Diagram 6 : Survey question number 6 and its result ................................................................... 73
Diagram 7 : Survey question number 7 and its result ................................................................... 73
Diagram 8 : Survey question number 8 and its result ................................................................... 73
Diagram 9 : Survey question number 9 and its result ................................................................... 74
Diagram 10 : Survey question number 10 and its result ............................................................... 74
Diagram 11 : Survey question number 11 and its result ............................................................... 74

Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju


Figure 1: Artistic illustration of famous Roman's public bath ...................................................... 17

Figure 2 : The earliest spa resort in Belgium ................................................................................ 18
Figure 3 : Luxury stay at a resort .................................................................................................. 19
Figure 4 : CCTV camera installed in a resort for the safety of the guests .................................... 20
Figure 5 : Activities scheduled and planned within the resort complex ....................................... 20
Figure 6 : Wide variety of options for food in resort .................................................................... 20
Figure 7 : A resort cottage in a hill station................................................................................... 21
Figure 8 : Two different architecture styles of two different resorts ............................................ 22
Figure 9 : Illustration of different budgets .................................................................................... 22
Figure 10 : A waterfall near a resort ............................................................................................. 23
Figure 11 : A waterfront resort in Kerala...................................................................................... 23
Figure 12 : Activities in a resort with all safety precautions ........................................................ 23
Figure 13 : An open dining facility at a resort .............................................................................. 24
Figure 14 : An Ayurvedic spa facility at a resort in Kerala .......................................................... 24
Figure 15 : The Taj resort in Mumbai near the historic Gate Way Of India ................................ 25
Figure 16 : A resort in Hampi having an ancient architectural styling ......................................... 25
Figure 17 : A beach side resort at Kovalm Kerala ........................................................................ 26
Figure 18 : An environmentally friendly resort made mostly of bamboo and leaves................... 26
Figure 19 : Resort cottages having a view to the large pond ........................................................ 27
Figure 20 : Resort cottages having a beach side view .................................................................. 27
Figure 21 : A resort having an infinity pool whose view is shared by all the cottages around it . 29
Figure 22 : An off-road friendly vehicle provided by a resort due to its remote location ............ 30
Figure 23 : A walkway through a forest sided resort .................................................................... 30
Figure 24 : An entrance of a resort at Malaysia ............................................................................ 31
Figure 25 : A resort in Kerala having traditional architectural styling ......................................... 32
Figure 26 : A resort cottage made entirely of wood ..................................................................... 33
Figure 27 : A resort where water body and greenery are merged ................................................. 33
Figure 28 : A resort cottage on a natural environment setup ........................................................ 34

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Figure 29 : A resort built on the shore of a natural stream ........................................................... 34

Figure 30 : A resort cottage surrounded by indigenous plants and trees ...................................... 35
Figure 31 : A path demarcated using natural hardscape stones .................................................... 36
Figure 32 : A sign board at a resort............................................................................................... 37
Figure 33 : Pathway lights at a resort............................................................................................ 37
Figure 34 : A man cleaning the swimming pool of a resort.......................................................... 38
Figure 35 : A trash box installed along a pathway of a resort ...................................................... 38
Figure 36 : Typical Malay architecture passive strategies ........................................................... 39
Figure 37 : A typical Malay house ................................................................................................ 40
Figure 38 : Traditional Malay architectures.................................................................................. 41
Figure 39 : Sri Muruga Statue, Malaysia ...................................................................................... 41
Figure 40 : A waterfront resort in Malaysia.................................................................................. 42
Figure 41 : A vernacular architecture styled resort cottage at Malaysia....................................... 43
Figure 42 : The basic types of Malay houses and its different roof types .................................... 44
Figure 43 : A waterfront common space in a resort...................................................................... 45
Figure 44 : A vernacular styled resort in Malaysia ....................................................................... 45
Figure 45 : A traditional styled resort with natural landscape ...................................................... 46
Figure 46 : A hill side resort with a common swimming pool in the center................................. 47
Figure 47 : An open bathing space in a resort cottage .................................................................. 47
Figure 48 : An illustration of budget............................................................................................. 48
Figure 49 : Location of Langkawi in the world map .................................................................... 49
Figure 50 : The location of the three case studies having similar geographical location ............. 49
Figure 51 : Entrance of Kampung Tol Senik Resort, Langkawi, Malaysia .................................. 50
Figure 52 : Kampung Tok Senik Resort, Langkawi ..................................................................... 51
Figure 53 : A screenshot of ratings and amenities of Kampong Tok Senik resort from
TripAdvisor website...................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 54 : Kampung Tok Senik Resort, Langkawi ..................................................................... 53
Figure 55 : Berjaya Langkawi Beach &Pa Resort, Langkawi ...................................................... 54
Figure 56 : Berjaya Langkawi Beach &Pa Resort, Langkawi ...................................................... 54
Figure 57 : A screenshot of ratings and amenities of Berjaya Langkawi Beach &Pa Resort,
Langkawi from TripAdvisor website ............................................................................................ 55

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Figure 58 : Berjaya Langkawi Beach &Pa Resort, Langkawi ...................................................... 57

Figure 59 : Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi................................................................................ 57
Figure 60 : Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi................................................................................ 58
Figure 61 : A screenshot of ratings and amenities of Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi from
TripAdvisor website...................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 62 : Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi................................................................................ 60
Figure 63 : A sketch analysing the site of a resort to reduce the impact of the project on
environment and to merge with the atchitecture styling ............................................................... 78

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Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju

Chapter 1

1.1 Need for study

The major need for the study on this subject is to seek out more about why the architecture of a
resort is one of the key factors why people prefer one resort over the other even within a similar
geographical location even with similar pricing.

1.2 Aim

The research aims to study the role and impact of architecture in resort planning and designing
and its importance in the success of a resort project.

1.3 Objective

o Study about the role and impact of architecture in resort planning and designing.
o Study about the basic guidelines that need to be followed in resort planning and
o To study the different factor that an individual considers while choosing a resort.
o To conduct a survey and to analyze the result to find out the role and impact of architecture
in resort planning and designing.

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1.4 Methodology

Problem Identification
(Need for the Research)

(Purpose of the Research)

(Major goals of this research)

Literature Review
(To create a base for the study)

Case Study Survey

(To study different cases) (Conducting a survey to seek

gernal public response)

Case study Comparision Survey Results Analysis

(To compare different cases) (To analyze results))

Conclusion and
Flow Chart 1: Methodology

1.5 Limitations

The scope of the study mainly focuses on the architecture part of resorts and also not targeting
any particular user group.

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1.6 Method of data collection

The research uses qualitative methods of data collection which includes the following :

 Data from secondary sources

 Archival research
 Surveys
 Ratings and reviews
 Comparisons

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Chapter 2
Literature Study

2.1 Introduction

For most developing countries, tourism is crucial, particularly for those with a great environment,
beautiful excellence, and a strong cultural legacy. In most cases, foreign exchange was almost
positive. Today, 21 million people around the world are used in the travel and tourism industry,
generating the impressive US $3.4 trillion annually. According to (2001), the World Travel &
Tourism Board predicts that about 25 per cent of the AsiaPacific region will contribute to the
world's travel showcase.

With relation to resort building, there's a growing tendency for the resort developers to adapt to
the traditional theme and architectural . This can be natural, attributable to its attractiveness and
attracts the eye of most tourists to the place. Through this approach, designer and style have the
chance to reveal some stunning and sensible native design type, materials, construction techniques
and crafts, and to construct each trendy and economical building style (Ku Hassan, 2003).
However, one would simply raise, whether or not this ancient type and style very play a vital role
in attracting customers to the present resort? What are the planning criteria or theme that to be
emphasised throughout the planning and construction stage of the resort?

‘Resort development’ is one of the foremost widely researched themes in tourism studies. It's
been subject to numerous empirical studies since geography started covering the subject within the
1930s. Several theoretical models have also been presented (see Pearce, 1987; Shaw & Williams,
2004). This development raises questions concerning the tactic of a geographical place’s
touristification, i.e. transforming a neighbourhood into a destination, further as concerning other
processes that affect a constituted tourist resort.

