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Workshop on Paragraph Analysis


1-Violent crime has increased as a result of a great accessibility to weapons combined with the fact that
large numbers of young people are unemployed with very few prospects of finding a job. This situation
makes very complex the control and the security of the country. In my opinion, there are several solutions
to the problem that should be considered by the government.

2- An effective solution is for the government to have greater control over guns and other dangerous
weapons. Therefore, new laws should be passed to restrict citizens from owing fire arms. Therefore, the
rate crimes will be reduced because the citizens won´t have the access to respond with their guns when
they experience violence.

3-Another suggestion is to help young people finding work. The problem of unemployment could be helped
if the government created jobs and work programs for young people. In this way, they could develop their
skills and won´t have to be on the streets or committing crimes.
4- On the other hand, taking advantage of the increase in the importance of social media in our lives could
help to spread more campaigns and programs run by the government that promote civic culture and
education about this topic to the citizens, especially children. These programs should be focused on the
population of the more dangerous cities and neighborhoods to not only prevent violence, but also reduce
the existing violent environment.

5- Mental health should be an important issue to the government, giving everyone access to attention
specialized could help prevent violence in various situations such as domestic violence, bullying,
cyberviolence, etc. Both schools and businesses must monitor the mental health of their students and
employees, respectively, and where necessary, finance the indicated medications for the different
treatments needed.
6- To sum up, perhaps the best solution to the problem of violent crime is better, more vigilant policing,
which will ensure that more criminals are caught. The importance of this was emphasized by the Earl of
Arran when he said “It is not the people in prison who worry me. It’s the people who aren´t”. Creating longer
prison sentences for convicted criminals would also deter most would be offenders from committing a
violent crime

Read the text: VIOLENT CRIME and answer the questions about it.

1. What is the topic sentence or main idea in the paragraphs and summarize (2) supporting ideas: 1,
2, 3, and 6. (1,5 point)


PARAGRAPH Violent crime has increased. 1. There is easy access to weapons for citizens.
2. Unemployment of young people has increased.

PARAGRAPH Government should control the access to 1. There are new laws to control access to
#2 guns. weapons.

2. This control will reduce the violent crime rates.

PARAGRAPH Government should help young people to 1. The government should create employability
#3 find a job. programs for young people.

2. Young people won’t be executing violent


PARAGRAPH Violent crime will be reduced with more 1. If there are harsher senteses, the number of
#6 effective police criminals will be reduced.

2. If there´s effective police, more criminals will

be caught.

2. WRITING: Following the structure and sequence of the text write paragraph 4th and 5th using
sentences that express a main idea and several supporting ideas. (5 lines each one )
Use connectors and modals. (2,5 points).

3. Use a diagram to summarize all the information in the text.( A Burger, a fishbone map, a
spidermap or the graph you want) (1,0 point).

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