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A: Hello guys, how are you?

B: Hi A, I am fine.

C: I am fine too, and you A?

A: I'm very happy.

B: Why?

A: I just bought some sneakers that I wanted for a long time.

B: Great.

C: Do you like shopping?

A: Yes, I love shopping.

C: And you B?

B: I like shopping too.

C: A, what do you like shopping for?

A: Well, I like shopping for clothes and books.

C: And you B?

B: I like shopping for clothes and technology.

C: Do you go shopping for food?

A: Yes, sometimes.

B: I don’t. I hate to buy food, but I must go shopping to buy a lot of

food for my sister. I don't like to shop for food because I don't like to

C: Who do you usually go shopping with?

A: I usually go shopping with my mother or a friend.

C: And you B?

B: I usually go shopping alone.

C: What are your favorite clothes shops?

A: My favorite shop is Oechsle.

B: My favorite shop is Topitop.

C: Is there a shopping mall near your house? How often do you go


A: Yes, there is. Real plaza is near my house, I usually go twice a

month. Oechsle is also there.

C: And where is Topitop B?

B: Topitop is far away, I think it is an hour away by bus, even so, I

go there whenever I can because I love the clothes they sell.

C: What do you look for when you go shopping?

B: I look for price, I always look for discounts.

A: I always look for quality and price, both are important.

C: Oh, that’s great. I usually buy my clothes online. Do you like

shopping on the internet?

A: I think it is better to go to the shops to see the clothes and try

them on before buying.

B: I think the same.

C: Let me know the next time you go so I can accompany you.

A: Sure.
B: It would be great C.

C: Well guys, I called you today because I wanted to talk to you

about your health.

A: I think I'm in good health.

B: Your teacher warned me that you are not healthy A. You have
gained weight and you have constant headaches.

A: Well, sometimes my head hurts.

C: And B, your mother told me that you only eat junk food.

B: Well, sometimes I eat junk food.

C: There are no excuses, health is the most important thing.

A: I know.

B: Of course.

C: Then listen to the advices I want to give you.

A: Sure.

B: It's okay, I will listen to you.

C: First, limit unhealthy foods and eat healthy meals. Eat meals with
more protein and fiber and less fat, sugar, and calories. Also, you
shouldn't drink too much coffee.

A: I understand.

B: I love coffee but I guess I can reduce the amount I drink.

C: Drinking yogurt can help keep your stomach healthy.

A: That’s good, I like yogurt.

B: I like yogurt too.

C: Exercise regularly.

B: I guess I can join a gym.

A: I don't have time to go to gym.

C: If you don't have time to go to gym, just exercise at home or go

for a run in the morning. There is always a solution A.

A: I think I can do that.

B: Me too.

C: Reduce sitting and screen time. Don’t spend too much time sitting
behind a computer.

A: I understand.

B: Well, I'll reduce my time on my computer.

C: Get enough good sleep. You can keep your immune system
functioning properly by getting seven to eight hours of sleep each

A: I didn't know that, from now on I'll try not to stay up late.

B: The same, I'll sleep early.

C: Don't smoke, or quit if you do.

A: I have never smoked.

B: I promise I will quit smoking.

C: I hope so B. Also, staying hydrated helps ensure that your body is

functioning optimally and that your blood volume is sufficient.

A: I drink lots of water.

B: I will start drinking more water.

C: Learn to manage stress in your life. Stress include trouble
sleeping, frequent headaches and stomach problems.

A: I live carefree.

C: We all have worries and stress A.

A: Well, sometimes.

B: I will try to solve my problems without getting stressed.

C: Keeping track of your body weight on a daily basis will help you
see what you’re losing.

A: Ok, I will do that every week.

B: I will do every day.

C: Follow these tips, stay healthy but from time to time it's not bad to
go out and eat what you like.

A: Great, sometimes I will indulge myself with some food.

B: I will follow a rigorous diet.

C: I hope the next time I see you, you're healthier.

A: Of course, thank you very much for the advice.

B: Thank you C.

C: You're welcome, it was a pleasure talking with both, bye.

A: Good bye!

B: Bye!

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