Tourist resorts are described as a selected territorial quite geographical places whose mono-activity
and smaller size and shape distinguish them, as an example, from cities (Equipe MIT, 2002).
Empirical observation shows that tourist resorts undergo very differentiated trajectories, during

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which decline and restructuring are the rules; some resorts are, however, able to maintain a tourism
activity over a protracted period (Williams & Shaw, 1997; Agarwal, 2002; Butler, 2006; Equipe
MIT, 2011).

2.2 History and evolution of resorts

The idea of recreation resorts isn't a result of the fashionable age, however, resorts are alive for a
few centuries. Historically, the most established resorts are followed back to the Roman Empire
of almost 2,000 years prior.

The antiquated Romans made a public relaxation space suggested to as Baths that would be utilized
by both men and women independently. Continuously the bath advanced from their humble
structure to fuse more luxurious facilities like a library, café, stores, parlour, bar, lounges,
restaurants and even an exhibition hall and a theatre. These baths were used for wellbeing,
diversion and social satisfaction.

Figure 1: Artistic illustration of famous Roman's public bath

Source :

In Europe, the earliest spa resort was created in Belgium within the fourteenth century during

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a town that is presently known by the name of the “Spa”. It had been found that the normal waters
of this town were plentiful in iron and different minerals that had inexplicable recuperating
properties. That prompted the acknowledgement of this resort.

Figure 2 : The earliest spa resort in Belgium

Source :

In the seventeenth century, resorts and spas got famous in Britain with King Charles II driving the
pattern by visiting different resorts for unwinding and pleasure. Indeed, even till now VIPs and
well-known characters set the precedents by disparaging the choicest resorts.

2.3 Resort Architecture

The architecture blends the projects identity and hence the site with the goal that the overall
environment is durable and solid. It's not nearly a new approach. Architecture thinks about the
entirety of the outside spaces – the associating, social event, open and close regions – characteristic
or synthetic, planted or cleared, water-filled or furnished, planned and executed to the smallest of

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In the resort, the guest experience is the priority. To allow for this, spaces must adjust totally to
the clients' solace and joy, failing to neglect auxiliary comforts – services, back-of-house capacities
and other essential services. The compositional plan changes the program and subsequently the
arrangement into three-dimensional reality, as a gentle expansion of the predominant setting, or in
altogether new kinds of articulation.

To put it plainly, resort architecture alludes to the structure or a gaggle of structures planned during
a specific setting to take into account both relax and recreational activities. The setting of the
architecture is crucial for a fruitful resort, it may be natural, man-made or a blend of the two
into the overall setting.

2.4 Preferences of Resort

2.4.1 Luxury stays:

A large portion of the resorts offers various luxurious arrangements to its clients. To
make the most of your stay is that the main thing that you'll get the chance to consider
after you're finished booking your resort. These resorts affirm that their clients are
encountering the royal treatment and that they will make sure that in every possibility to
gracefully you with VIP treatment. It's a stay fit a ruler though on the off chance that it
just for a short time.

Everything from your clothing to your meals will

be taken into consideration off by the staff. The sole
exertion that you'll be spending is on emerging
along with your strategy for the day that is if the
resort hasn't just composed every road trip for you.
All things considered, and the only thing you need Figure 3 : Luxury stay at a resort
Source :
to to do is to sit down back and go with the stream. 404781/hotel/amanbagh-772813

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2.4.2 Security:

To guarantee the safety of the guests, resorts utilize

its staff that keeps a watch overall premises day in
and day out. Most resorts introduce CCTV cameras
in most of the regions that are being checked by
trained security authorities. The vast majority of the
things that occur inside the resort are being
watched, and there's a security group that is Figure 4 : CCTV camera installed in a resort for
the safety of the guests
consistently prepared for dispatch just in the event Source:
of a crisis or emergency. gbl#inbox

2.4.3 Stress-Free:

A comprehensive resort permits you to represent

considerable authority in the fun an aspect of your
excursion. Arranging out an entire get-away can end
up being wild particularly in case you're on a short
timetable. Worrying over your arrangements and
activities are a few things that you'd need to
abstain from during your vacation. Be that as it Figure 5 : Activities scheduled and planned
within the resort complex
may, if you're remaining at a comprehensive hotel, Source:
at that point you won't have to burn through some
time in looking at settings.

2.4.4 Food:

The wide variety of food offered during a resort

stay is deliciously overpowering. It's something for
everybody, so in case you're into Mexican,
Japanese or other conventional cooking styles,
Figure 6 : Wide variety of options for food in resort
you'll verify that you essentially won't be starving Source :
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during your excursion. The measure of choice in food that you essentially can pick
between is an opportunity in itself to try something new.

2.4.5 Exotic Location:

The majority of the resorts are situated inside the

lovely vistas of a slope station, close by the
seashores or in nature of a tropical backwoods.
Colourful areas pull in huge amounts of the travel
industry, and building resorts in such places
introduce huge amounts of people. One can expect
Figure 7 : A resort cottage in a hill station
a delightful landscape from these resorts for a Source :

large portion of the days.

2.5 Factors considered for choosing a resort

Resorts are the place where individuals come to unwind and thrive in their experience with family,
companions, and partners or with self. It gets essential to require an open door from the bustling
timetable of life. Individuals these days comprehend the significance of this and are making out
arrangements to go out and abound in their excursions. Faraway from town life many wills, in
general, be with nature making the most of its magnificence, some lean toward seashores while a
few mountains, some even attempt experience sports.

With this new pattern of more individuals understanding the significance of get-aways or breaks,
there has been a gigantic increment regarding the travel industry inside the nation likewise the
income that is created through it.

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2.5.1 Architecture
The architecture style mixes the undertaking's
personality and hence the site so the overall
climate is supportive and friendly. It's not only
about the scenery that the resort offers. Architecture
considers all of the spaces – the connecting,
gathering, open and circulation areas – natural or
manmade, planted or paved, water-filled or
furnished, designed and executed to the smallest of

Figure 8 : Two different architecture styles of

two different resorts
Source :

2.5.2 Budget
This is one of the important and hence the central
point that needs to be thought of. There is an
assortment of resorts accessible and that they are
accessible for a financial plan of your decision. But
the distinction could likewise be scholarly inside the
food quality, diversion and different offices. It's in
every case great to have a right understanding of Figure 9 : Illustration of different budgets
Source :
the money that you essentially spending up. To
shape your stay smoother consistently pick great funding-entrerpreneur-guide-crowdfunding-
resorts, it will be a little costly but it will
surely satisfy you and all the facilities also will be available.

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2.5.3 Distance of Destination

The spots you might want to go to during your outing
from the resort is another significant thing. If the
destination is too far, at that point it'll be hard for
you to travel each time as well and fro. It's tiring as
well as it will be a waste ongoing between your resort
and your destination. Picking a resort closer to your Figure 10 : A waterfall near a resort

objective will consistently help. Source :

2.5.4 Location

Location of the resort likewise matters a great deal.

In case you're on an excursion and should be faraway
from the town life and interruptions, at that point
you need to pick resorts situated in far off zones,
while on the other hand if you might want to
Figure 11 : A waterfront resort in Kerala
appreciate the nightlife inside the night, at that point Source :
you select for resorts inside the urban communities om-lake-resort.html
or nearly it.

2.5.5 Activities

Considering upon your preferences and interest and

hence the servicw accessible at the objective, you need
to pick the exercises to be finished during your visit.
The the number of activities or activities spaces
also acts a foacor that is considerd whilw choosing a

Figure 12 : Activities in a resort with all

safety precautions
Source :

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2.5.6 Food

On each get-away with family or companions, the

chief significant factor that one should bind mind is
that the food accessibility. Regardless of whether the
food is remembered for your outing else, you have to
pay independently for that. All-inclusive resorts
commonly have food accessible with it. If excluded, at
Figure 13 : An open dining facility at a resort
that point you need to be realizing the close by food Source :
slows down and the number of stays and eateries
around so requesting it won't be an issue.

2.5.7 Other Facilities

Different facilities may incorporate if there are any

complimentary bits of features attract the customester
nore to choose a particular resort. Specialist accessible
as needs is, resort's term and conditions and other data
must be gathered. Resorts with more complimentary
facilities are most likely to be preferred more.
Figure 14 : An Ayurvedic spa facility at a
resort in Kerala
Source :

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Chapter 3
Guidelines for resort planning and design

3.1 Planning Aspects

The significance of the accompanying components that must be considered before designing and
planning of a resort.

