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COSTUMES: Street clothes
SETTING: None specified

A: Hi. Chuck, are you coming to Bible study?

B: Not today, I have a dentist appointment at 4 pm and I’m going to be brushing my teeth for an
hour before that to make up for all the times I skipped.

A: That won’t do any good to prevent tooth decay. You have to brush your teeth consistently
after you eat if you want to prevent cavities.

B: Well, I don’t always have time and other things get in the way..... I just don’t get around to it.

A: Kinda sounds like what you’ve said your Bible study time is like.

B: Yeah, things come up and I don’t always get around to it but I’ll study a bunch sometime.

A: Studying the Bible is kinda like brushing your teeth. You need to do it on a daily basis to
prevent truth decay! Brush up on your Bible on a daily basis and you won’t end up with cavities
in your spiritual life.

© 2011 Kathy Applebee May be used freely to teach, preach and glorify God.
More royalty free Christian Drama skits can be found at my Fools for Christ website at

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