These components incorporate creating a sense of place, environmental preservation, and

positioning user, resort site, means of transportation and utilities, a sense of entrance, and the use
of planting.

3.1.1 Creating a Sense of Place

Creating a sense of place is one among the principal
goal of resort planning. Planning and organizing are
the basic of setting which results in the guest's or
inhabitant's view of it, and in this way, the sense of
place of a resort along with its architecture related to
the context is one of the import factors of resort
planning and design. Numerous methodologies and Figure 15 : The Taj resort in Mumbai near
contemplations are to be considered while creating a the historic Gate Way Of India
Source :
sense of place. in/taj/taj-mahal-palace-mumbai/

Resort site which usually includes historic

architectural features to create a sense of place.
Traditional house, historic monuments and as pioneer
structures can add character to a resort site. The
memorable site is regularly redeveloped or upgraded
to make a wonderful resort property setting. The Figure 16 : A resort in Hampi having an
ancient architectural styling
setting for a hotel is regularly a blend of recreational
Source :
facilities inside with a historic memorable backdrop.

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Archaeological sites additionally can be a vital resource. Archaeological highlights can

further assist in creating a sense of place. The developer must draw in an architect group
to lead tests to spot potential resort sites with archaeological importance or historic
importance to include those feature tp create a sense of place. The site with historic
architectural features where the guests can learn more about it with a set of experiences
and have a sense of space during there stay in the resort. Whatever the picture or style is
looked for, logical plan and adaptability to the climate of the region is an essential thought
in making a worthy of sense of space. There should be a development in progress in resort
plan which suggests to its site-explicit and locally interesting characteristics, its set of
experiences, culture and atmosphere and mirrors those in idea civilities, land use and style.
By this way, the intrinsic site characteristics will frame the embodiment of plan reasoning.

As indicated by Huffadine ( 1999), resorts make the

principal of their context and location and add
luxuries to attract clients. A "sense of place" made
by the resort to the outside environment is
significant for the future and viability of the project.
Figure 17 : A beach side resort at Kovalm
Source :

3.1.2 Environmental Preservation

Resort planning with considerations for ecological
issues with foremost significance should be done
during the process of planning and design of the
resort. It should cautiously consider both the
advantages and disadvantages of improvement versus
natural protection. Any segregation between these
Figure 18 : An environmentally friendly resort
territories is to be kept up for their ecological made mostly of bamboo and leaves
Source :
uprightness and regions more fit to improvement. 408106/hotel/pai-country-hut-2108838

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Ecological thought is to put into in resort planning on the grounds since ecological
resources are the principal enhancements that draw in guests as its essential luxury.
Planning any new resort must start with the fame that protecting and preserving the
environment should be the basic aspect of resort planning and design.

3.1.3 Planning Layout

As indicated by Schwanke, (1997), the real challenge in planning and designing of a resort
network is to situate living arrangements like rooms and other convenience during a way
that gives every client with top-notch views and luxury facilities while making a sound
relationship among clients and the environment
around it. The resort design and plans must spread
and blend it with significant open spaces to
safeguard a characteristic and country
character. Focus is fundamental in the site getting
the opportunity to create social hubs or positive
Figure 19 : Resort cottages having a view to the
environment alongside side situation of movement large pond
Source :
or fascination that upgrade client comfort an

Each resort network has its order of favoured area upheld perspectives and closeness to
enhancements. For instance, for a seashore resort, the ideal place is the waterfront. The
favoured area should be facing on or a perspective
on another comfort like a lake, open space or golf
joins. The third-positioning area is the thing that
could be called a "review". An outline allows a
perspective on a general comfort like the sea golf
connections or mountains from a good way and
across different properties lesser area wins close to Figure 20 : Resort cottages having a beach side
littler luxuries and perspectives. Source :

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3.1.4 Resort Site

Current methods of transportation and longer excursion times have made it workable for
individuals to travel further for their days off. Getting far off from home is frequently a
powerful fascination. The fascinating scene with wonderful seashores and warm climate
demonstrate attractions of today explorers. Resorts nearer to home particularly those
effectively available via car are additionally appealing, however, they couldn't have kind
of pleasantries when contrasted with others.

The site selection for the resort is of principal significance. Countryside resort
advancements frequently include enormous land area, to guarantee assurance from the
neighbouring turn of events. A genuine amount of consideration should enter during the
planning process for the association of housing, public spaces, recreational zones and

Following are some of the factors one should consider while choosing a resort site:

o Transportation and Accessibility

Select a site inside 2 hours of an air terminal and promptly readily accessible by
road means.

o Political Climate.

Consider international attitudes toward the destination. Nothing keeps guests away
just like the possibility of political unrest. Even after it subsides and residential
countries do not restrict visit these regions.

o Ownership.

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Examine nearby laws affecting the significant home property. In specific cases,
laws don't allow the built resort in some particular areas.

o Community Relations.

Build up a decent connection with the local community around the property.

Most resort guests are first-time clients who are there to appreciate and find out more about
the destination and its surroundings. They will be prepared to get a handle on the overall
boundary of the property to ask around reasonably without any problem and should be
allowed to explore the property. Hotel and resort exercises include broad developments of
visitor, guests, staff, products and ventures. These got the opportunity to be gotten ready
for comfort and operational proficiency while likewise meeting requirements for wellbeing
and security.

The most important facilities or attractions should

be placed noticeably on or close to the absolute
best purpose of the area effectively in a way that
the guests as they approach the property should
get an overall understanding of the property.
Guest will be gaining the general direction of the
property and staff help them to give the overall idea. Figure 21 : A resort having an infinity pool
whose view is shared by all the cottages around it
The area of highlights or common spaces should Source :
also be placed in a way that it can act as a focal point

and rest of the facilities can associate or orient

towards it.

3.1.5 Means of Transportation and Utilities

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Infrastructure is unavoidable to place in, particularly where there exists no pre-

advancement framework in distant regions. Saving cost by reducing infrastructure
facilities will cause much higher expenditure at a later date. Advancement of the
enormous multipurpose resorts and homestay networks should consider increasing more
infrastructure and community facilities. It's this component that supports and allows the
occasion of different uses like home and lodging, the monstrous and more complex the
resort, the more infrastructure facilities it requires.

Transportation and utilities are the community's

primary infrastructure elements. There should be
enough transportation facilities provided for the
service and easy accessibility of the resources
should be ensured to the resort site. The architects
should design the property in a way that the
property should be accessible in all possible means Figure 22 : An off-road friendly vehicle
provided by a resort due to its remote location
and proper area for public structures inside the Source :
resort during the overall site planning and style.

The guest should be separated from the service vehicles or the circumstance of staff
passageways and docks. It's basic to isolate visitor appearance from the most lodging
conveyance courses and to design so the visitor may
circle out and out open regions uninhibitedly and
securely. These requirements infer those frontage
roads are very particular and arranging or dividers
shield services entryway. On an outsized site, it will
be important to make pathways for minimal engine
vehicles intended for visitor mobility and inn Figure 23 : A walkway through a forest sided
activity under these conditions pathways are Source :

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typically made wide enough to be imparted to people on foot.

3.1.6 Sense of Entrance

The guest's first impressions of external
approaches to the most entrance define the
characteristics of the resort. The most design
features are landscape, lighting, and good
circulation. Traffic should be isolated into distinct
classes for availability and along these lines the
control of clog, predictable with the day by day Figure 24 : An entrance of a resort at Malaysia
Source : https://www.a-
volume of appearances.

The following subsequent choices should be considered:

o A different resort entrance for coaches and luggage handling.

o Separate exit and entrance for conferences and banquets

o Controlled accesses to the residential areas and zones.

o Separate and direct accesses to the clubhouse.

o Special pedestrianised paths.

o Separate parking for vehicles, taxicabs and buses the number of parking bayous
to be determined by occupancy, location, facilities etc

o Separate parking spaces for the handicapped and the entrance should have the
facilities of universal accesses.

o Space for valet parking and pickups.

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3.2 Design Aspects

3.2.1 Architecture:

Climatic qualities should be considered as the fundamental factor regarding building

features and architecture and should be identified as per the location of the resort and its
design even during extreme climatic conditions. The architecture of a resort should be
chosen only after analyzing the climatic conditions of the place.

Each site is exclusive and subsequently should express its character thorough the
architecture of the resort.

3.2.2 Building Form and Layout

Even though most of the room will be having the

airconditioning facilities but the design should be
done in such a way that the guests should even be
able to enjoy outdoor breezes. Considerations
should be given that urge breezes to go through non-
cooled mutual structures and outside spaces.

Figure 25 : A resort in Kerala having traditional

architectural styling
Source :

The direction and development of the resort structures require favourable position and
orientation of air movements are critical. The factors that to be considered are:

o The major building should be planned with a moderately open, extended

arrangement of structure with rooms commonly conveyed in single lines to permit
cross ventilation and the entrance of breezes.

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o The main living and shared facilities should be available from open verandas or

o Projecting canopies or overhanging roof provided will result in shady verandas or

open-air sitting and course territories. Shading devices can give both functional
results and aesthetic results.

o High roofs or the utilization of double rooftop development should be thought of.

o Window openings should preferably be considered for daylight for example the
mixing of concealing gadgets that limit direct radiation, diminish sky glare,
provides natural lighting and clear outside views.

o The utilization of water can likewise be utilized to cool the climate.

3.2.3 Materials

The material on which a building is made

expresses the visual setting, the site's setting and
level of agreement, or difference, being looked for.
The materials and furniture, street, trail and hard
open space surfaces, conceal structures, fencing,
dividers, lighting, bollards, rails and in this manner
Figure 26 : A resort cottage made entirely of
expresses the architectural setup of the structure.
Source :

3.2.4 Landscape Architecture

One of the most grounded promoting highlights for

the tourism industry advancements is ecological
quality. The landscape and architecture are two
Figure 27 : A resort where water body and
greenery: are merged

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faces of a coin but both express together and will result in creating a sense of place.
Contemplations for resort developments include the following:

Thematic Design:
The natural elements should be identified
and incorporated during the resort
construction. For instance, the utilization of
stones, rock outcrops and local trees can give
both how of fenced-in area and combination Figure 28 : A resort cottage on a natural
environment setup
with the common scene which helps in the Source :
integration of the prevailing landscape and
will be acting as an architectural element.

Open Space:
Each resort requires some sort of proper open space which should be devoted to the
recreation and pleasure of the guests. The open spaces should be in a perfect world
to be planned around existing vegetation and landforms. Indeed, even the smallest
planting pockets, if very much planned, offers components of texture, surface,
shadows, scents and shading.

Individuals will appreciate outer spaces for

detached entertainment and associating
during a radiant atmosphere if space is very
much concealed and appropriately

The reasonable utilization of water, its sight

and sound, can advance the satisfactions in Figure 29 : A resort built on the shore of a
natural stream
Source : https://www.kaziranga-national-

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the climate and resort facilities enormously and would also create a cool climate.

Other than the above components,
vegetation is one of the main natural
element which helps in overall cooling of
the environment around and also acts as the
main landscape feature which can even
decrease the amount of glare. The
dependence of airconditioning systems can Figure 30 : A resort cottage surrounded by
indigenous plants and trees
be decreased by utilizing vegetation to
Source :
shield rooftops and dividers from direct

Planting additionally can be utilized to:

o Screen substations and trash containers.

o As a hindrance to stop individuals wandering.

o To stabilize slopes and to prevent soil erosion.

o As a zone definer.

The utilization of indigenous plant species additionally can lessen water use.
"Xeriscape" arranging is that the determination and drafting of plants as per
their water necessities. This planning technique is very practical, as support and
watering are limited. It is likewise tastefully and environmentally solid in principle
since plants are chosen to fit with their current circumstance. Arranging and
grouping these plants in this manner intend to sort plants as indicated by water and
maintenance requirements as follows:

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o Exotic/decorative – High profile zones, similar to public open space, patios,

central focuses and so on. Presented elaborate material which will require
an elevated level of support and lasting water system.

o Transition - Areas among regular and beautifying scene like edges of

advancement, streets and so forth. The indigenous and solid material
which can require some maintenance. Watering could likewise be vital.
The permanent water system isn't vital.

o Natural - Areas of a common scene like seashores, wild and so forth.

Indigenous material which will develop inside the regular habitat and which
might be wont to reproduce local natural surroundings. Plants would require
little upkeep and once settled will withstand the dry season. Most plants
during this class, similar to La Coluche and Badamier, are frequently used
in the semi-dry/change and fascinating/fancy zones.

Plant material is regularly additionally partitioned by:

o Ηeight (tree/palm, bushes, little bushes/ground spread, climbers and
highlight plants).
o Βotanical attributes, design applications and tolerance to dry spell, wind and

Hard Landscape:

The determination of hard scene material is

of particularly significant. The selection of
materials can assist with characterizing
changes of utilization (vehicles/people on
foot), level, possession and ways to deal with
central focuses. Consideration should in
Figure 31 : A path demarcated using natural
Source : stones
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general tone, design, commotion, daylight, warmth and maintanence.

3.2.5 Street Furniture

The general nature of any advancement relies on all angles being thoughtfully planned
inside a general methodology. For example, not well-considered detail can affect
ominously upon the overall impression of a task.

Components requiring specific consideration for resort projects include:

Signs and knowledge panels

Signage shouldn't rule or square perspectives
and is less complex if a simple, simple to
peruse configuration is utilized and
consequently the picked materials and tones
mix in with the normal setting. Open-air
shows are straightforward gratitude to
acquainting the guest with the neighbourhood Figure 32 : A sign board at a resort
Source :
vegetation inside the territory space.php

Lighting should be picked to underscore states
of mind, topics and make a casual
environment. The effectively dim sky is
frequently sensational. Light interruption and
glare can cloud what little night-sight is out
there. Care is consequently needed to restrict
late evening lighting to the base vital for
Figure 33 : Pathway lights at a resort
wellbeing. Lighting fixtures should stay near Source :
the very edge of the base to limit eye level

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3.2.6 Maintenance

A reasonable support program is urgent inside the

proceeding with advancement and accomplishment
of the project picture. It must be recalled that even
the best-planned advancements will fail if there are
no regular maintenance facilities.
Figure 34 : A man cleaning the swimming
Acknowledgement of the nearby connections pool of a resort
Source :
between the climate and future monetary suitability

will advance responsibility towards improved ecological administration of the travel

industry advancement.

Powerful ecological management practices may

include reusing and squander the executive's
projects, energy and protection, staff preparing and
guest training and contribution. Checking of the
turn of events and activity periods of advancement
can improve the viability of natural administration
rehearses and limit unfriendly ecological or social Figure 35 : A trash box installed along a
pathway of a resort
effects. Source :

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Chapter 4
Case Study

4.1 Background Study – Malay Architecture

Malaysia with a complete area of about 330,000 square km possibly a bow formed inside the focal
point of Southeast Asia which includes West Malaysia (Peninsular Malaysia) and stretches out to
East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak), situated inside the island of Borneo. Malaysia's climate is hot
and humid with a rate of around 80-90 % endeavour to the temperature averages of 70-90 F degrees
throughout the year.

Figure 36 : Typical Malay architecture passive strategies

Source :

Recent studies suggested that the Malay houses effectively answer the local climate and
indigenous habitats through the resulting strategies:

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o Suitable characteristic ventilation for cooling and decrease of dampness,

o Usage of low thermal capacity-building materials,
o Controlling the course and power of solar radiation,
o Protection from downpour and floods,
o Use of indigenous materials, the proper direction of the structure and large openings,
o Use of open layout plans,

Adequate vegetation and estate inside the surroundings

resulting in a cooler and steady microclimate. It is said that
a Malay house fulfils the Malay occupants by addressing
their requirements while reacting to the surrounding
conditions. Likewise, adaptable investigations research and
guarantee that a Malay home is contained utilitarian spaces
reflecting Malay lifestyle, wants and prerequisites. Another
Figure 37 : A typical Malay house
investigation suggests that designing of the Malay Source :
vernacular houses is gotten from a specific comprehension malay-house/
of Malay social qualities, genuine requirements, lifestyle and traditional natural attributes. Results
of more than one study suggest that the focal point of the aforementioned investigates on the
architectural factors of Malay houses, it's guaranteed that other comparative study focuses on the
natural presentation of those structures. It is additionally to report that ongoing studies suggest
that there are various kinds of Malay houses reliable with various locations and regions.
Undoubtedly, the existence of different kinds of Malay vernacular houses is indistinguishable.
According to the 6 Journal of Creative Sustainable Architecture and Built Environment Vol. 2,
December 2012 fundamental Malay house plan, be that as it may, at a comparable time, specific
contrasts are seen in a few characterizations of those structures which are predominantly connected
with the rooftop shapes.

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Further studies ensure that regardless of the minor contrasts among different kinds of Malay
houses, the social significance and along these lines the embodiment of the arranging with
representing considerable authority in the design and spatial issues are comparable. In this manner,
the examination presumes that the open design, association
and spatial chain of command of inside spaces and
interrelations between spatial components and practical
necessities which are driven from the Malay culture,
genuine requirements and sociocultural collaborations are
comparative through and through Malay vernacular houses. Figure 38 : Traditional Malay architectures
Source :
The ensuing segments outline the outcome got from the
investigation of the format of Malay houses.

It is regularly discussed that one among the principal

critical pieces of Malaysia that pull in each guest in their
outings is the social legacy of Malaysia. Nonetheless, due
to the quick modernization of Malaysia as a creating nation,
less consideration has been paid to the rejuvenation of social
legacies with a perspective to the arranging of Malay house
designs and useful spaces as a disregarded basic during the
Figure 39 : Sri Muruga Statue, Malaysia
arranging and improvement of most recent lodgings and Source : http://www.kuala-
resorts. These discoveries will give a synopsis of the embodiment of Malay house architecture and
practical spaces when contrasted with the format plan of resorts to discuss and explain the
disjointedness among the expounded issues.

4.2 Critical Factors for the Resort Design in Malaysia

The basic components for resort plan at Malaysia are frequently partitioned into two classifications
which are configuration to suit with:

i) Resort requirements and

ii) Regional style.

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The resort requirements comprise of significant consideration for determination of the resort
location, inside and outside chalet configuration upheld resort-style, proper facilities and services,
building materials, and expenses of accommodation.

On the contrary regional style includes significant consideration for sufficient ventilation for
cooling and decrease of dampness, utilizing low thermal capacity materials, maintaining a strategic
distance from direct daylight and glare, security against downpour and floodings, and hence the
site's area with characteristic vegetations to flexibly cooler microclimate. Studies suggest that there
are six basic variables which are significant in resort configuration as follows:

4.2.1 Site Planning

The resort site may front seashores, tidal ponds or
lakes legitimately with the waterfront activities. The
resorts should offer closeness and clear admittance
to critical, common, landscaping, recreational and
social amenities. The resorts having vernacular
Figure 40 : A waterfront resort in Malaysia
architectural style are considered as appealing to the Source :
sightseers and inside the instance of Langkawi,
perhaps a beneficial venture to the nation's travel industry. Proper signage and image are
significant as parts of the intending to direct and navigate throughout the resort property,
give data and serve headings to the guests to Asian Culture and History. The names of
signage and visual communication particularly the entryway signage must be
navigatable all through the resort property. All the realistic images got the chance to be
facilitated with the personality of the outside and inside plan of the structures and chalets.
There are four significant elements when discussing site planning are as per the following:

a) Location

b) Chalet reachability

c) Entrance

d) Signage

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4.2.2 Exterior Design

The Malay home is a house raised on stilts produced using building materials like
hardwoods, softwoods, bamboo, tree roots and nypa leaves accessible from the tropical
marsh woodlands and wetlands. For the most part, the house includes a prevailing rooftop,
veranda or yard ahead, high roofs and gigantic openings for ventilation purposes. The
typical Malay home is a post-and-lintel pre-assembled prefabricated structure with
wooden or bamboo dividers and a covered nypa rooftop. Rooftop configuration plays a
significant character in the resort architecture
styling. Resort rooms will have a plan of vernacular
architecture style, which is an adequate
compositional articulation to take into account by
the travellers especially during ends of the week and
occasion periods. The point is to make an
environment of the past for the tourists. Returning Figure 41 : A vernacular architecture styled
resort cottage at Malaysia
to traditional qualities result in profit-making. Source :
Travellers are offered with cultural and traditional
attractions, introducing the experience of the past, which isn't available anywhere on
the planet.

A wide variety of conventional Malay rooftop structures are regularly recognized in

Peninsular Malaysia with four distinct shapes which are Bumbung Panjang (Long Roof),
Bumbung (Limas Roof), Bumbung (Perak Roof) and Bumbung (Lima Roof). The lodging
destinations offer a remarkable outside perspective on the normal encompassing and man-
made landscape settings from the verandahs and flexibly raised perspectives to the
waterfront activities. Most resort lodgings are upheld by the relaxation attractions of water
both as a recreational comfort and visual setting. A few resorts additionally are situated in
appealing uneven territories or rustic setting for the visitor to gracefully living involvement
with a characteristic setting. Upheld this writing survey, there are five basic variables for
the external plan of resort building which are:

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a) Building materials

b) Roof

c) Verandah

d) Exterior view

e) Landscape design

4.2.3 Interior Design

Good quality fitments and finishes likewise are
essential to ensure simple maintenance services. The
selection should ponder vernacular style with
traditional craftsmanship. Furniture and decorations
in the lodging and resort are dependent upon more
escalated use, strain and harm than homegrown
units. Decoration and furnishing as proposed got the
chance to fit with traditional and resort-style, and are
solid (impervious to wreck and staining) and low Figure 42 : The basic types of Malay houses
and its different roof types
maintenance services (simple cleaning and Source : Aymen Mohamed Elmagalfta (2016),
Resort Architecture. The analysis of the
substitution of the parts). Room (chalet format) application of traditional form and design for
facilities in resort hotels are frequently deliberately situated in a delightful setting.

The Malay house plan becomes critical respect to the chalet. It is the front and back portion
which are revolved around Rumah Ibu (centre house) with Dapur (kitchen). From the
entryway, steps start to a secured patio or verandah called Anjung. The patio goes about as
a genuine transitional space between the public and the private areas. The most factor
which embodies the Malay home is its idea of the open design. Frequently the house has
only one room, beside the partition between Rumah Ibu (the centre house) and Dapur
(kitchen). The house has spaces with special functions by their area like (I) Anjung

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(patio/front verandah), (ii) Serambi Gantung (hall verandah), (iii) Rumah Ibu (centre
house), and (iv) Selang (path).

The space units (consistently in kind of chalet unit)

in occasion towns and resort buildings generally
vary to make singularity and character. The density
of building is camouflaged by the landscape and in
this manner the maintenance or interjecting of trees
and cleans to separate and screen gatherings of the
units. The investigation reasons that there are five Figure 43 : A waterfront common space in a
basic variables which are significant for the review. Source :
These variables are as per the following:

a) Interior view

b) Interior finishes

c) Chalet format

d) Chalet size

e) Accessibility

4.2.4 Passive and Active Design

Vernacular style turns out to be progressively

mainstream styles for the arranging of resort inns. A
comparable circumstance applies to the instance of
the occasion of resort lodgings in Peninsular
Malaysia where kinds of Malay conventional houses
are prominently received. The ordinary Malay house Figure 44 : A vernacular styled resort in
has fulfilled the basic needs of the Malays changed Source :

under a suit to the overall quite comfortable and moist atmosphere. The state of the house

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was incredibly impacted by the characteristic environmental factors of the heat and
humidity and customary socio-economies, which are paddy developing and fishery

Vernacular resort configuration suggests to structures that utilization the conventional

style in its plan. The use of this style is regularly appeared out certain ways like the
arranging of rooftop structure, building veneers, window openings and sun concealing
gadgets, the use of neighbourhood materials and fancy components. As a rule, customary
hotels are created from existing towns and towns either by changing the town itself or
developing in its prompt neighbourhood. The rooftop is commonly high with most extreme
window's openings, widely utilization of louvres and colossal shades for ventilation and
concealing purposes.

Windows give great ventilation and outside

perspectives for the house. This receptiveness idea
is also reflected by huge openings of the spaces with
insignificant parcels. The investigation reasons that
there are four basic variables which are significant Figure 45 : A traditional styled resort with
natural landscape
for the review. These components are as per the Source :


a) Ventilation

b) Shades/Natural lighting

c) Room's temperature

d) Artificial lighting

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4.2.5 Design of Facilities

Resort lodgings are regularly set inside bigger

retreat networks permitting them with
advantageous admittance to the waterfront
exercises and to gracefully admittance to an
assortment of enhancements included inside the
network, for example, wilderness following,
seashore parks, delight offices and retail benefits.
Figure 46 : A hill side resort with a common
The lodging locales offer remarkable admittance to swimming pool in the center
Source :
the regular encompassing and man-made scene bora-pearl-beach-resort-and-spa-2954

The resorts are constantly given café services, and inside and out of the dining and
comfortable sitting regions. The arranging of furniture, fitments and completions got the
chance to fit with the nearby character. Latrine and washing areas must incorporate visual
screening from public zones and an independently ventilated interceding space could
likewise be required for the section from a zone. The investigation reasons that there are
four basic components which are significant for the overview. These elements are as per
the following:

a) Accessibility

b) Room

c) Toilet
Figure 47 : An open bathing space in a resort
d) Bathing Source :

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4.2.6 Price

It turns into a significant factor which will impact

the achievement of the resort success. The guests
consistently look for the overall setup when
contrasted with the value. The convenience in these
facilities ranges from very rustic approach to luxury
facilities, for example, cabin to luxury resort suites
Figure 48 : An illustration of budget
with all the comforts of home and more. Source :

4.3 Langkawi- The legendary Island with resorts

On 1 June 2008, Langkawi Island was given a World Geopark status by UNESCO. Three of its
fundamental zones in Langkawi Geopark are Machincang Cambrian Geoforest Park, Kilim Karst
Geoforest Park, and Dayang Bunting Marble Geoforest park (Island of the Pregnant Maiden Lake).
These three parks are the premier mainstream the travel industry territory inside Langkawi
Geopark. In 2015, UNESCO gave a "yellow card" cautioning compromising the status of the

The Langkawi UNESCO Global Geopark status was expected for recharging in 2016, of which
upon careful assessment by the delegated Geopark Inspectors, Langkawi was given the Certificate
of Membership named the recognizable proof by Asia Pacific Geoparks Network, under the
protection of the overall Geopark Network (GGN).

Tourists can enter the island by means of the ship from Kuala Kedah, Kuala Perlis, and Penang.
Or then again by departure from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KUL) through Malaysia
Airlines, AirAsia, Malindo Air, or Subang Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport (SZB) by means of
Malindo Air and Firefly giving a spending association with the island. The global association is

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out there from Singapore by means of Tigerair and AirAsia, additionally as from Guangzhou
through AirAsia.

Figure 49 : Location of Langkawi in the world map

Source :

4.4 Three Resort Cases

1) Kampung Tok Senik Resort, Langkawi

2) Berjaya Langkawi Beach & Spa Resort, Langkawi
3) Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi

All three case study conducted was in a nearby

geographic location having similar climatic conditions.

Figure 50 : The location of the three case studies

having similar geographical location
Source : Google Maps

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4.4.1 Kampung Tok Senik Resort, Langkawi

Location : Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia

Address : Lot 1577, Kawasan Mata
Air Mukim, 07000
Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia
Site Area : 48 Acres
Architectural style : Malay (Vernacular Style)
Occupancy : 250
Figure 51 : Entrance of Kampung Tol Senik Resort,
Average Price : Rs 6000* (*can vary)
Langkawi, Malaysia
Source :

Kampung Tok Senik Resort (KTSR) is found along a hilly area was a rubber estate before at
Padang Matsirat surrounded by a huge paddy in central a part of Langkawi. This resort has a
detached, semi-detached and terraced chalets inbuilt old (rustic) traditional style with a backdrop
of paddy fields. The thought is to imitate a picturesque landscape to the standard setting of the
Malay villages and house form.

The resort layout is dictated by the natural landform of the location. The homes are arranged
just like the layout of the Malay villages randomly position and scattered around the sloping
terrain. The chalets have extensive use of timbers, classic woodcarvings and a dominant thatched
nypa long roof form that reflect the functionality and utilisation of the local materials utilized in
the precolonial (architecture before colonial period) traditional house form. The chalet
accommodation emulates the general Malay theme with one storey wooden chalets. It's higher
ceiling thanks to the form of its roof pitch. The planning and name of the homes reflect the
hierarchy of the activities represented by the house identical with the name of the one that lives at
the old Malay villages like Rumah Penghulu (Leader House), Rumah Tok Imam (Imam House),
Rumah Pawang (Traditional Doctor House) and Rumah Tok Dukun (Malay Medicine
Man/Woman) to make the atmosphere of kampung’s (village’s) atmosphere. They're designed

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within the old vernacular style’s vocabulary of varied forms and configurations that are related
to Kedah House (houses at northern region state in Peninsular Malaysia).

Figure 52 : Kampung Tok Senik Resort, Langkawi

Source :

Kampung Tok Senik resort is located within the Langkawi hills. It is declared that the respective
resort is the design and arranged to reflect the essence of the ambient of a true kampong. In this
case models, it is inferred that the attempts towards the adaptations of cultural values within the
design are observed during this model. The study indicates that various features of the first Malay
vernacular houses are applied within the design of this resort, nevertheless, the extent of adaptation
isn't sufficient as particular values like the open-plan layout and multifunctional spaces aren't
integrated into the planning. Hence, the utilized space planning of this resort remains superficially
implemented and it's mainly supported the resort’s requirements instead of resembling the first
culture of Malay people.

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Figure 53 : A screenshot of ratings and amenities of Kampong Tok Senik resort from TripAdvisor website
Source :

Table 1 : A comparison between Traditional Malay Vernacular House Characteristics and Kampong Senik Resort Vernacular

Traditional Malay vernacular Kampong Tok Senik resort vernacular

House Characteristics adoptions
Climate Adaptation Usage of wood as low thermal material and
large openings
Raised on Stilts ✓
Natural Building material ✓
Post and lintel structure ✓
Dominant Thatched roof ✓
Large Opening ✓
Carving and decorative elements Extensive wood carving and decorative
Open Layout X
Interior walls are used to separate different
Multifunctional space X

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Each space is dedicated to a certain activity, by

using permanent wall or furniture. Such as
bedroom, living room, dining area
Interior Finishes Usage of timber and wood as the main material
for interior elements (walls and floor)
Toilet Facilities X
Each room has its toilet unlike the Malay
Bath Facilities X
The bathroom is allocated inside the chalet with
modern bathtub unlike the Malay house

Figure 54 : Kampung Tok Senik Resort, Langkawi

Source :

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4.4.2 Berjaya Langkawi Beach & Spa Resort, Langkawi

Location : Langkawi, Kedah,

Address : Karung Berkunci 200 Burau
Bay, 07000 Langkawi,
Kedah, Malaysia
Site Area : 70 Acres
Architectural style : Malay (Vernacular Style)
Occupancy : 290 Figure 55 : Berjaya Langkawi Beach &Pa Resort,
Average Price : Rs 7500* (*can vary) Source :

Berjaya Langkawi Beach and Spa Resort (BBR) has simple vernacular style’s design. All the
chalets are built on stilts several metres from the ocean level and at Capitol Hill slopes along the
gorgeous Burau Bay. The owner of this resort is Berjaya Group, a multinational company.
The chalet design has the simplified Malay house’s architectural character, set amidst lush tropical
rainforests whose buildings are individually designed to suit consonant with their surroundings.
The chalet design has fewer uses of decorative elements. It uses basic timber construction’s
concept with dominant roof form. Site location of the chalets is decided on site, not by the
traditional architect's drawings so that this is often ready to avoid unnecessary tree cuttings (site

Figure 56 : Berjaya Langkawi Beach &Pa Resort, Langkawi

Source :

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The mixture of pre-cast concrete columns and timber frames and components is employed within
the construction. All chalets have a layout oriented a view to the ocean. Open anjung sort of
veranda and corridor, raised platform, and single-story structure with minimum decoration and
carving are the identical architectural features of this resort. the main architecture focus of the
building is its prominent roof form which adopts the normal ‘Perak Roof Form’ (Bumbung Perak)
found extensively at the central region of the western coastal state in Peninsular Malaysia.

Berjaya Langkawi Resort has not been mainly designed along with the cultural attributes of Malay
houses. The planning of this case model is especially focused to resemble the form of Malay
houses by applying the physical features and building forms.

Figure 57 : A screenshot of ratings and amenities of Berjaya Langkawi Beach &Pa Resort, Langkawi from TripAdvisor website
Source :

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Table 2 : A comparison between Traditional Malay Vernacular House Characteristics and Berjaya Langkawi Resort Vernacular

Traditional Malay vernacular Berjaya Langkawi Resort vernacular

House Characteristics adoptions
Climate Adaptation X
Except for the roof form
Raised on Stilts ✓
Natural Building material X
The combination of pre-cast concrete columns,
timber frames and components used in
Post and lintel structure ✓
Dominant Thatched roof X
Although the roof form is from Perak style or
Bumbung Perak, the roof material is a tile
which is not harmonized with Malay vernacular
Large Opening X
Full height glass windows which prevent the
continues natural ventilation
Carving and decorative elements It has limited decorative elements
Open Layout X
Usage of interior walls to separate the spaces
Multifunctional space X
Each space is dedicated to a certain activity, by
using permanent wall or furniture. Such as
bedroom, living room, dining area
Interior Finishes X
Modern Materials are used for interior finishes
like ceramic, tilling, parquet for floor and
plaster for walls

Toilet Facilities X
Each room has its toilet unlike the Malay
Bath Facilities X
The bathroom is allocated inside the chalet with
modern bathtub unlike the Malay house

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Figure 58 : Berjaya Langkawi Beach &Pa Resort, Langkawi

Source :

4.4.3 Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi

Location : Langkawi, Kedah,

Address : Pantai Cenang, 07000
Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia
Site Area : 35 Acres
Architectural style : Malay (Vernacular Style)
Occupancy : 335 Rooms
Average Price : Rs 7500* (*can vary)
Figure 59 : Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi
Source :
Pelangi Beach Resort, (the word 'Pelangi' signifies Rainbow in the Malay Language), is found on
the West Coast on the western shoreline of Langkawi. The hotel spreads more than 30 acres of
land of palm-bordered beachfront confronting Pulau Rebak Kecil offers a costly retreat way of life

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during a Malaysian town setting. Remaining in broad grounds on the seashore, Pelangi Beach
Resort (PBR) is discovered right Pantai Cenang.

Figure 60 : Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi

Source :

The style of design of this resort is postmodern vernacular which might be a blend of present-
day and vernacular styles. It is mirrored that in planning the Pelangi Beach Resort, a blend of later
and customary style is watched. Dissimilar to common conventional Malay house, this hotel has
two-story chalets. By and by, practically like the past case model, the examination affirms that the
arranging of the resort is particularly centred around impersonating the physical kinds of Malay
houses in light of the fact that the investigation of within design doesn't affirm transformation of
social qualities. As opposed to the ordinary Malay house structure, the wooden chalets are raised
on braces however one meter's high. Each room has an all-inclusive veranda and in this manner,
the second story rooms have a high roof because of the pinnacle of the mind-boggling rooftop
pitch. The chalets have the unpredictable vernacular style with a tropical scene like existing
coconut trees, play area, yard, pergolas, spans, lakes, wellsprings, pools, and cascades inside the
retreat complex, and regular sandy seashore at its west.

This retreat offers a costly hotel way of life during a Malaysian town setting. The most design
focal point of the structure is its unmistakable complex rooftop structure which is that the blend of
the ordinary 'Long Roof Form' (Bumbung Panjang), 'Perak Roof Form' (Bumbung Perak) and
anjung kind of rooftop structure. Typically raised on braces, the chalets are indistinguishable with

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its complex inclining rooftop structures, uncovered rooftop tiles and brackets, and an individual
serambi type veranda. The hotel is intended to copy customary Malay house engineering with
weighty dull wood tone.

Figure 61 : A screenshot of ratings and amenities of Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi from TripAdvisor website
Source :

Table 3 : A comparison between Traditional Malay Vernacular House Characteristics and Pelangi Beach Resort Vernacular

Traditional Malay vernacular Pelangi Beach Resort vernacular adoptions

House Characteristics
Climate Adaptation With low thermal materials and large openings
Raised on Stilts But unlike the Malay houses, it is only one
meter raised from the ground
Natural Building material X
The combination of wood and modern material
Post and lintel structure ✓
Dominant Thatched roof It is a complex roof form, based on the
incorporation of the traditional “Long Roof
Form” (Bumbung Panjang), Perak Roof Form:

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(Bumbung Perak) and Anjungtype of the roof

Large Opening ✓
Carving and decorative elements It has a few decorative elements on the exterior
walls and roof
Open Layout X
Many interior walls are used to separate
different spaces.
Multifunctional space X
Each space is dedicated to a certain activity, by
using permanent wall or furniture. Such as
bedroom, living room, dining area
Interior Finishes X
The architect tried to emphasis on wooden
material by the usage of heavy wooden colour
but with different materials. For example usage
of wood pattern parquet for floor
Toilet Facilities X
Each room has its toilet unlike the Malay
Bath Facilities X
The bathroom is allocated inside the chalet with
modern bathtub unlike the Malay house

Figure 62 : Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi

Source :

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4.5 Case Study Comparison

Table 4 : A comparison between Traditional Malay Vernacular House Characteristics, Kampong Tok Senik Resort Vernacular
adoptions, Berjaya Langkawi Resort Vernacular adoption and Pelangi Beach Resort Vernacular adoptions

Traditional Malay Kampong Tok Senik Berjaya Langkawi Pelangi Beach Resort
vernacular House resort vernacular Resort vernacular vernacular adoptions
Characteristics adoptions adoptions
Climate Adaptation Usage of wood as low X With low thermal
thermal material and Except for the roof materials and large
large openings form openings
Raised on Stilts ✓ ✓ But unlike the Malay
houses, it is only one
meter raised from the
Natural Building ✓ X X
material The combination of The combination of
pre-cast concrete wood and modern
columns, timber material
frames and
components used in
Post and lintel ✓ ✓ ✓
Dominant Thatched ✓ X It is a complex roof
roof Although the roof form, based on the
form is from Perak incorporation of the
style or Bumbung traditional “Long Roof
Perak, the roof Form” (Bumbung
material is a tile which Panjang), Perak Roof
is not harmonized with Form: (Bumbung
Malay vernacular Perak) and
principles Anjungtype of the roof
Large Opening ✓ X ✓
Full height glass
windows which
prevent the continues
natural ventilation
Carving and Extensive wood It has limited It has a few decorative
decorative elements carving and decorative decorative elements elements on the
elements exterior walls and roof
Open Layout X X X

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Interior walls are used Usage of interior walls Many interior walls
to separate different to separate the spaces are used to separate
spaces different spaces.
Multifunctional X X X
space Each space is Each space is Each space is
dedicated to a certain dedicated to a certain dedicated to a certain
activity, by using activity, by using activity, by using
permanent wall or permanent wall or permanent wall or
furniture. Such as furniture. Such as furniture. Such as
bedroom, living room, bedroom, living room, bedroom, living room,
dining area dining area dining area
Interior Finishes Usage of timber and X X
wood as the main Modern Materials are The architect tried to
material for interior used for interior emphasis on wooden
elements (walls and finishes like ceramic, material by the usage
floor) tilling, parquet for of heavy wooden
floor and plaster for colour but with
walls different materials.
For example usage of
wood pattern parquet
for floor
Toilet Facilities X X X
Each room has its Each room has its Each room has its
toilet unlike the Malay toilet unlike the Malay toilet unlike the Malay
houses houses houses
Bath Facilities X X X
The bathroom is The bathroom is The bathroom is
allocated inside the allocated inside the allocated inside the
chalet with modern chalet with modern chalet with modern
bathtub unlike the bathtub unlike the bathtub unlike the
Malay house Malay house Malay house

The comparison of the case studies shows that architectural character and ecological variation are
critical variables for the future and success of resort planning and design. Kampung Tok Senik
Resort (KTSR) is that the best reflected for the model of the occasion where the local articulation
is effectively embraced inside the plan. The Kampung Tok Senik Resort (KTSR) has more
similarities to the traditional Malay vernacular House Characteristics.

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4.6 Reviews on Architecture styling

Following are some of the reviws on the architectural styling of the three case study mentioned
1. Kampung Tok Senik Resort, Langkawi
2. Berjaya Langkawi Beach & Spa Resort, Langkawi
3. Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi

4.6.1 Kampong Tok Senik resort

Table 5: Screenshot of reviews relatinging to architecture about the Kampng Tok Senik resort, Langkawi

Source :

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4.6.2 Berjaya Langkawi Resort

Table 6: Screenshot of reviews related to architecture of Berjaya resort, Langkawi

Source :

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4.6.3 Pelangi Beach Resort, Langkawi

Table 7: Screenshot of reviews related to architecture of Pelangi Beach resort, Langkawi

Source :

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o It is evident from the following reviews that the architecture of a resort is one of the factor
ones considers on choosing a resort. Through this review, we can see the general public
views on the architectural style of a resort and how it matters during a stay in a resort.

o It is also found that many of the tourist guests while choosing a resort always look at the
architectural style of a project because it overall matters of the overall experience during a
resort stay.

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Chapter 5

The major need for this survey on this topic is to seek out more about why the architecture of a
resort is one of the key factors why people prefer one resort over the other even within a similar
geographical location even with similar pricing. A total of 94 people participated in this survey
from different age group.

The survey was open to all age group and people in all fields. The questionnaires and the result of
the survey are the following:

Diagram 1 : Survey question number 1 and its result

Diagram 2 : Survey question number 2 and its result

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Diagram 3 : Survey question number 3 and its result

Diagram 4 : Survey question number 4 and its result

Diagram 5 : Survey question number 5 and its result

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Diagram 6 : Survey question number 6 and its result

Diagram 7 : Survey question number 7 and its result

Diagram 8 : Survey question number 8 and its result

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Diagram 9 : Survey question number 9 and its result

Diagram 10 : Survey question number 10 and its result

Diagram 11 : Survey question number 11 and its result

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5.1 Data Analysis and inferences

A total of 96 people participated in this survey from different age group.

Concerning working, there's a developing propensity for the resort architecture and design to
propose the usage of local tradition and culture highlights as the plan subject or idea. It generally
catches the eye of the travellers to the spot. Through this methodology, architects get the
opportunity to uncover some wonderful and functional traditional architecture styling, materials,
development procedures and makes, and to execute both current and proficient structure plan.

According to the aftereffect of the led review and the contextual investigations are done, it is clear
that the architecture of a resort is likewise one of the prime components which decide in bringing
guests into the resort and its success. This unmistakably shows why developers should focus on
the architecture of the resort from the initial stage of the resort concept or theme.

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Chapter 6
Conclusion and Recommendations

The study is in a position to conclude that the architecture of a resort plays a major role in resort
planning and design supported by the survey and the case studies.

The research shows that architectural character and ecological variation are critical variables for
the future and success of resort planning and design. Kampung Tok Senik Resort (KTSR) is that
the best reflected for the model of the occasion where the local articulation is effectively embraced
inside the plan.

The more extended term accomplishment of vernacular architectural style depends on the upgrades
of inside completions, flow, size of the chalet, roof, counterfeit lighting, availability, comforts,
room's value, latrine facilities, ventilation, normal lighting, temperature, electrical flexibly, water
framework, services, waste and sewerage, natural and, artificial lighting, characteristic of lighting,
temperature, colour, signage, window, entrances furniture, location, placements etc.

So it can be concluded that a person while choosing a resort will check its overall architectural
styling and setup whether it will satisfy him or her. It is also understood that the experience of the
guests is one of the important factors in the success of a resort and which is directly related to the
architectural styling of the project.

So before starting with a resort project the owner or the developer should finalize the architectural
styling of the project with the help of an architect considering the location and cultural values of
the resort project site and its surroundings.

So, the research can be concluded with the following:

› The study is in a position to conclude that the architecture of a resort plays a major role in
resort planning and design supported by the survey and the case studies.

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› So, it can be concluded that a person while choosing a resort will check its overall
architectural styling and setup whether it will satisfy him or her.

› It is also understood that the experience of the guests is one of the important factors in the
success of a resort and which has a direct relation to the architectural styling of the project.

› It is found that environmental awareness is growing throughout the world and more and
more tourists are attracted to destinations that take care of their environment. The
promotion of sustainable development of a resort can only bring positive results.

Personal Reflection

It is discovered that environmental awareness is developing all through the world and an ever-
increasing number of travellers are pulled in to destinations that protect and take care of the
environment. The sustainable and environmental approach of a resort can bring positive results.
It includes decisions in energy, water conservation, waste management and emphasise the
importance of bio-diversity. The traditional architectural styling or approach in a manner can help
us in achieving sustainability in resort planning and design.

While designing and planning a resort the focus should be of its long term sustainable approach
rather than a short term sustainable approach on biodiversity. The investment made during the
initial phase of resort planning and design for a sustainable approach can help in achieving long
term benefits and can help in attracting customers and which can results in the success of the

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Figure 63 : A sketch analysing the site of a resort to reduce the impact of the project on environment and to merge with the
atchitecture styling
Source :

It is additionally essential to complete an early ecological assessment of the resort site and the
surrounding area. However much naturalized vegetation and natural features as much as possible
should be retained to make secure the biodiversity and the integrity of the site. These natural
indigenous vegetations play a significant function and role in the architectural aspect of the resort.
This helps in creating a sense of place and helps to give a better experience to the guest about the
traditional and the context of the site and its location. Local and indigenous vegetation gives a
good opportunity for designers and architects and also help the guests to know more about those.

The resorts close to wildlife natural habitats should be designed in such a way that the upcoming
project should not disturb them and also unbuildable natural features, for example, rock, large
trees, steep terrains, etc can be consolidated with the open space and treated as a design element
and as an element for building up the new site character. Urging natural life to stay near human
movement communities can improve the guest experience. Views are very important and they can
fortify a guest experience. Site utilisation should maximise views of natural features.

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1. Mathis Stock, Christophe Clivaz, Olivier Crevoisier (2019), Resort Development. Types of
resort and planning.
2. BrucePrideaux (2015), Design Guidance -Hotels & Integrated Resorts Management of a
3. Ayala, H (2015), Ecoresort: a ‘green’ masterplan for the international resort industry.
Problems faced in creating environmentally resort.
4. Valerie A.Williams, Peter W. (2016), Factors that strengthen tourism resort resilience
Tourism resort resilience.
5. Rasoul Khojasteh, Zahra Mansourirad and AmirHosein Ghaffarian Hoseini (2012),
Cultural Tourism and Malay Vernacular Houses Towards Integrating the Influential
Attributes into the Design of Future Resorts in Langkawi, Malaysia.
6. Ahmad Sanusi Hassan (2010), Development of Successful Resort Design with Vernacular
Style in Langkawi, Malaysia.
7. Aymen Mohamed Elmagalfta (2016), Resort Architecture. The analysis of the application
of traditional form and design for resort buildings in Langkawi, Malaysia.
8. Owuor Sheila (2012), Architecture And Design Of Resorts.





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Role and impact of architecture in resort planning and design | 2020| Bonny Shaju


1. Mathis Stock, Christophe Clivaz, Olivier Crevoisier (2019), Resort Development. Types of
resort and planning.
2. BrucePrideaux (2015), Design Guidance -Hotels & Integrated Resorts Management of a
3. Ayala, H (2015), Ecoresort: a ‘green’ masterplan for the international resort industry.
Problems faced in creating environmentally resort.
4. Valerie A.Williams, Peter W. (2016), Factors that strengthen tourism resort resilience
Tourism resort resilience.
5. Rasoul Khojasteh, Zahra Mansourirad and AmirHosein Ghaffarian Hoseini (2012), Cultural
Tourism and Malay Vernacular Houses Towards Integrating the Influential Attributes into
the Design of Future Resorts in Langkawi, Malaysia.
6. Ahmad Sanusi Hassan (2010), Development of Successful Resort Design with Vernacular
Style in Langkawi, Malaysia
7. Aymen Mohamed Elmagalfta (2016), Resort Architecture. The analysis of the application of
traditional form and design for resort buildings in Langkawi, Malaysia.
8. Owuor Sheila (2012), Architecture And Design Of Resorts.

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